
Hot Fire Candy: The Morningstar Series Book 10

another world

******* Book 10 of the Morningstar Series! **********

Amory is the youngest of all 12 of the Morningstar children. She's been feisty her entire life with an attitude straight from Hell. Mo lived her whole life with a power that other people either didn't understand, or didn't believe.

Seer's died off thousands of years ago, yet Mo is able to see the future. She went through her life being used to no one believing her unless she proved them wrong. That gave her a sort of attitude that made her not want to be honest with anyone.

Because Mo isn't just a Seer. Her power's go far beyond just being able to see the future. Something that only one other person knows.


The two Morningstar's that you can't keep a secret from are Kee and Mo. Which means, they can't keep secrets from each other either. Mo catches wind of what her sister is up to in Hell, and she wants a part of it.

Mo is sick of everyone underestimating her. She's sick of not finding anyone strong enough to put up a real fight with her. Mo is an already angry girl surrounded by people wanting to put her down every chance they get.

And the worst part... She already knows who her mate is. Mo might not know his name, what he is, or where he is, but she knows him. She knows that he's going to be a complete a.sshole to her. Mo knows that her mateship is doomed before it's even begun.

However, when Kee's plans start to grow, she sends her little sister out on an important mission. Go to the Dragon Kingdom, and force King Cadmus into signing a treaty with them.

Little do either of them know, Cadmus is no longer the king. After all of these years, he's stepped down, and handed the throne to his son, Prince Caidian.

Caidian is extremely fond of the Morningstar family after what Kee did for him. When he first learns of why Mo is there, he's ready to sign any treaty that Kee has sent his way. Anything for his personal hero.

When Caidian first lays his eyes on Mo, however... Things quickly change. The unruly and grumpy Dragon just found his favorite new play thing. Something to keep him occupied for the rest of his long life.

This something... just so happened to be his mate.

Unfortunately for the Dragon King, his mate doesn't seem to want him at all. All Mo wants is for him to sign the treaty so she can leave. She doesn't care about being mated in the slightest.

This pi.sses Caidian off to no end. He doesn't care what he has to do. Amory Morningstar will be his.

Whether she likes it or not.

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Chapter 1: Amory's P.O.V.
My whole life I've been overlooked. I guess when you have 11 brothers and sisters that's bound to happen sometimes. For me, it happened all the time. That's why no one ever believed me about my powers. No matter how hard I tried to tell them, or how hard I tried to prevent things. No one ever listened to me. I remember being mostly mad at my older sister Akeehla. I knew about her powers of soul reading. She could look right into my head, and see that I wasn't lying. I never understood why she didn't have my back with things. Eventually, things started to make sense. After everything that I was seeing, I matured a lot quicker than I should have. When you see the things I have, it's kind of inevitable. I was about four years old when Kee first got kidnapped. I knew that it was going to happen before it did. At the time, I didn't understand. I thought that I had just had a bad dream. I had actually been the reason that Mom had taken so long to even realize Kee was gone. She was trying to calm me down after the vision I had. I never stopped beating myself up about it either. ******************************************* "What's wrong Mo?" Relly asked as she walked into my room. I peeked at her from under my covers before pulling them above my head again. I hate these nightmares. They've been going on for the last year. Ever since Kee got taken. I keep seeing things happening to her. All of these... terrible things. I don't understand them, or what's going on, but... I can't ever forget those screams. The images of my big sister being ripped open are imprinted on my brain. Not to mention all of other things that I saw. "Mo... What's going on? Won't you talk to me?" Relly asked as she sat on my bed. How can I talk to her? No one believes me. Ares told me to stop bringing up my nightmares because all it does is stress Mom out more. I don't even know if these are nightmares. They seem... different. Like what I'm seeing is real. "Come on Mo, you know that you can talk to me." Relly tried again. I threw the covers off of me as I sat up. I huffed as I looked at my eldest sister. Relly immediately reached out to wipe the tears from my cheeks. "Mo, why are yu crying? Is it the kids at school again?" She asked. I scoffed as I pushed her hands away. "I don't care about the kids at school." I said, annoyed. "Then what has you so upset? Was it another nightmare?" Relly asked gently. "What are you even doing sleeping in the middle of the day?" "I wasn't sleeping! And they're not nightmares!" I shouted. "No one ever listens to me! Everyone just tells me to shut up! But I don't understand what's going on with me! I keep seeing all of these things happening to Kee! I knew she was going to be taken before she was! This is all my fault! I'm scared! And I don't know what to do!" I rambled as I started to sob. By the end of my rant I was almost hyperventilating. I'm sobbing so hard that it's hard to catch my breath. I just yelled at my sweetest sister too. Relly's probably super angry with me. Suddenly, I was pulled into my sister's embrace. Relly wrapped her arms around me tightly. I buried my face in her. "Oh Mo," Relly said sadly. "I had no idea that you were having this hard of a time. We've all been... struggling with Kee being gone, but that doesn't mean we should have overlooked you. Mo, Kee's kidnapping was not your fault. There's no way that any of us could have known." "B-but I did know... I saw it... I didn't know what I was seeing, but... I know now." I argued. "Mo... You can't put that pressure on yourself," Relly said. I sighed as my tears started to dry up. Figures. Relly doesn't believe me either. No one ever believes me. *************************************** I spent the next year keeping those nightmares to myself. I learned to put on a brave face for my parents. I didn't want to add more onto them at that time. So, I took matters into my own hands. I figured that if no one was going to believe me, I might as well figure out what I kept seeing on my own. It helped that everyone was so busy and in their own worlds at the time that I was able to go unnoticed for the most part. I learned how to meditate. Once I was able to be in my own head and relax, using my powers became easier. The only problem was... I didn't know how to use them to find Kee. I would see Kee in several different rooms and that didn't help. I couldn't figure out where she was because of that. It confused me to no end. I tried desperately to pinpoint something. I tried spells, blood magic, crystals, I even used blood from my siblings without them knowing. Nothing seemed to work. All it would do was trigger more and more visions. I didn't understand it. All of my efforts were fruitless. I never got any further towards finding Kee. I was never any help to anyone. Until the day I had the vision of her being rescued. Thankfully, it was a vision looking over my mother, so I was able to find exactly where they would find Kee. Unfortunately, it was too late. The damage was already done. After that, I tried to become closer with my sister. Nothing I ever did worked. I thought that maybe these visions would die down now that we had Kee back too, but they never did. My visions only seemed to grow more frequent the older I got. I had visions of Relly, Ambrose, even Tia, and all the rest of my siblings. I knew that all those 'mates' Kee had met before Callum were all false. I knew her time would come. Honestly, I knew a lot. A lot more than I thought for a while. It was harder to make sense of things when I was so young, but eventually, I figured out why things seemed so confusing for me. A vision that I got that had nothing to do with me or any of my siblings, or anything of significance at all. ******************************************* "Luc wait up," I called out. Gods, why is she moving so fast? She's really upset this time. Saysa, my wolf said, whining. What the hell did those pricks say to her this time? I swear to al lthe Gods that I'll fu.cking kill them. I growled. We should let it go. Saysa said calmly. Let it go?! I asked incredulously. Saysa didn't reply, which is what she normally does when she's made her decision on something. I decided to ignore her for now as I ran to Lucy. Lucy has been my very best friend since we first met. Not that she gave me much of a choice. She moved here when she was about six years old. We were the same age, and Relly had told Lucy that I didn't have any friends either. I still remember how weird it was to meet someone that wanted to talk so much, and to me at that. At first, I would just ignore Lucy, thinking that Relly had forced her into being friendly to me. Much to my surprise, Lucy was very genuine. She wasn't put-off about my indifference towards her in the slightest, and she didn't care about my sour attitude. Lucy was even the first person to really take my visions seriously. Eventually, I came to realize that Lucy really did want to be my friend. Here we are six years later, and we're the best of friends. I cherish Lucy dearly, and her loyalty is uncanny. I appreciate her more than she knows. Mostly because I'm bad at showing it. Unfortunately, being friends with a Morningstar comes with a shadow. It didn't help that Lucy has a dark and sad past of her own. Plus, she's very sensitive. A total opposite of me. "Luc!" I called again as I got closer to her. "No!" She shouted. "I don't want to talk about it!" "Luc," I said. "Wai- Ah!" I grabbed Lucy's hand, and a vision shot to my brain so hard that I couldn't help but groan out. I fell to my knees as the vision took over my sight. It usually hurts decently bad to get a vision, but sometimes they end up more painful than others. "Mo? Are you okay?" I could vaguely hear Lucy's voice. The scene that plagued my vision was a vicious one. There were wolves fighting. One of them was clearly using some kind of Demon magic. I can see a terrified young version of Lucy cowering as she watches the scene. She screamed and cried for her parents to just come back. I swear that it's like I can feel everything that she's going through. Tears are streaming down my face. It feels like I'm watching my own parents die. As Lucy got closer, the situation got worse. Lucy was only a couple of yards away from the fighting wolves when the one using Demon magic slaughtered the other two. The little version of Lucy screamed louder for her mom and dad. Just before she was about to be tackled by the enemy wolf... someone swooped in and saved her. Then the vision ended. I gasped for air, confused about what had just happened. I thought that I was a Seer. That I could see the future. That clearly wasn't a vision of the future. Just as I looked up at Lucy's worried face, another vision rocked my axis. This vision was in the school. The same boys that are always picking on Lucy are huddled in their normal spot, whispering to each other. They all have these dark auras around them, which isn't something that I normally see. "Did you see how she ran off crying again?" One boy, Devin said. "It was hilarious to watch Amory run after her." Mason replied. "Let's do it again tomorrow." Jake snickered. "No," Damin, the leader of their little group said. "Tomorrow, we will take things up a notch. I want to see Lucy cry up close." Then I was knocked right back to where I was, kneeling in the woods with my friend worrying in front of me. I took a few deep breaths as I tried to process what I just saw. I clearly saw the past, and I have no idea how that was possible, but... This second vision... That wasn't the past, or the future. I've been chasing Lucy for about ten minutes now. So that would mean that those guys would be talking about Lucy... right... now. Did I just see the present? "Mo, what happened? Are you okay? Was it a vision?" Lucy asked. I looked up at my friend. "Uhm, yeah." I replied as Lucy helped me stand up. "What did you see? What's going to happen?" She asked. I stared into Lucy's eyes for a moment. "What?" She asked. "I... didn't see the future." I said. "What do you mean?" Lucy asked, confused. I gulped. "I think..." I said. "I think that I can see the past, present, and future."

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