
Interstellar Legend

magical world

A man who chanted in the world of all gods and shuddered in the night, his name is unknown, but his story is circulated in the three thousand generations. This man uses magic instead of fighting, pursuing the path of God. After counting countless challenges and adventures, the rise from the abyss of despair has gradually unveiled the mysterious secrets, and has a fierce conflict and deep communication with various characters.

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Chapter 1 Despair
In front of me, besides being desolate, there were also many small towns inhabited by people. Due to being on the front line of war between the two countries, as soon as the army passed, they had become ruins. Under the ruins and tiles, there were faint human corpses that could not escape in time, and decaying vultures were constantly hovering in the sky. Now, this place has become a hunting ground for wild animals. "Ah!" With a sigh, a young man in his twenties gave up his plan to enter the town and prepared to continue his journey on the wasteland. If he was lucky, he could cross the mountains ahead before dark and leave the military control zone. In that case, flying to the imperial capital with magic would be a day and night. This young man is dressed as a wizard, but there is no national emblem on the wizard's robe, like a free wizard traveling on the mainland. The young man had a gentle expression on his face, with a heroic aura between his eyebrows. His black eyes were as deep as the night sky, and as he walked from afar, the wizard's robe was devoid of dust, giving him an indescribable elegance and elegance. The young man was about to leave when two screams came from the ruins of the town! Someone! The young man could no longer care about the military regulations on the front line, and his wizard robe danced all over, soaring towards the direction of the sound coming from the town and flying rapidly. "Ow!" With an excited roar, a stray and long haired hunting wolf appeared in the sight of the young man. This type of hunting wolf also feeds on decay, and of course, they don't mind attacking some very weak living creatures. Now, in front of this Borzoi, there are two children trembling all over. Each of them holds half of the moldy Mantou in his hand, and looks at the huge thing in front of him in horror! The two children only discovered this ruins like small town today, hoping to find some food, but they didn't expect to come across a hunting wolf that looked even hungry than them. The hunting wolf could no longer resist hunger and thirst, and with a long howl, it rushed forward like two children. "Ah!" The two children let out piercing screams, and one of them hugged the other tightly, closing their eyes in fear. "Animal!" A fierce shout came from a distance! With a loud bang, the long howl came to an end. The child who was holding another child waited for a long time, but there was no more movement and couldn't help but open one eye. The huge head of the Borzoi was on the ground, with its eyes wide open, looking at her. "Ah!" The child screamed again. "Alright, it's okay." A pleasant voice rang out from behind. The two children turned around, and a young man was looking over with a gentle smile. "Where are your parents!?" "We don't have parents!" The slightly older child guarded the slightly younger child behind him and looked at the young man with alert eyes. Girl!? The child spoke out loud, and the young man looked carefully. It turned out that these were two little girls who were only six or seven years old. Hey! Because of the war, I lost my parents and became homeless. The hearts of young people are filled with emotions. Looking at the trembling bodies of two little girls who were not fully clothed, the young man couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart. "Come with me, I can give her something to eat and a house to live in," the young man said, pointing to the smaller girl behind her with a wary expression on her face. The older girl turned around and looked at the girl behind her with tears still hanging on her face. She hesitated and said, "Really?" "Well, really!" "My name is Xiuma, and you guys?" "Jero" "I'm Hill," the little girl behind timidly replied. On the wasteland covered in yellow sand, the figure of a young man with his back to the sunlight appeared incredibly tall in the eyes of the two children This is a very large ship, and the crew around are busy with their own work, except for a young man standing on the side of the ship, silently daydreaming in the sky. "Roy!" With a roar, a tall and slightly overweight man appeared behind the young man. "Kid! You're daydreaming again!" The big man widened his copper bell like eyes, his teeth biting with a thumping sound. "Kid, don't think you're with the captain..." The big man stopped talking and frowned in disgust. "Although you have a little bit of a relationship with the captain,!" The big man raised his tone and said, "We don't raise people who eat rice here! Do you understand?" The big man suddenly extended a pair of thick hands and fiercely clamped onto the young man's face, pulling his head in front of him. The young man felt that the big man's nose hair was faintly visible. "Now! Get up to your damn watchtower right now! Go now! We're about to set sail!" The sound of vibrating eardrums finally gave the young man a glimmer of energy in his empty eyes. He gently broke free from the big man's hand, wiped the saliva from his face, and the young man nodded gently towards the big man, looking at himself like the watchtower he had said. The big man couldn't help but spit hard as he looked at the young man's weak expression. "What's really good about this kid? Hmm? What else can he do besides eat, sleep, and use the restroom? What exactly does the young lady like about him? What exactly is it? Just run to this place where birds don't poop! But why do I have to take care of this useless person? Is this what Mr. Philip should do? How could this be what I did?" The big man grumbled angrily while scolding the other crew members, and his figure disappeared through a small staircase. The young man arrived alone at the watchtower. In fact, the so-called watchtower is just a low tower, but it is the highest point on the entire ship, from which you can clearly see the front, back, left, and right of the entire ship. The small tower space is extremely cramped, accommodating two people and appearing very crowded. A circle of sturdy wooden boards forms a circle, even the outer walls of the tower are inlaid with unknown transparent crystals. Through these crystals, one can observe the outside situation. The tower has a small chair that can rotate, and a hard wooden board that can be freely opened and closed is placed on top of the tower, which can be considered as the ceiling of this small tower. Sitting quietly in the small seat, the young man's pale face showed a hint of blood. In the past month, only when he came here alone can he have a little peace in his heart. The name of this young man is Roy, Roy Delaire. But only he knows, he has another name: Bai He. But this name does not belong to this world, and even he himself does not belong to this world. Time travel? Roy gave a painful smile, which was not at all beautiful or exciting compared to the novel. In the original world, Bai He, who was almost thirty years old, was about to marry his girlfriend who had been in love for twelve years, and had just received a well paid job. The future seemed bright, and everything seemed to be moving in a better direction. Bai He was filled with expectations and aspirations for the future. However, overnight, everything had turned into nothing. When I woke up, I had completely transformed into another person, and what made me even more terrifying was that I was in a completely unfamiliar world, where all people and things were so different. Bai He was even shocked by how real his dreams were, but now, a month later, he has come to a clear understanding that he is no longer Bai He. But rather - Roy Delaire. Is it another world? Is Roy himself? Is Roy like this dead or alive? A state of confusion. Roy let out a breath and looked out at the unknown wide leaved trees and various strange buildings with architectural styles that were completely different from the original world. A ridiculous idea once again hit Roy's head: Sword? Magic? These two words lingered in Roy's mind for a long time. As a person who has lived in a technology driven society for more than 20 years, science is the driving force of society. However, here, magic and fighting spirit support this world. Just now, what Mr. Philip said about sailing does not mean that this ship is going to sea, but Fly! The ship that Roy is on, or should be called an airship, is more accurate. The power of this large cargo boat, which is over 40 meters long, comes from several magic circles of different sizes at the bottom of the ship. Various large and small magic crystals are embedded in the magic circles to support the operation of the magic circle. When the airship flies, the faint light emitted by the magic circle always surprises Roy greatly. Of course, this also makes Mr. Philip and other crew members more convinced that Roy's brain has been damaged. As for Douqi, is it writing a novel? If not, then Roy would have thought it was nonsense. However, each time a knight on a boat used his long sword to emit a magnificent sword aura and killed a small Warcraft that was still five meters away on the spot, leaving Roy stunned. Okay! This world is filled with unfamiliar plants, animals, and some other miscellaneous things, all of which are strange creatures. Fortunately, at most, it is still humans. Roy had seen a guy with fine black hair all over his body, over two meters tall, and blood red eyes that always looked like he wanted to eat people. Later, Roy learned that that thing was called a werewolf and belonged to a branch of orcs. Once a wealthy merchant checked in a cage, but inside was actually an elf. I heard that there is a tribe called Snow Demons living in the extremely cold land at the northern end of the continent, and Roy's relationship with humans is also quite distant. When a dwarf boarded the airship wearing his thick armor and holding a battle axe that looked even heavier than himself, Roy saw that the other crew members were not surprised at all. Another Roy learned from a talkative goblin that there were ancient giants living in some mountains of the continent. Of course, Roy also asked if there was a dragon, and was informed that the recent disbanded mercenary group had taken on a mission to the dragon's lair, and as a result, 80% of the members had turned into dragon feces. Okay! In the past, things that could only have been nonsense and supernatural events existed completely here and are important elements integrated into this world. In this world, besides humans, there are many intelligent creatures with countless toes. There are also many powerful beasts, many of whom have strong bodies and can use magic. Some even have high intelligence. When they are unhappy, they can even attack humans. Roy is 100% certain that the constituent elements of this world are very different from the original world! Because: What a chaotic world it is!! "Hi, kid!" Roy opened the top cover of the tower and poked his head out, seeing Mr. Philip standing on the deck. "Kid! Listen carefully, you better pay attention to me. If we miss the navigation mark and delay the voyage again, you should prepare to say goodbye to your lunch and dinner!" Roy gestured to himself and withdrew his head when he knew, then closed the top cover. For Roy's indifference or numbness, Mr. Philip seemed to feel even more annoyed each time than before, "This kid is even more annoying than before!" The navigation mark mentioned by Philip is a huge landmark on the ground of an airship's route, like a signpost, indicating the direction of the airship. Due to the fact that the airship's route is more free than the road development on land, the route between the two places is almost straight, and the speed is much faster than land and water transportation, so airship transportation is very frequent between countries. Of course, the price is also relatively expensive. When laying navigational aids, it is sometimes necessary to enter many dangerous places, and the cost of building these navigational aids will only be much higher in terms of navigation costs. There are magic crystals on the navigational aids that emit a unique light at night, allowing airships to see the position of the navigational aids clearly at night. However, night navigation is very dangerous, and except for extremely special circumstances, almost no airship will sail at night. It has been proven that Mr. Philip's concern was very necessary. Before noon, the airship was forced to stop because it had lost its navigational mark. When someone was sent to search for the navigational mark and sail on the route again, it was already two hours later. Mr. Philip's deafening roar still echoed in his ears, and Roy was still sitting alone in the observation tower. Of course, he had already said goodbye to him for lunch and dinner, but in fact, Roy couldn't eat it either. He spent almost every day daydreaming in the observation tower, and eating only one morning meal had become Roy's habit. In this world where he shouldn't have existed, Roy has been thinking about how to survive or whether he wants to survive. Roy was lost in thought when a soft sound of footsteps came from the rotating staircase from the deck to the watchtower. A bitter smile appeared at the corner of Roy's mouth. Only two people walked through this staircase every day, one of them was Roy, and the other was the owner of this footsteps now. A simple lunch box reached out in front of Roy, "I didn't eat anything again!" A soft voice sounded behind Roy's back. Roy reached out to take the lunch box and casually placed it next to him. "You don't have to come every time, actually I don't eat it." Roy turned around and a beautiful face caught his eye. This was a girl who looked about the same age as Roy. This year, Roy knew he was only ten or nine years old, but he was already an adult on the mainland. The girl in front of him looked even younger than him, dressed in a tight leather suit unique to airship crew, and covered in a windproof cloak. Although she was tightly covered, she still couldn't conceal the owner's uneven figure during her actions. The girl had a chestnut colored head. Long hair was hidden in the cloak, and occasionally a few strands were blown by the wind from the entrance of the building. In this small space, Roy could smell a faint fragrance on the girl's body. Watching Roy casually put the lunch box aside, the girl frowned slightly. It must be said that the girl's two delicate eyebrows furrowed together were also very beautiful. The girl walked over the staircase and turned to Roy's side, casually leaning against the wooden board while saying in a somewhat helpless tone, "Roy, what's wrong with you! Since you fainted from poisoning last time, you seem to have changed a person! You..." The girl seemed to be carefully pondering the words and phrases, "Is there... some injuries that haven't been cured or... some sequelae that you don't want to tell everyone about?" The girl looked at Roy with determination, but didn't read any expression on his face. "Roy! You should believe me, between us... is there anything difficult to say?" The girl's final tone took a tone. With a hint of pleading. Roy looked at the girl's concerned gaze, and in his ear was the girl's soft plea. Roy was deeply moved in his heart. In the more than a month since coming to this world, this girl has made him feel warm and has not completely left him. This gentle and beautiful girl is also an important reason why Roy still lives in this world. Of course, more importantly, when facing this girl, what appears in front of Roy is the picture of his girlfriend who has been in love for twelve years. She is equally gentle and beautiful. This girl is called Rose. Although she looks younger than herself, she is actually four years older than herself. Roy could truly feel the genuine care in Rose's eyes. Every time Roy and the punished captain didn't have lunch or dinner, the girl would personally come to this small watchtower to deliver Roy a homemade lunch box, which became almost a mandatory lesson for her every day. In this regard, Father Philip and the other crew members were full of grievances. They didn't understand why their beautiful and capable captain would go to that damn watchtower every day to see that silly boy. Of course, in front of Rose, everyone showed no objection at all. This girl who looks somewhat delicate and delicate is the captain of this ship! Roy knew that beneath the beautiful appearance of this girl, there was a strength and pride that many men did not possess. In this world of the jungle, it was not easy for a woman to survive in the industry where a man made a living. Although this was also related to the influence of the Rose family, from financial statistics to personnel allocation, from managing up and down between different countries to dealing with air robbers, this girl herself made extraordinary efforts and excellences. Now, Rose's ship is one of the few large cargo ships in the Ville Alliance to which she belongs. What impressed Roy the most was that all of these were established by a girl with only an old servant, a frail young man, and hundreds of coins in just one year. This beautiful and capable girl has another identity: Roy's fianc é e. Roy calmed down, yes, this is Roy's fianc é e, but it's not for nothing. Perhaps his fianc é e is making a world cry. Thinking of the other person's identity, Roy's heart was once again filled with gloom, and this only warmth did not truly belong to him. Although Roy knew every time he looked at the girl in front of him, he couldn't help but feel the warmth and emotion every time. Besides that, Roy had nothing in this world. This beautiful girl must love the former Roy very much! Bai He came to this world, and now there are still some vague memories of the former Roy. The former Roy was a true genius who showed amazing martial arts talent at the age of twelve. This is an extremely honorable thing for a family that specializes in business. There is constant competition among various countries on the mainland, and every person with strength is the object of the country's strong recruitment. The treatment enjoyed by such people is also extremely generous. On the mainland, the status of people with super strong force and powerful magic is not to be underestimated by many nobles in the palace. According to Roy's talent, it will soon be noticed by the country in the future. Over time, there is a high possibility that the Roy family will become a rising star, and they will no longer be seen as just businessmen in the upper class. On the mainland, businessmen without political backgrounds can only step outside the threshold of the upper class. The Roy family and the Rose family are business partners with many years of business dealings. When Roy was thirteen years old, his father personally came to propose a marriage to Rose, who was four years older than Roy. However, Rose had a beautiful sister who was not chosen by Roy's father. Although the two parties in the marriage were generally young women, Roy's father engaged Rose by name, and the Rose family was willing to marry Rose, who had been unknown at the time. At the time, only thirteen years old, Roy showed a strong interest in Rose and did not oppose the engagement with Rose, who was four years older than him. Rose, who had always been unknown, also agreed to this marriage. Furthermore, it seems to be a story of a young man shrouded in the aura of genius growing into a powerful warrior, bringing honor to his family, bringing peace and hegemony to the country, and living happily with his beautiful wife. However, fate always pushes people down from their peak and shatters them to pieces. On a dark and stormy night, four, maybe five, maybe even more. No one in the Roy family knew how many assassins had infiltrated the sleeping courtyard. Sixteen people from all over the Roy family, as well as twenty-three servants, were all killed. By the time the security forces arrived, the Roy family was already a sea of fire. When the fire was extinguished and the body was searched, the only living Roy was found in a abandoned well. Perhaps the assassin thought that a child who had been seriously injured and fell into a well had no way out, which saved Roy's life. Roy clearly experienced intense resistance, with countless scars all over his body and countless broken bones. If it weren't for Roy, there would have been breath coming in and out. When the doctor saw the two exaggerated blood holes in Roy's chest, he had already announced his death. Roy's hands and tendons were cut completely by the sharp blade, but until the end, he fainted and held his sword tightly in his hands. When Roy woke up, it was already ten days later, but the security forces still couldn't find any clues to the killer. These people seemed to have jumped out of the ground, and after a massive s*******r, they all evaporated from the human world. In the end, Roy was carefully nurtured by the old man of the Rose family. For some distant relatives and former friends of the Roy family, Roy, who had been wiped out of the house, was a hot potato that could no longer be hot. Roy lay in the security team for ten days, and except for the Rose family, who came to visit several times, no one came to inquire anymore. Roy doesn't mind this, it's just the warmth and coldness of human relationships. He's used to these struggles in the mall when his family started doing business. However, his hands and tendons were completely severed, giving him a fatal blow. Such a hand could no longer hold a sword. Even at a young age, careful treatment can heal many wounds, but it is absolutely impossible for such a hand to practice swordsmanship and fighting spirit in the future. I was lucky enough not to die, but what awaits me is not another new student. Roy received treatment at the Rose family for a year and gradually recovered. Although everyone in the Rose family seemed to care about him, their marriage to Rose was never mentioned again. Roy understood in his heart that this was already impossible. However, fate once again played a joke on Roy! One night, Rose quietly woke up the sleeping Roy and quickly tidied up some of Roy's personal belongings in Roy's surprised gaze before pulling him out of the door. This usually quiet and exceptionally gentle woman, along with herself and a servant, Mr. Philip, rushed to the border of the empire overnight without stopping. After crossing the border and arriving at the Ville Alliance, she possessed her own airship with unimaginable courage and skills, which Roy could not imagine in a short time. From then on, Rose never returned home again. All members of the family were pushed to Felix to meet. According to Rose's words, bringing Felix was to deal with the family members at that time. She ignored Felix's secret message to the family. "With Felix present, I am in the family's line of sight, so they won't force me too hard, so I have more time to do my things." Rose's words surprised Roy by how a woman could think of these things, and what she really wanted to do. Roy still doesn't understand what he really has that can make this decisive woman fall in love with him. In Roy's impression, although he was engaged to this woman, the two didn't meet much and didn't have much conversation. At that time, Roy was more immersed in his heroic dreams. Looking at the girl who was still staring at him, Roy sighed in his heart. This care could only be gently pushed aside. Roy gave a difficult smile and said, "No, nothing's wrong, I'm fine." After saying these words, Roy felt a bit embarrassed, and now even a pig could tell that he was not good. The girl's eyes were filled with obvious disappointment. "Roy! Our two families were both ordinary people a few generations ago, and it was through unremitting efforts that we had the current climate. The ups and downs of people are nothing but normal." Roy felt a pair of soft little hands gripping her wrist. "Roy! There is not only martial arts in this world that can make a name for yourself. This world is big, there are many things to do, and there are many places to go. As long as you are alive, anything is possible. No matter what happens, you are still you, Roy, I... I will..." The girl lowered her head and her voice became unusually gentle. "I, as long as I am alive, everything is possible, I will still be you." "I will always be with you!" The girl's cheeks were tinged with a faint blush, making Roy feel dizzy. Before Roy could respond, the girl stood up with a "swoop" and ran down the stairs. Her gentle voice came from the stairs, "Don't miss the navigation mark again! There is only one day's journey, and there is no supply on the ship. If we delay any further, I will also go hungry with you tonight!" The familiar footsteps finally disappeared from the stairs. Luo Chang took a long breath, smiled self deprecatingly, stood up, lifted the tower cover, and a cold wind blew in, stirring up Roy's spirit and dispersing the last hint of fragrance in the small space. "Am I still me?" The cold wind blew on his face like a knife, but Roy was completely unaware. The feeling of losing oneself, losing a sense of existence, and being in a world where one should not have existed is driving Roy crazy. The sky and land seem familiar, but this is a despairing world!

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