
The Bully’s Obsession #4 Bully Series

opposites attract
friends with benefits

Two children were torn apart, two children that never knew each other or the truth of each other's existence?

After Reece assaulted Tiara, he was arrested and sentenced to 15 years inside. Tiara finally left England to start again in Australia with Benji and Domenic by her side.

Now all of their secrets are out in the open the two decide to make an alliance and come to a truce. Tiara agreed to working with Domenic only to find out she is expecting Reece’s child.

No one knows about her and Shaun's son, but her and Reece. This could open up a whole new can of worms, leaving her no choice but to tell Benji and Domenic about her estranged son.

15 years pass, both Shaun and Reece are both out of prison and are in search of Tiara, but who will find her first and leak the truth she's been hiding for 15 years?

Arianna and Adrian have yet to meet, but they will. He is the bully of Cambridge High, a state school in Australia. Adrian and his parents had moved there two years ago hoping for a better life and in hope he would change his ways.

How wrong they were because that's where he spots Arianna. His next target. His obsession.

Will they come to know the truth of who they really are to each other? Or will the skeletons lay in the closet forever and her, his obsession forever.

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Tiara Almost 24 hours had passed and we had landed at Sydney Airport. It seems so long since I was last here. Stacy and Kristian had decided to go on their travels. The last time we had talked was before Reece had been sentenced, and they were heading to the Caribbean for a well-deserved honeymoon, one they never had because of all the s**t that was happening. I'm glad they decided to go there for a two-week honeymoon. They are also renewing their vows. Benji, Domenic and I will be going over for their ceremony next week for four days before returning home. We were all taking two days to get over the jet lag before returning to one of many offices that were owned by Domenic's' enterprises where I would be there every day, working alongside Domenic and Benji. Benji had decided to leave Big Bob's for good; now he and Domenic had an alliance. Whatever that meant, it had to be good right? They hadn't told me exactly what went on between them, but I knew one thing: they had teamed up to find me and save me from Shaun and along the way they had met Jacob. I still can't get over that one of my old and my best friends is not only a cop and working for the FBI, but he is bisexual. Not that I care, Jacob will always be Jacob, no matter what his sexuality is. As the saying goes 'you can't help who you fall in love with.' That statement was so true. Just look at me and my f****d up life. I always managed to fall and find the wrong guys. I managed to fall for Reece despite him being Shaun's best friend. He treated me right, but I should've known better. He was a carbon copy of his best friend, no matter how he tried to hide it. I guess I was expecting too much from our relationship to realize that it was fake. He never cared for me or loved me for that matter. If he did, he would've understood that I had no interest in getting married even again after the whole ordeal with Shaun. If it doesn't work the first time, f**k it was my motto, and I'm sticking by it no matter what happens in the future. I don't even think I'll be able to go through that whole relationship thing ever again. I've gone through too much pain and hardship to go through it all over again. My self-esteem is pretty low right now, and I need to think about building back up and changing everything about the old me so I don't end up as I had in the past this time. I need to turn my life around and live life to the fullest and return to the place I felt was the only home. I knew I could become a new and improved me. No looking back, just forward. We all slipped into the back of the stretch limo heading for the house I would be sharing with both Domenic and Benji. God, why did they have to make it so f*****g hard? "We'll be home soon baby, how does that sound?" Domenic asked. I rolled my eyes. "Great, but please cut the "baby" talk out." "Sorry, no can do." He smirked. "We need to go over some paperwork when we get home baby." "What paperwork?" "You'll see.' I rolled my eyes. Typical Domenic is always so f*****g secretive. But, so was Benji. Neither of them had told me any details of how they had found me or how neither of them killed each other and ended up calling a truths and forming an alliance. This s**t was giving me a f*****g headache. The car pulled up outside the three-bedroomed house with an amazing front garden with flowers around its borders. We all got out of the limo and hosed towards the house. Domenic pulled the key out of his pocket. "Welcome to your home, baby." I rolled my eyes. "Let's all go in and have a drink to celebrate you coming home." "Sure." I couldn't argue with that. We all stepped into the breathtaking beautiful entrance which led off to the lounge, living area and kitchen. "I'm showing the both of you around tomorrow when we've slept off the jet lag. For now, let's celebrate you moving into my home and joining Domenic enterprises." Amen to that. We stepped into the lounge area and Domenic poured three flutes of champagne, hanging them around. "To new beginnings and new adventures." "Amen to that," I said. We all clicked glasses before sipping champagne. "On one last note. We're changing your name baby." I choked. Tapping my chest, coughing. "You what? It almost sounded like you said I was changing my name." "That's exactly what I said." "But why?" "Let's face facts, baby. Once those prick heads are released from prison, you will be the first person they'll be making a beeline for you. Reece is aware that we were the last people who were seen with you. So we need to change your identity. Not just your name, but everything. Aka, neither he, Shaun nor Deeks know where you are." Okay makes sense. "You'll be known as Claudia Delouis. And we have taken you on as our assistant finance manager, and we are in a monogamous relationship. Everything about Tiara Thomas will be wiped off as a tragic accident as we touched down, and you came to an untimely death. This way you can start fresh and be happy without looking over your shoulder in fear that they will be looking for you." "I'm in a relationship with both of you?" "You got that from all I said?" "Are you sure no one will ever find out my true identity?" "Positive. Stacy and Kristin have also been filled in so all there is left to do is for you to sign all the please work and your identification will be sent to you in the next few days. Before we go to the office we need to change everything about you that screams Tiara Thomas, okay?" "Okay." I sighed, defeated. I knew this was the only way that I could move on from my past and have the new beginning I truly deserved.

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