Sweet Redemption: The Morningstar Series Book 3

Sweet Redemption: The Morningstar Series Book 3

another world

Acaisia and Ahkari are twins. They come from the most powerful family in all the realms. The Morningstar family. They work for the Black Ops Core of the supernatural world.

Acaisia is a fun loving out going 18 year old. Ahkari is the quiet and calm one out of the two. All they ever wanted was to join the BOC like their older siblings. They finally are old enough to be sent on missions. When they come home from a mission to find their mates things don't go as well as they expected.

Mate bonds are complicated as it is. Not only are each of them going through their own inner turmoil, but now they are sent out on another mission. One much more dangerous than anyone thought.

They are sent to the Fae realm to inspect an area of the Fae forest being drained of life. Black roots coming out of a cave. None of the Fae that have went into the mysterious cave have returned.

After finding a hidden world in the back of the cave, the twins fer cursed. They find the source draining the forest, and burn it down. When they come back from their mission though, things are far from over.

Will the twins defeat this unknown source? Will they lift the curse? And how will their mates help? Read more to find out.

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Chapter 1: Bou's P.O.V.
I was trudging around headquarters bored out of my mind. It's been months since my best friend left and found his mate. I was unbelievably happy for Max, but there's still a sense of bitterness roaming my mind. As much as I tried to ignore it, I can't. Walking into my bedroom I plopped down on my bed. My room is a medium sized space. One large window takes up almost the enitre wall on the far side. I have a bed, and a side table, but that is about all that take up my bedroom. Growing up the way we did, I didn't see much need for material things. For the majority of my life we were always bouncing from place to place. When we were in foster care we never got to hold on to a lot of our possessions. Clothes included. We were going to leave in just a couple days to meet up with Max at the Anderson School. Bruce told us to treat this like a vacation, and I'm fully ready to. I'm mostly excited for this trip, but part of me worries I'll be too envious to enjoy much of it. Two of my brothers have their mates now While I remained happy for them, it evoked emotions in me. Ones I didn't know I had. My twin sister and I are demons. I'm Incubus and Bianca a Succubus. Demons rarely ever have mmates Although, they say that if you are worthy the Gods will grant you your other half. I'd never admit it out loud, but I've secretly hoped my whole life that I would have one. Honestly, it's wishful thinking. Being an Incubus means I'm not made for just one other. So, unless I have multiple mates, which I doubt, I probably don't have one at all. I just have to keep being happy for my brothers. Keep myself out of my head. A soft knock to my door distracted me from my thoughts. I got up to answer it. My sister Bianca is on the other side. She leaned against the door as she picked at her nails. "Hey bro." She greeted. Bianca and I are identical twins. We both have dark brown, thick, curly hair with bright blue eyes. Our skin is tanned, but we have no idea if that comes from a certian origin or not. B is wearing a short and simple black dress. Her brown curls are pulled back into a high ponytail at the top of her head. My sister isn't one for makeup so she was only wearing a bright red lipstick. She gave me a huge grin making her eyes twinkle. "What's up B?" I asked as I turned to sit back on my bed. "Come out with me tonight." She urged immediately. Bianca sat on the bed next to me, waiting for my answer. "I don't feel like going out tonight B." I told her softly. My twin frowned at me. "You've said that every night for the last two weeks. You're going to starve." She said. Being s*x demons means that we feed on peoples life essence. Hence why we aren't made for one other person. We could easily drain someone of their life if we aren't careful. It's important that we feed regularly. And right now I'm not doing that. "I don't know B. I'm not really up for it." I told her. Bianca huffed at me. She stood up, and put her hands on her hips. "Not up for it?" She scoffed. "We are s*x demons. Since when are you not up for going out and finding some p***y?" She asked clearly irritated. I sighed. "I don't know." My twin crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes at me. "What's going on with you?" She asked. "I don't know." I said. "Bou, I'm starting to get worried about you. You've been acting really weird. Do you miss our brothers that much? Are you gay for them? I know you've always wanted to f**k Max." She rushed out making me laugh. "Okay first of all, I admire him. And if anything Max would f**k me." I teased. B rolled her eyes. "What is going through your head Bou? We leave in two days. The school started back up, you can't be starving around all those kids." She said, her voice much softer now. I looked away, and rubbed the back of my neck. "I really don't know." I told her. "I just... haven't felt like going out to have another one night stand." I said. Bianca sighed, and then sat down next to me. She bumped her shoulder against mine. I looked over to meet her eyes, and she gave me a small smile. "I know you want a mate Bou. And that might happen for you." She started. "For us." I corrected. B rolled her eyes. "Fine for us. But that doesn't mean we can stop feeding. Maybe if we get you out there you'll feel better." She offered. "Fine. I'll go out." I told her. Bianca jumped up clapping her hands. She went straight to my closet, and picked me out some clothes. My twin laid them on my bed before turning to leave. "I'll wait for you out front." She said before leaving out my door. Sighing heavily, I changed into the clothes B left me. Not that it mattered considering what I am. I could not shower for a month and wear a paper bag and people would still be attracted to me. Part of my s*x demon charm I guess. Once I was dressed I met my twin out front. We were almost out the front door when Bruce stopped us. He eyed the two of us warily making Bianca chuckle. "You two are packed?" He asked. "Yes sir." B saluted him. Bruce rolled his eyes at her before turning to me. "Yeah I'm ready." I told him. "Good." He smiled. "Because our flight has been changed to tomorrow afternoon. The flight is at 3 p.m., but we will be leaving in the morning still." He said. With that Bruce turned on his heel walking away. Bianca stared open mouthed at his retreating back. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders, and pulled her out the door. "Come on." I said trying to hide my amusement. "I don't get why I have to go." She grumbled as we got into a cab. I side glanced at her. "Uh, because our brothers are mated, and we want to meet our new family." I told her. Bianca scoffed. "They can come here." She said. I turned my attention to her. "Why are you so reluctant to go sis?" I asked. Bianca shrugged making me raise my brow at her. "You aren't, I don't know, afraid are you?" I asked her. Again my twin scoffed. "What would I have to be afraid of?" She asked. I shrugged. "Max and Robby talking about how amazing the place is. Maybe you're scared you'll fall in love with it, and never want to leave." I offered. "Yeah right." B replied with a roll of her eyes. The cab stopped in front of Bianca's favoirte night club. I paid the driver, and then my sister and I walked in. The bouncer didn't even attempt to stop us, but they never do. As soon as we entered, the loud music roared to our ears. The club is pretty much all black. Bright colored lights danced across the entire area in time with the music. B lead us to the bar, and ordered us some drinks. She handed me mine, and then disappeared. I shook my head. It never took long for B to find someone to spend her night with. She usually likes tall bored housewives. Ya know, the type that doesn't want you to stick around after breakfast. It's kind of funny how hard she tries to not have a mate, or end up long term with anyone. After a few more minutes a cute brown haired girl walked up to me. I smiled at her as she approached me. She stood on her tippy toes to get to my ear. "Hi! I'm Shelly." She introduced herself. I moved her hair away from her ear. "Hi Shelly. I'm Bou." Shelly giggled, she's clearly a little tipsy. "Wanna dance?" She asked. I nodded, and Shelly grabbed my hand leading me to the dance floor. We danced for a few songs. Shelly grinded on me the entire time. I can feel her lust growing, and thankfully it's affecting me. At least I'm not a total noodle. I reached my hands around Shelly's body, and pulled her flush against me. Something that s*x demons have is a certain touch. I can send lustfilled waves into the person I touch. Using that special gift, I trailed my fingers lightly up Shelly's short dress. She didn't stop me, so I continued until I found her warm core. I heard the small gasp leave her lips as I slid my fingers through her wet folds. Bringing my lips down to her ear I kissed her neck. "You just tell me if I'm going too far, okay gorgeous?" I told her. Shelly shook her head. "No I want to f**k you." She told me. Then Shelly turned around in my arms. She grabbed my hand, and pulled me through the crowd of people. Shelly lead me out a side door that lead to an empty ally. She looked around to make sure no one was around before she smashed her lips against mine. I walked her back into a wall, and gripped her ass under her dress. Shelly moaned into my mouth, and I lifted her up. She wrapped her legs around me. I slipped my hand between us to find the slick folds of her p***y. Shelly moaned again. I set Shelly on her feet, and pulled a condom out of my back pocket. Undoing my jeans and freeing my hard c**k, I slipped on the condom. I grabbed Shelly, and lifted her up again. She wrapped her legs around me, and I moved her thong out of the way. Slowly I slid my entire length in her. Shelly gasped, and squeezed my shoulders. "Oh my god. You're so big." She breathed out. "Do you want me to stop?" I asked her. Shelly shook her head her short brown hair flying around her. "No. I want you to f**k me like you mean it." She said. I was happy to oblige. Shelly is one sexy girl. And I was happy to not only feed, but f**k her too. Excitement coursed through me. Maybe I'll be fine without a mate.

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