Chapter 1
Lena P.O.V
I grew up in North Star Pack my entire life. I've been born and raised here. I have my mom, Emmy, and my dad Creed, who is actually my stepdad, but he takes me as his biological daughter since he's raised me since I was a newborn. Then there's my sister Jenni and brothers Cruiz, Zane, and Logan. I'm a vampire, and so are my siblings. Both parents are vampires, and yes, we live in a pack alongside werewolves and other vampires. My siblings all have the same mother and father, except me. My mother has no recollection of howshe got pregnant with me, all she knows is that she was drunk one night, she thinks he was drugged but she barely remembers having unprotected s*x with a stranger, weeks later she met our dad but she was already pregnant with me, her pregnancy with me, lasted only 4 months and I was born. For vampires, pregnancy is usually only 5 months long. werewolves, it's about the same, but they usually have multiples.
The werewolves and vampires in our pack all can eat normal food, and the vampires only need blood once a month, which they take from the animals in the forests or rivers. The wolves also hunt animals, too. Werewolves need to feed their wolf counterparts and wild animals once a month, so sometimes we hunt alongside the vampires.
Our pack is ruled by elected leaders who come into power once every 5 years. We species live a long time... Werewolves age slowly. They're could live up to 300 years old. The vampires that are changed stay the age they were changed, vampires like me, thar are born, we age up to around age 19 for the women and 20 for the men and we don't age after that. So, yes, my parents look like the same age as me, but for some reason, only the hair seems to age, and they can't color it to hide their greying hair. Both my parents are over 70 years old, and they have grey hair on the sides. Those that are over 100 have white hair or silver hair. Anyway, when the leaders are elected in, they rule over the pack.
We weren't always a vampire/werewolf pack. This was only a wolf pack. Years ago, North Star Pack had an alpha, Luna, Beta, Gamma, and Delta, who all ruled the pack. Then, the Future Alpha was mated to a vampire. Then they ended up having mixed species, so the new Alpha then decided to bring in vampires. It was hard at first, but eventually, everything fell i to place. Then years later, the last Alpha was a vampire, and his Luna was a werewolf and they had 3 children who were hybrids but, their eldest disappeared for some reason and the Alpha died, then the Luna stepped down as leader, the Luna then decided to put an Election so the vampires and werewolves may get to choose who they want to nominate as leadership and to be fair, they can only rule for 5 years at a time, that way, new leaderships can take over, it gives everyone a chance to lead. Anyone with any rank can be leaders. We are also not the only pack out there that are doing it this way. Although it's still true that whenever a pack is led by a true alpha and true Luna, the pack is stronger. Ours is weak. I do admit, because we don't have our true leaders leading us. For now, as long as we are peaceful, which we are right now, and as long as everyone does their job in helping protect this pack against dangers, then we're doing okay.
I just turned 19 a couple of days ago, so now I am considered to be on my own and full-grown vampire. My parents helped me build my new home, which was far away from everyone, right near the river, deep in the forest. It's a two story log cabin, with a porch in front and in the back with a wrap around balcony on top. There's no driveway at all, so the only way in and out is by foot, which I prefer anyway. The downside to it is whenever I got furniture, I had to use a side by side with a trailer to bring in my things. So, technically it's not all on foot, I can used atvs, skidoos side by sides going in and out of my place but, I choose to come and go on foot, it's faster for me anyway, since I am a vampire, I cannot get tired of running.
Now that I am of age, I can also start hunting animals for their blood. A fledgling vampire can survive without blood until their of age, but for me, now that I am full grown, I have to get blood in order to sustain my vampire abilities. My dad told me I would know when it comes time to hunt. I will get hungry, and no matter how much I eat, it won't satisfy my needs, then I will know that I need blood. I heard the longer a vampire can go without blood is 2 weeks. After that, they get weaker and fall into a deep slumber until they are offered blood. It is truly difficult to kill a vampire. Even starvation won't kill us. The only thing that can is fire or ripping out our hearts or beheading.
We vampires are truly creatures of the night. We could stand under the sun without burning or sparkling or whatever nonsense books tell people. Our vampire abilities are heightened, and our sight can not handle the suns rays. It hurts our eyes. We get really bad migraines and get weak. Our eyes are better in the dark, and it's easier on our eyes. Our scent is also heightened, but we can also block our sense of smell from strong odors. We can also hear real good, except we can't hear beyond soundproof walls. We heal 10 times quicker than werewolves. If I got a stab wound, then it'll heal within seconds, but for wolves, it takes minutes. If we get a bullet wound, we'd have to take it out, and then we're able to heal. Same with wolves, although for some wolves, their healing wolves can push out the bullets themselves, but it takes time. If a vampire broke an arm, they just have to readjust it, and then it heals. Same thing with wolves, but the wolves take a day to heal their broken bones. Wolves can be night creatures or daylight creatures. This pack, though, is mostly daytime. The hybrids, however, can withstand day and night. They're also nearly impossible to wound, they heal faster than vampires and when shot with a bullet, the bullet completely ejects out of them immediately, and when they break their bones, it rearranges itself and heals automatically, it's to do with their ability to half shift into claws or a snout whenever they want. A werewolf can only use their claws in full wolf form. Although the Hybrids a a bit more powerful, they also age slower than a vampire. They also mature at the same ages as the rest of us, but the Hybrids, although powerful, are not high and mighty about themselves. Only the ones who were raised that way are like that. Which is hardly anyone in our pack.
Now, the big one. The one thing everyone looks forward to in our pack. Is to find their fated mates. Like, everyone in this pack, the only way we can tell is by scent. When we smell that strong, unique smell of our mates, we end up feeling a strong pull toward them, a deep connection toward them. We only see them for the rest of our lives, but what makes the bond stronger is when we have that chance to get to know them more. Sure, some take a leap of faith and jump into bed with their mates and mark them right away. It's in our nature to do that. But I have seen some mates reject each other when they do not take that time to now one another. For example, This lady met her mate in town, she and him immediately mated and didn't give themselves time to talk.. Then she finds out that he already has a chosen mate but wants her as his side piece. She, of course, rejects him, and because he was the one in the wrong, he suffered through the rejection, which made him lose his mind... He was killed because he turned feral. His chosen mate, which he had marked, fell into a coma, but she made it through months later. Some are lucky when both save themselves for their mate. The lady ended up with a second chance, mate, but this time, she took things slow, and now both are happily mated, marked, and have children.
When it comes time for me to find my mate, I will take my time to get to know him. My parents made me a huge birthday party a couple of days ago in hopes that I would find my mate in this pack, but I have not. I'm okay with that, I will have a mate when I have a mate. I am in no rush to find him, for now, I want to work, even though I don't really need to, due to the fact, I'm already wealthy, I own a few coffee shops in the near towns and cities, along with clothing stores. I also own quite a bit of hotels and car dealerships. Believe it or not, my businesses launched all at the same time when I was 18 last year. I worked hard on everything from the age of 14.. and in 4 years, everything was in place. I know, pretty young for someone like me.
My parents were shocked with me when I first came up with these business's on my own, I can't help it, I graduated from high-school and college real early and I was working on my businesses at the same time in college. It's completely normal for someone my age to become successful at a young age. We literally have a pack doctor who just graduated this year as well. Our minds mature quicker than humans. my childhood only lasted until age 9, and by then, I was considered a teenager, and then at age 14, my mind was like a teenager and young adult. Now that I am 19, my mind is at the right age of maturity, too.
Weird, yes, I know. You'd know better if you were a vampire. I'm just kidding. This thing with me becoming insanely wealthy on my own in such a short time is definitely not normal. Only my parents know. They decided it's best not to let the pack know that I am rich, because they'll ask questions that we cannot answer and the leadership can kick us out because then, they'll think I stole ideas etc. or other crap that they'll come up with. My mom, however, doesn't know who my real father is. To this day, she has no idea how she even conceived me, considering that she was saving herself for her mate. There's no recollection of her sleeping with anyone else. Believe me, I've already checked into her mind. Plus, she told me, she honestly thinks she was drugged and possibly raped.