Chapter 1: A Little About Opal
Hi, I'm Opal Evans. I am a 27-year-old woman who lives all alone. I have an apartment in New York City. It's nothing too fancy, but it's good enough for me. Plus, it's all I can afford in this expensive city.
I work as a secretary for Suzuki industries. We are an electronics company. I work in the main branch. That's pretty much where all the big bosses come up with 'what's new'. I'm a secretary for a sweet old man in the accounting department.
My boss's name is Ted. He is the sweetest man, and the only one to take a shot on someone so young. I've been working for him for four years. He is never inappropriate with me, and is always understanding. It's very nice.
Although, this last year and a half has been hell. I got this apartment about three years ago with my boyfriend. We moved in together, to start building our lives together. Only for him to turn around and cheat on me in the end.
Stupid a.sshole is a fancy-pancy lawyer. Cheated on me with his fu.cking secretary. The irony
After our break-up, things in my life really went down hill. I had trouble focusing at work. I made Ted mad for the first time ever. I was really fu.cking up, and I was really disappointed in myself.
I was stuck in a rut. At first, all I did was eat ice cream and cry. The typical cliché things that girls do when they go through break-ups. I mean, how can you throw away a three-year-long relationship like that?
After a few months, and some much needed support from my best friends... Things took a change for me. A really good change.
Finally, I realized that I was crying over nothing. Relationships end. I can't let that control my life. I still need to live, to move on. So, I did.
I started going to the gym. Eating better. And focusing more on my work. Honestly, I threw myself into work to distract myself. I even started up a little side business of making and selling candles. I don't sell enough to open up a business or anything, but it's a nice hobby that makes me a few extra bucks.
In no time at all, I was smiling again. My customers love my candles, and when they don't, I take their comments constructively. Ted had been very pleased with me, and much less worried about my mental state. Thank god. It was getting slightly embarrassing.
Sometimes when I think about it now, I still get embarrassed. I can't believe I let some douche bag have so much control over my emotions. He obviously did not care, so why should I?
Or, at least that's what my friends said. Although, sometimes I still get sad. I don't think I miss him, or that I'm sad over him. I just think I might be a little lonely. But that's okay. I'm getting by much better now.
I even went and got myself a kitten. I went to a local animal shelter, and adopted myself a black cat that no one else wanted. The lady that worked there said something about how black cats never get adopted because of superstition. Silly. If anything little Cobweb has done nothing but bring me luck.
I have to admit that Cobweb does make me feel less lonely. At least, I don't have to come home to nothing. No matter how my day goes, I get to come home and have dinner with my little buddy.
Another really good thing, I lost a cr.ap ton of weight. I went from weighing 250 pounds, to a healthy 160 pounds. It was hard as hell, but I had nothing better to do with my time than go to the gym. I've never been this skinny in my life. Never thought I needed to lose weight. No matter how much my family told me I did.
It's still kind of surreal. Sometimes I look at myself in the mirror, and have to do a double take. To me, I look like an entirely different person.
My strawberry blonde hair has grown so much. It hangs in waves all the way down to my butt. This is the longest I have ever had it. Because I have been eating healthier, my skin is a glowing pale color. Even my light blue eyes seemed brighter. I also never realized how long my legs are until I lost all of that weight.
It's been one hell of a ride this last year and a half. Honestly, I wouldn't trade it for anything. I might have been through some heart break, I might still be a bit lonely, but now my life is open to any options that may come my way.
I turned my head to see Ted poking his head out of his office door. It's almost 8 p.m. I'm only here because Ted is still here. His wife made me promise to look after him. Something about if he isn't going to come home at a decent time, she would still like someone to look after him.
"Yes Ted?" I asked.
"Why are you still here, kid? You can't possibly have more work." Ted said.
"If you have work, your secretary does too." I told him with a bright smile.
Ted chuckled, and shook his head.
"Give me five more minutes, then we can head out together." He said.
I gave Ted a nod, and he closed his door to walk back to his desk. I shook my head as I picked up the phone to call his wife. She likes to know when her husband comes home after nine.
"Alright kid, ready?" Ted asked.
I looked at my watch for the time. 9:32 p.m. Good thing I called Ted's wife for him.
"Yup, just let me grab my bag." I said.
I grabbed my bag, shut off my computer, and joined Ted at the line of elevators. When one opened, we got in, and Ted pushed the button for the bottom floor. Then he sighed as he rubbed the bridge of his nose.
"I need to call Emily. She is going to be furious with me," he said.
I put my hand on his as he pulled out his phone.
"I called her when you told me five more minutes. She isn't too upset with you. I told her that you were coming home with flowers and chocolates. They are waiting downstairs in the lobby for you." I told him.
Ted gave me a huge smile.
"What would I do without you, Opal?" he asked.
I shrugged.
"Probably find someone much better suited for the job." I teased.
The elevator doors dinged as Ted laughed.
"You are more than suited for this job," he said.
"Oh yeah? Then why do all the other secretaries hate me so much?" I asked with a laugh.
"They are still giving you trouble?" Ted asked.
We paused at the front desk where the security guard, David, was waiting.
"Hi Opal, got your order right here." David said.
"Thanks D. They are for Mr. Mackley's wife." I said as I gestured to the man next to me.
"Lucky gal." David said as he handed the flowers and chocolates to Ted.
"More like I am lucky to have such a caring secretary," Ted muttered.
David and I shared an amused look as I tried not to laugh.
"Yeah well, Opal is a perfect package all her own. Pretty and kind." David said.
I blushed as I averted my eyes. Even before I lost all of this weight, David was always sweet to me like that. Honestly, I'm sure how to take it.
David is a very handsome guy. Dark chocolate skin, perfect straight white teeth, and he's built like a damn bodyguard. Still, I just... can't bring myself to date him. Not that he's asked.
"Hmm, that is true David." Ted agreed. "Can't believe she ain't married yet." He laughed.
I rolled my eyes at him.
"Okay, come on now. I need to hound down a cab." I said as I walked to the exit. "Night David."
"Night sweetheart." David called back.
Once Ted and I were outside, I waited with him for his car to pull up.
"You should ask that fine young man out," Ted said.
I whipped my head to him.
"No way." I said.
"Why not? He obviously has a crush on you," Ted said.
I shook my head.
"Unbelievable," I muttered.
"Are you already seeing someone else?" Ted asked.
I laughed as I looked back at him.
"I am pretty sure it is Emily's job to pry into my life like that, sir," I said.
Ted chuckled at me just as his car pulled up.
"See you on Monday Ted. Tell Emily I said hello." I said as I turned to walk to the street.
"Opal wait." Ted called.
I turned to face him.
"Let my driver take you home," he said.
I shook my head.
"No, Emily will be upset if you are any later." I said.
"I insist, and you know that my wife would as well," Ted said.
I chewed on my bottom lip as I thought of what to do. Sighing, I decided to take him up on his offer. It would be so much easier than flagging down a cab, and paying for it.
"Thanks Ted."
Ten minutes later, I was dropped off at my apartment. Ted had called Emily to let her know they were taking me home. To which she scolded him for not making his driver take me home every day, and pick me up.
I walked up the stairs of the complex, to the third floor. I fiddled with my keys, and opened my door. I kicked it shut behind me, kicked my heels off, and set my bag down on my couch. Then I went to the kitchen. The moment I flipped the light on, something fuzzy started to rub against my legs.
"Hello Cobweb, sorry that I was gone for extra long today." I said to my cat.
Cobweb only meow'd, and purred at me as he continued to rub himself all over my legs. I giggled at him as I bent down to scoop him up. Another thing I love about Cobweb is that he loves to snuggle.
"How about I change, and we watch movies together? Hmm? Sound like a plan?" I cooed at my cat.
Cobweb rubbed himself all over me as I walked to my bedroom. I set him down on my bed, and he sprawled out. I laughed at him.
"Such a silly kitty. I've never seen a kitty sprawl out like that." I told him as I scratched behind his ears.
I unzipped my pencil skirt as I walked to my closet. I let it fall down my body, and kicked it to the corner of my room. Then I unbuttoned my blouse, tossing that aside as well. I looked at myself in the mirror in just my blue panties, and matching blue bra.
It's still strange to see how much I've changed. I look so good. Better than I ever have before. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to get back out there.
Is it time? Am I ready?
I turned to my black cat, who was sitting on my bed staring at me.
"What do you think, Cobweb? Do you think I'm ready to get out there again? You think I can protect my heart enough this time?" I asked him.
Cobweb only blinked back at me. He doesn't understand a thing I'm saying. Yet, he's a better listener than any of my ex's combined.
"Well, it has been a long time since I've gotten laid. Maybe it is time." I said.
"Meow." Was my only reply.
I giggled at my cat. Then I changed into some pj's. I returned to my bed, turned the TV on, and snuggled up for the night. I can't believe this is how I'm spending my Friday night.