
Hot Denial

opposites attract
office/work place
poor to rich
friends with benefits

Levon was a free spirit who believed in everyone and always saw the good in people. One thing he didn’t condole though…cheating. He always believed that people’s feelings shouldn’t be toyed with for any reason and he hated people who felt like the world was at their beck and call, people who thought that they could disrespect and treat people poorly just because they could. Well, he was lucky not to have met those excuses of humans for some years now, not until the universe decided to serve him a sour dish by making him meet the worst human, even the devil would reject him. A monster disguised in a tuxedo. Levon never thought he’ll give in to that monster of a man though, but nature has a way of putting us in that particular situation we never wished to get into, and to crown it all, his body wanted that monster, craved to be engulfed by it like molten lava… he was doomed, doomed with lust, but he’ll make sure not to succumb to his lust, at least, not for that scoundrel. He swore it. Roman hated tardiness especially when it causes him to lose money. He was a perfectionist, orderliness was his logo. He was a control freak who made sure everything went his way, he always got what he wanted. He associated with people solely just on business and nothing more mattered to him, he disliked any form of emotional intimacy or commitment except when he wanted to have fun and he always made it clear to either the women or men that it was just a fling, even though they always wanted more. He made them understand that it was just a one-night stand and nothing more. What will happen when he meets someone who is everything he hates? Someone who makes him feel like his words didn’t matter, someone who made him feel like he was on the losing end, someone who made him feel useless, someone who ticked all the wrong boxes on his list. He hated to feel unacknowledged. Instead of fighting an invisible war, he decided to conquer him just for the fun of it and to show him that he was the one with power and had the right to do whatever he wanted. But, who’s going to be doing the conquering exactly?

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The Owls
The sun was setting as he stood in line to get his coffee, he scrolled through his phone keeping busy until it reached his turn. Levon just got off work from the massage parlor where he worked as a masseur and decided to get some coffee to keep him awake as he was still heading to The Owls where he’s been working for four months now and; it’s so far, the best-paying job he’s got for a while now. He was grateful to his best friend who introduced him to the massage parlor and nightclub where he worked as a bartender. Holding his coffee cup in one hand, with his bag slung over his shoulders, he put his free hand into his pocket and got out his keycard to scan on the gate. It was a very enormous cage-like gate which the bouncers could simply see through and push the open button for you, but no… the mysterious boss wanted accountability for his workers so he made a key card available for them so he’ll be able to track when each came to and left work, funny thing was, the massage parlor also used keycards for their workers. He exchanged greetings with the familiar bouncers and went in through the back door meant for staff only. The Owls was an enormously beautiful building, the glamour attracted everybody but to enter it you had to be somebody. The red neon sign at the top of the building read the name of the nightclub which fit perfectly with the black décor of the building. If the outside made you feel out of place, then the inside would make you question your existence, it was all black, only the disco light gave a sense of light to the dance floor, and the sitting booths were occasionally graced with the hue of the rotating disco light, giving a sense of privacy to customers, all around it was decorated with luxurious designs and architect. Levon was always awed each time he entered the club even if he’s been working there for a while. The sound inside the building was deafening but the outside was just like every other building at night; it was quiet and normal and if you knew less you would think it was a very fancy restaurant. Levon quickly changed out of his normal clothing which was a white t-shirt and black skinny jeans and dressed the part of a bartender, he put on a plain white shirt and black trousers, and he left three buttons open to show off his toned shaved chest…it always got him tips from men and women, old and young, although he was straight but had nothing against gays, so he took the tips happily, life is all about respecting people’s choices although he was sure that his choice was not being gay, who would leave boobs and p***ies for a plain boring chest and not so succulent ass??? Buy anyways he took the tips happily and even made some gay friends in the long run, talking of gay friends, he bumped into Jasper who was running into the changing room like the world was on fire . “Woah, easy there, man.” He placed his hands on Jasper’s shoulders to steady him “Ouch! sorry man. I was rushing to meet you…” Levon raised a brow as he looked down at his friend already knowing what was coming but he asked anyways. . ‘’Everything okay? ‘’ he crossed his arms on his chest as he moved back into the changing room and leaned down on the dressing table drumming his fingers beside him as he waited for Jasper to ask him to cover his shift. Jasper scratched the back of his neck, embarrassed that he had asked one too many times for favors from his dear friend, but he was the only person who would help him without judging him... “Umm…My boyfriend call…” “Go.” Levon cut him off not wanting to keep him in the spotlight for much longer. “Huh?” Jasper didn’t understand what his friend was saying. "Just go already…sort it out with him, I’ll see you tomorrow.” Jasper jumped and hugged him while squeaking in happiness, he pecked him all over his face and kept thanking him over and over again. “All right, all right. Just go, I got a lot of customers to attend to.” He gently pushed him off to the direction of the exit door and forcefully pushed him out the door because it seemed like he wasn’t done with the hugging. “I love you!” Jasper shouted before he closed the door in his face. Levon finally headed into the bar, he smiled and shook his head. Three customers were already seated behind the counter, waiting patiently for him. The club was busy, packed, and noisy, as usual. “Hey, handsome.” Alex purred as he drew slow circles on the countertop. “You're trying to be seductive right?” “It’s working, right?” Ariana pretended to think about it “Umm…NO.” Alex rolled his eyes at her and murmured so she could hear. “Jealous.” Ariana rolled her eyes as she twirled her hair with her finger and winked at Levon. "What would your boyfriends say if they found out that their LOML went fighting over a guy every night?" Joshua threatened, sitting beside Alex. Levon smiled as he saw his three friends bickering as usual. He placed three glasses of martini in front of each of them. " On the house." He smiled as he passed them their drinks. "Aww, see why I fell for him." Ariana blinked her lashes seductively and bit her lips. "Mm. me too." Alex chimed in. Joshua sighed and raised his glass towards Levon. " Thanks, Lev...cheers." He nodded at him, smiling. "Care to join us for a dance?" Alex asked as he stood and dragged Ariana off. " Maybe later." Levon waved at them as they left. He placed his elbows on the countertop and leaned toward Joshua, " Say...Wanna stay here and keep me company? you know...like coming behind here to help me serve?" He smirked as he watched Joshua stand to leave. "See you." Joshua turned and left. "Thought so." This was Levon's night routine. His three friends were always his first customers even if their first drinks were always 'on the house'. He enjoyed their seductive but friendly bickering. Two were not shy of words or expressions and always enjoyed the club and its benefits to the fullest while one barely talked nor showed expressions and always found a lonely corner at the club to sit and observe. "Whiskey, please." A voice brought him out of his useless comparisons and he came to. He smiled at the sophisticated-looking middle-aged woman with blonde hair and in-your-face fake boobs. "At your service, Señorita." He winked and got to work. The night went on with people dancing and having fun, at some point when the DJ changed the music, the atmosphere changed into an erotic one and the drunk mass got all handsy with each other, people were practically f*****g each other if not for the clothing material separating them, but when the music changed; everyone started jumping and dancing. Levon shook his head as he passed a glass of scotch on the rock to a blonde girl. He would never understand the fluctuating emotions of drunk people. It was almost closing time; he looked left and right and saw his fellow bartenders packing up. It was a long counter but his spot was the busiest, he didn't complain. 3: am. That's when he left the club. Levon was startled to see a familiar white car parked in front of the club, it was quite contrasting compared to the time of the day and the dark décor of the club. He stood in front of the driver's door as the window was winded down. " I'll drop you off." Joshua motioned for him to get in as he started the engine. He wanted to decline as his friend still had to journey another two-hour back to his house after dropping him off, but he got in knowing it was near impossible to get a cab by that time, and because he was sure his dear friend had been waiting for him all along. He didn't want it to seem as if he wasted his time or was ungrateful. "where's Alex and Ariana?" Levon asked as he buckled his seat belt and got into a comfortable position. " Wasted...called their boyfriends to pick them up." Joshua glanced briefly at his friend then concentrated on the road. Levon smiled and patted him on the shoulder. "What would we do without you?" " Nothing." "Cocky." The car was filled with comfortable silence for the rest of the ride. "Thank you, Josh." He unclasped the seat belt and opened the door. "I'll go in now, drive safe. You're the best." He patted Joshua's hand that was on the wheel as he stepped out. "Pick you up tomorrow morning?" "Hell no!" Joshua laughed lightly and shook his head. " I knew you would say that. All right, I know you care, so, I won't disobey." He winked at him and started the engine. " Goodnight Levon, catch some sleep. A zombie would be a pale comparison to how you look." " Why thank you kind sir for the compliment." He pretended to be angry and strode toward the building. Joshua smiled and drove off. Immediately Levon went into his room, he crashed onto the bed and slept like a log...not bothering to shower or change.

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