
Jett (Sabers MC. Book 1)

opposites attract

Jett’s life was pretty awesome. He had an endless supply of women, the club house was full of men who were like brothers to him and he could jump on his bike and hit the open road whenever he felt like it.

Until Harper walked into his life one summers night.

The plan was to bed her as soon as possible, she was exactly what he had been craving. A challenge.

And what a challenge she was, it was obvious she was on the run from something and he was desperate to find out what that was … without her finding out his own secrets.

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Chapter One
Jett The beer was cold and the girl on my lap was pretty … enough for tonight’s entertainment anyway. If you liked your women overly made up , and wearing the tiniest of booty shorts, seriously I had seen more fabric on a thong. Luckily for me that’s exactly how I liked my them. Easy. I wouldn’t remember her name in the morning , if she even lasted that long and she sure as hell wouldn’t remember mine. Just the way I liked it. Summer always came with fresh meat and like all my brothers I would have my fill of all the women I wanted before the nights began to draw in again .And when they left there was still the local bar hoppers. The women who were always available for us when we came to town and of course the club girls. Though I didn’t like touching those unless I had no other option. I didn’t particularly like dipping anything into anyone my brothers may have just been in. We weren’t that close. And anyway there was never any real need to be tempted by the girls who hung round the club house, nothing got a good girls panties dripping like the sight of a leather cut and a bad boy attitude. Women loved bikers. It was something ingrained in their psyche, the forbidden fruit. And when you looked like I did… well. I grinned and my arms tightened around the woman’s waist suggestively. “Want to get out of here?” She giggled , and it was a husky sound. Much lower than her usual voice. She was trying to be sexy. Trying to damn hard if you asked me. She didn’t need to be sexy for me I was already planning on giving her what she wanted from me. And then she could run off back to whatever white picket fence life she had left behind with the story of how she bedded some biker she had just met at a bar and scandalise all her friends. “Yes” She was stroking a hand down the white t-shirt under my cut, nails scraping. Yeah she was more than ready. Sometimes it was a total turn off how easy it was to pick up women in this town. “Do I get to go on your bike? That is yours outside right?” I frowned at her , of course it was my bike. The bar was packed but I was the only club member here. It was my turn to sit and babysit. “Sorry sweetheart no one goes on my bike” I turned on the charm before she saw the frown on my face and did a runner. “And I can’t leave just yet” “Ohh , oh ok. Why can’t you leave, you work here or something” I shrugged . It was a little more complicated than that but I wasn’t planning on telling her. Hell I wasn’t even planning on asking her name again. “Something like that sweetheart” I ran the tip of my finger up her thigh and gave another giggle. And I had to stifle the urge to roll my eyes. Maybe I needed a challenge , I grinned at myself. Yeah a challenge was definitely what I needed but not tonight. Tonight I just wanted the release the woman on my lap offered. I had my whole life to seek out a challenge. “So what did you have in mind?” I let my eyes wander and then linger over the neon light that flashed toilets to the dim room and she followed my eyes, her painted mouth opening in an O. “Really? A toilet?” I raised an eyebrow at her. “Unless you don’t want to sweetheart, choice is yours” My eyes slid around the room, showing her my interest and locked on to several women who were openly smiling at me. Too f*****g easy. “I want too, geez it’s just a little you know gross” “Oh it won’t be gross sweetheart” I nibbled on her ear lobe but my eyes were open. I might be up for some fun but I still needed to keep an eye on the bar. We had had far to much trouble here recently. Bloody tourists. Couldn’t handle their drink. Definitely couldn’t handle the drugs they snuck in. Or thought they snuck in anyway. It was pretty obvious to anyone with a nose as powerful as ours what they had shoved in their various pockets. But I wasn’t their parents , I didn’t give a s**t what they put up their noses. My main concern was my club, our businesses and keeping eyes off the town we called home. No business of the clubs if some punk ass kid wanted to be a total moron. “I promise you it won’t be gross” This was getting tedious now. Her hesitation was beginning to dampen my interest and the pouty face wasn’t doing a damn thing for my d**k either. “I really wanted to go for a ride on your bike” This time I did roll my eyes at her. She was one of those. Fucking wannabe. Probably watched to much Sons of Anarchy in her dorm room and fantasised about becoming the old lady of some hot blonde biker called … I scratched at my nose. Couldn’t remember the guys name but he seemed to be a popular one with the ladies . “Next you will be telling me you want to walk hand in hand along the beach in the moonlight” This time I let her see my eye roll and her face fell. “Listen sweetheart, this is what it is. No ride on my bike but I will let you ride something else if your good” “You are disgusting” Her words were harsh but her breasts were still pressed against my chest. She hadn’t moved away. “Yet you are still here” I brushed my mouth over her jawline and hungrily she turned her face to press her lips to mine. Desperate. “You ready?” “Yeah I think so” Her voice was uncertain but the smile playing over her mouth told a different story. She might play the part pretty well but this wasn’t her first foray into a bathroom with a guy she had just met. I would put money on it. Still that was her future husbands problem not mine. Taking her by the hand , I led her through the throng of tables as she giggled like a school girl. It was only as I reached the far end of the curving bar that I let my eyes wander again. The girl at the bar had her back to me but even I could see she didn’t belong in a place like this. Denim shorts ended just under her ass. Showing just enough flesh to get my attention but not enough to look easy. She was wearing an over sized grey sweatshirt, it flopped over one shoulder. Interesting. If her front was as appealing as her front was she might be real interesting. I caught the bar tenders eye and grinned. Expecting a grin back but his face looked troubled. What the hell? He gave me an almost not there nod and my eyebrows shot up. He was summoning me like I was a lackey. “You go on ahead darling” I slapped her ass as she sauntered past me. “I just have to sort out some business” “Don’t be too long” “I’ll be right there” I watched her ass as she sauntered away and then turned my attention back to the bar, leaning my elbows on it . “Jett” I nodded my hello but the grin fell from my face as she turned to me. Now that was very interesting indeed.

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