Teaching My Bookworm Stepsister

Teaching My Bookworm Stepsister

opposites attract

It's only ever been Kapri and her mom. Her dad left them when she was only four years old. Kapri has always been a shy, simple girl. She doesn't have a lot of friends, and isn't popular at all. All Kapri ever cared about was school.

Her mother on the other hand..

Kapri has watched her mother run through guy after guy her whole life. Eventually, Kapri just stopped getting to know her mothers boyfriends. Until one day, it turned her life upside down.

The summer befor Kapri's senior year of highschool, her mother suddenly gets married. To a rich handsome man that Kapri has never met. Just before the new school year starts, the families move in together. Kapri finds out that she has gained two step brothers, and one step sister.

Jesse and Jasmyn are twins. They are only eight years old. Both smart as hell, and sneaky as the devil himself.

Maverick however, is a whole different ball game. He's a year older than Kapri, but in the same grade as her. She's seen Maverick around school before. He's known as the school playboy.

Maverick doesn't play sports, but is insanely popular. He's the schools bad boy, with rumors about sleeping with teachers and other faculty members. Kapri has never paid attention to him before, and doesn't plan to now.

Kapri just wants to get through the new school year, and go off to college. After her friends fill her head with talk about needing to be expierenced before college, Kapri starts to wonder. Should she get it all out of her system while she can? She doesn't want to be distracted when she starts at her dream college.

With all the parties that her step brother throws, and attends, Kapri decides to maybe take a few risks. Ones that lead her unexpectedly to her step brother, over and over again. Will Kapri let her new brother teach her everything she needs to know? Will Maverick finally open up about his life to someone? Or is this taboo relationship blow up in their faces?

It can't be that bad, it's just s*x afterall.

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Chapter 1: Summer Birthdays
Kapri's P.O.V. ******************************************** Ahhh, finally school is out. The last day of my junior year. I can't wait for this summer to be over! Senior year I'm really going to have to crack down. I have to work on my college essay all summer. Then I can send it in to the schools I have applied to. Mrs. Gimmel, the student counselor, told me that I have a very high chance of getting a full-ride scholarship to the school of my choice. My essay just has to be well written, and obviously, a school has to accept me. I have my heart set on Harvard. I know, basic, but it could really get me places. Not to mention I come from nothing. I could give Mom and I the life we've always deserved. I just have to ace this essay. First, I need to figure out what to write about. What is personal about me, that stands out from everyone else? I'm just a poor white young woman. That's as basic as it freaking gets. I can play on the poor thing. Maybe talk about how my dad left when I was only four. How I've never had a father figure, but... Does that really stand out? Maybe I can play it all. The poor young woman from the rich town of Cherry Hills Village, Colorado. Her dad left their family when she was only four years old. A single mother raising her child on her own. Yeah, I guess I could play that out. Although, that just doesn't seem like enough. I need something more. My grades aren't enough to get me into Harvard. But there's nothing interesting about me. I'm just.. plain. "What are you doing in the library on our last day of school?" I looked up from my notebook to find my best friend Molly. She has her arms crossed as she glares at me. Her foot was tapping impatiently. Molly has been my best friend since we were in kindergarten. Our moms have been best friends our whole lives. Molly is the same age as me. She has short light brown hair that falls just past her shoulders, her front pieces are dyed a bright blue. Her eyes are deep blue and full of life. "I had to start my essay." I said as I turned back to my notebook. Molly huffed as she plopped down on the chair next to me. "I thought we were going to go to that after-school party at Brooke's?" She whined. "You said you were going, not me." I said. "But we were both invited," she argued. "Brooke is your friend," I stated. Molly rolled her eyes at me. "She's our friend." She corrected me. "I told you that. I know she started out my friend, but Brooke really likes you." Does she though? Brooke has never invited me to anything before. Not her birthday parties, not out after school, not even to study together. The only reason Brooke and her friend Megan even pay me any attention, is because I'm Molly's best friend. I just... don't feel like we're actually friends. Maybe that's what I can write my essay about. The poor young woman, her dad left when she was just a toddler, her mom raised her on her own, and the town loser! Yeah, that's guaranteed to make me pitiful. I internally groaned. "Look, I know that you don't really like parties, but I am serious. Brooke asked us both to come. She and Megan do like you. You just don't give them the chance. Your face is always stuck in a book. Or school work." Molly said. "That's a bad thing?" I asked. Molly scoffed. "Yes it's a bad thing! If you look up from your books every once in a while, you will see that there is so much more to life." She told me. "Like parties," I replied with a bored tone. "And boys," Molly said, smiling. I snorted at my best friend. "Why don't you just go without me? Have fun. I won't be upset about it." I said, turning back to my work. "I won't go if you don't. Besides, Brooke will feel some type of way if you don't come. She already thinks you don't like her," she said. I looked up at Molly. "She does?" I asked, feeling guilty. Molly nodded. "I didn't mean to come off like that... I do really like her. Both of them. I just... thought they liked you, not me." I said. Molly put her hand on mine. "Just because I met them first, doesn't mean they can't like us both." She told me. I guess Molly has a point. Maybe I'm just a hermit. I still don't want to go though. I sighed, feeling defeated. "Fine, I'll go. But I am leaving when I want." ******************** "Mom!" I called out as I walked into my apartment. "Her car wasn't in the parking lot." Molly said. I sighed. "She got in that accident, remember? We haven't had a car since," I said. "But that was like... six months ago," Molly said. "Yup." I stated as I rushed back to my room. Mom and I live in a small apartment. One that is much too small for the two of us, and way too expensive. Maybe I can put that in my essay. However small, I do like it. It's always just been Mom and me. Ever since my dad left. I don't remember him at all. And I don't want to. I will never understand how someone can abandon their family like that. Regardless of what happened between my parents, it didn't stop Mom from living her best life. I've seen so many guys run through this apartment, it isn't even funny. I even stopped learning their names. Or anything else about them for that matter. Some of them try to talk to me, try to do the whole 'step dad' thing. I usually just say something witty that goes right over their heads, or I walk away completely ignoring him. Either option gets me yelled at. Whatever. One day it won't matter. One day, after I'm graduated and a published author, Mom won't have to worry about a thing. I'll take care of us. I'll give her a life filled with so much happiness, she stops looking for it in shi.tty men. "Okay, wear this one." Molly tossed an article of clothing at me. I grabbed it and held it up. It's a small, tight, little black dress. Something I would never be caught dead in. "This is Mom's," I told her. "Yeah, I was in her closet," Molly said. I rolled my eyes. "Well, I'm not wearing this, or the bikini. I'll just wear what I have on." I said. "Wh-what you have on?" Molly exclaimed like I had just kicked a puppy in front of her. I looked down at my plain baby blue T-shirt, and simple jean shorts. "What's wrong with what I have on?" I asked with a frown. "Well, for starters, it's a pool party," she murmured. "I have a suit of my own," I said. "Oh come on!" Molly said as she stomped her foot. "Yours is cute and all, but April's is sexy. Let's be sexy. We're seniors now," she said. I just blinked at my best friend. "Okay, what if we compromise?" She offered. I raised a brow at her. "You wear your own swimsuit, but with this dress," Molly said excitedly. I looked at the dress in my hands, then at my best friend. It's not like I have a bad looking body. I don't think anyway. Molly is always talking about how I have thick thighs that all the boys would love. My chest isn't small, but it isn't huge either. I don't think my body looks as good as Molly's, or Brooke's, or Megan's though. I'll probably look so silly in Mom's dress. I won't be comfortable the entire time. Not that I would be anyway. Molly gave me her best puppy dog face, and even whimpered. I gave Molly a soft smile. I put my hand on her shoulder, and she perked up. I took in a deep, dramatic breath. "No." ********************** Well, Molly won. Stupid best friend using childhood promises and guilt to trick me. My best friend really knows how to play me. Molly ended up stuffing me into Mom's little black dress. At least she let me wear my own swimsuit, but I have zero intentions of swimming. In fact, I am going to dip out of here as soon as I get the opportunity to sneak away. Not only was Molly able to talk me into wearing this dress, she also convinced me to let her do my hair and makeup. My long thick black hair hanging around me in waves. It's my natural hair, but I usually wear it up, out of my face most of the time. Thankfully, Molly only applied small winged eyeliner, mascara, and lipgloss. Molly pulled me through the front doors of Brooke's impossibly large house. Her parents really are loaded. This place looks more like a homey cabin resort than just a house. I wonder what it's like to live in a place like this. "You guys made it just in time!" I turned around at the sound of Megan's voice. She's dressed in only a very small bright orange bikini. Her short red-dyed hair is bouncing around her head as she walks. Megan's cheeks are all red, and she has a solo cup in her left hand. She really is a beautiful girl though. Megan came rushing around the corner to us. Molly engulfed her in a hug while I stood to the side awkwardly. Then Megan wrapped her arms around me, crushing me in a tight hug. Normally, I would be shocked. Hell, I was a bit shocked. Megan is definitely a hugger, but I am usually not on the receiving end though. However, Megan reeks of alcohol. She must be drunk. "Just in time for what?" Molly asked. Megan released me, and turned to Molly. "Oh, Brooke didn't tell you guys? This is the summer break party, but also a birthday party." She said. "Who's birthday?" Molly asked. "Only the hottest, most popular guy around." She slurred. Oh no, please don't tell me she means- "Maverick Penton," Megan finished. I internally groaned. I hate that guy. He's the school's bad boy. Always riding to and from school on his motorcycle. Maverick Penton is the school's most popular boy. He doesn't do sports or other activities. He's not in a club at all. In fact, I'm not even sure he goes to school much. Personally, I've never liked him. Not even a little bit. And I would bet that Maverick feels the same about me too. We grew up together, always in the same classes all our lives. Not that we ever got along. I was the nerdy girl that Maverick teased constantly, and Maverick was just the jerk that I desperately tried to ignore. Ultimately, every interaction I have ever had with Maverick Penton has been a bad one. I'm not celebrating that jerk's birthday with him. I'll just leave before- Suddenly, Megan grabbed mine and Molly's hands, and started to drag us through the house. "Come on, they're about to sign happy birthday." She said. Ugh! Megan pulled us around a corner, and through a doorway that led to a kitchen. There are tons of people inside already singing happy birthday. I can see Maverick's stupid smug smile from here. It really is no wonder that the boy is popular with the ladies. I hate to admit it, but Maverick is actually really attractive. His looks are ridiculously phenomenal. Maverick Penton has chestnut brown, thick, luscious hair. His eyes are a beautiful honey brown that sparkle in the evening sunlight. And don't even get me started on how great his body is. The boy works out every morning before school. His abs are hard as rocks. Maverick is also extremely tall, at 6'8. All of this I know, because there isn't a single girl in our whole school that doesn't gossip about him. These are not things I ever wanted to know about that irritating jacka.ss, but here we are. I watched our school's 'it' girl Savannah wrap her arms around Maverick's neck, and pull him down for a kiss. Which he absolutely accepted. What a fu.cking tool. He was literally in the coffee shop I work at last night with another girl. I don't get what girls see in this guy. I turned around and wandered out of the kitchen. "What are you doing up here geek?" I jumped at the sound of that voice. "Goddamn it, Maverick. You nearly gave me a heart attack, you a.ss." I complained. Maverick rolled his brown eyes. "I see you're just as sweet as ever, loser. Now, what are you doing here?" He asked. "Brooke invited me." I said with a frown. "I didn't mean at the party idi.ot. I thought you were supposed to be smart. I'm asking why you're up here. The second floor is off limits. There are bedrooms downstairs if you're trying to find someone willing enough to fu.ck you." Maverick said. My jaw dropped. "How.. Just.. What.. Wh-who..." I tripped over my words. Maverick chuckled as he took a step closer to me. I took a step back, and he took another, until my back was to the wall. Great, now I'm trapped. "You've really grown this year." He said as he looked me up and down. "Hell, I'd even take you into a room if you wanted to, nerd." I scoffed as I pushed on his chest. Maverick didn't move an inch. Stupid rock hard abs. "Do you really work out every morning before school?" I blurted out. Sh.it, I shouldn't have said that. "Same old Kapri, I see." He muttered as he pulled away from me. "Huh?" I asked. "Tell me what you're doing up here, or I'm going to kick you out." He said. Maveric crossed his arms over his chest. I raised a brow at him. Is this supposed to be intimidating to me? "Don't threaten me with a good time." I said with a laugh. Maverick just stared at me expectantly. "You're such a bully," I said. Maverick only blinked at me. "I didn't realize I came up here. I was looking at the art on the walls. Then there were all the cute family pictures, and before I knew it, I was up here. I really didn't mean it. But if I must go, I guess that'll be that." I said dramatically as I walked past Maverick. "You really haven't changed at all," he said, chuckling. I turned my head to frown at him. "I've changed," I argued. "Nope." Maverick said. "You're still the same annoying little girl with her head stuck in a book. Bookworm." "I am not a little girl," I stated. "You still look little to me," he said as he peered over me. "That's because you're ridiculously tall," I argued. "That doesn't make you any less of a little girl," Maverick said. "Excuse you, but I am a woman now. You're the one that hasn't changed," I said. I flipped my hair over my shoulder, and started walking down the hallway. I can feel Maverick hot on my heels. Stupid jerk. Why is he even following me? "At least I'm not a virgin," he retorted. "At least I'm not a who.re." I said sweetly. I walked down the stairs, and headed for the door that Molly and I walked in through. I'll have to text her on my way home. Hopefully, she won't be too mad at me. At least she has other friends here. "You really are a pain in my a.ss. I can't stand you." Maverick complained, though he sounded bored. I grabbed the doorknob on the front door, and turned to give Maverick a bored look. "Then go find a seat." I said sarcastically. Maverick glared at me. "Bye now." I said sweetly. Then I opened the door, and walked five miles home.

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