My Dragon Desire

My Dragon Desire

opposites attract
another world
Fantasy Romance Ⅱ Writing Contest

Dawn Morgan, a newly ranked up witch, is given her first mission. Infiltrate the Dragon's Den and get information.

Being a spy wasn't something she was looking forward too but she was over excited to be starting her first mission.

Leaving Willow Wood Falls is one thing but arriving at Briscana Peaks was on a whole other level. Sky level to be exact.

Will Dawn be able to get close enough to her target to get the information her High Priestess wants?

Or will she fail and reveal her true identity?

Blake Welsh has a point to prove. Newly appointed as the Lord of Uza, he knows that everyone is watching him.

When he meets the new maid, Dawn, his senses are set ablaze.

Will Blake be able to concentrate on his legacy or will he fall?

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Chapter One - Mission
✩Dawn✩ “Dawn Morgan! Report to the High Priestess office!” the loud voice rang through the empty hallway and I groaned as I shuffled to the office. Ever since I had ranked up, I had been waiting for my very first mission and I couldn’t wait to hear what was in store for me. Would I get to accompany the warriors? I arrived at the dark wooden double doors and took a deep breath. This was it; my time had come. I knocked before entering and immediately lowered my eyes. “Thank you for joining us,” Cora Vixen, the Priestess, welcomed me and I nodded before approaching. “Take a seat,” she said, and I immediately sat down on the dark purple wingback chair. “Dawn, you must be pretty excited,” Levana Le Doux said, and I finally looked up and smiled at the High Priestess. I had no idea how old either Priestess was but they both looked to be in their mid-thirties. “I am very excited,” I gushed out as I pushed my thick golden blonde hair out of my face. I probably should’ve taken more time in my appearance, but it was too late now. I could only hope they wouldn’t notice the mustard stain from this afternoon’s lunch. “You’ve done very well and deserved the ranking,” Cora said, and I glanced over at her and smiled. She was a kind soul that often roamed the training grounds. She returned my smile and it made her light blue eyes sparkle. “We’ve done a lot of thinking and we’ve decided to send you on a very important mission,” Levana said, and I turned my attention back to her. She was sitting in a high back chair, twirling her soft silver hair between her fingers. Her brown eyes stared at me and I felt as if she could see into my soul. I shivered as I wondered what mission they would be sending me on. “This mission will take you away from home for at least six months,” Cora informed me, and I nodded. Six months was a long time to be away from the coven, but I would do my part. “What is the mission?” I asked carefully. “You are to infiltrate the dragon’s den, Uza,” Levana informed me, and my eyes went wide. “Uza? As in, the champions of the black?” I asked, both in awe and fear. The stories surrounding that specific den of dragons were incredible. It was them that first started the war between the dragons and witches. Before that, we used to be like a family. “Correct, now, your mission is to find out as much as you can,” Cora said as she slowly paced the large office. I had only ever been inside once before, and I took this moment to look around. The thick dark brown carpet was clean and the soft beige walls complimented the medieval-themed room. The touches of silver and purple didn’t surprise me as it was the colors of our coven. The Witches of the Silver Star. “Rumour has it that a new leader has ascended upon the den and we need to know why,” Levana leaned forward, and I involuntarily sat back. I felt intimidated by her. She was powerful, more powerful than the previous High Priestess. “I want to know what he eats for breakfast, when he showers, who his friends are and what kind of a dragon he is. I want you to get to know him, I want you to get him to trust you, to confide in you. I want to know if he is a threat, do you understand?” “Yes, High Priestess,” I answered without hesitation. “I will do whatever I can to get all the information you need,” “Good, now, the job isn’t luxurious as you will be working as a maid,” Levana said as she started sifting through some papers on the large oak desk. Maid? My first mission is to be a maid? “You are to report for duty at eight hundred hours, Sunday morning,” she handed over an envelope and I carefully took it from her. As curious as I was to open it, I waited. “Inside you will find your plane ticket, some money and of course, falsified documentation as to your qualifications and specifications on this mission,” “Learn it, live it and stand by it,” Cora added. “If at any point you feel that your cover is blown, get out. Do not and I mean this, do not try to salvage the situation, do not use magic,” “Of course, it would be ideal for you not to get caught,” Levana said with a soft smile. “Right, of course,” I whispered. It would seem that my first mission was quite serious. Although I wasn’t looking forward to being a maid. Or in this case a spying maid. “Cora will accompany you to the airport and then you will officially be on your own,” Levana informed me as she stood up from her chair. I quickly stood up, was this meeting already over? “Once you have arrived, you will use this phone to send us information, and so on,” she handed me a mobile phone and I looked down at it in wonder. I didn’t have much experience with modern technology, but I didn’t think it would be too hard to master. After all, I am ranked level ten now. “If anything happens, anything serious, then you may call, but otherwise, stick to messages,” Cora said as she opened the door for me. “One more thing,” she handed me a silver pendant and I curiously looked down at the beautiful pearl. “This will help cloak that you are a witch,” she informed me, and I eagerly nodded and slipped it around my neck. I hurried out of the office. I couldn’t believe I had been given my first mission. After working so hard, it was finally happening. I had to admit that I was terrified, the thought of being in the center of it all was quite scary. The dragon’s den was no playground. I headed to my room on the fourth floor and quickly closed the door behind me. I emptied the contents of the envelope on my bed and went over everything carefully. I was somewhat disappointed to find out that I hadn’t been given an alias name or anything like that. The only thing was the documentation saying I was a qualified cleaner. More like glorified. I shook my head as I thought about what this new leader would be like. Blake Welsh. I had to get close to him. I didn’t have much experience with men as the coven consists of only females. I didn’t have much time to prepare so as I packed my bags, I started getting myself into the right mindset. I could only hope that my training wouldn’t fail me.  ✩✩✩ Leaving Willow Wood Falls had been a lot easier than I had thought it would be. Although my first experience flying wasn’t as exciting as I had imagined, I was happy to be on my feet once again. The taxi service had just left me standing in front of one of the largest buildings I had ever seen in my entire life. Albeit twenty-two years. The mountain drive from the airport to Briscana Peaks had been long and boring. I glanced up, trying to see the top of the castle but it was too high up and the clouds wrapped around it like a magical blanket. It was weird thinking about dragons and magic. I took a deep breath and pressed the bell by the gate. I was already late, and I wasn’t feeling greatly confident because of it. When the gate started to open, I took a step back and held on tightly to my bag. Once the gate was completely open, I took a shaky step forward and then another and another. The pathway up to the castle was long and tiring. As I slowly climbed the large stone steps up to the front of the castle, I saw an older female waiting for me. “Dawn Morgan?” she queried, and I nodded. “You are late, but I’ll let you off this time as it is your first day here. Anyway, I am Josephine Winter and I am head of the house,” she explained, and I wondered what that meant, head of the house? I didn’t get a chance to ask her as she ushered me inside. “I’ll show you to your quarters,” I followed Josephine as quickly as I could. I would’ve loved to take in the interior design of the castle, but I didn’t want to get distracted and end up getting lost. “You’ll be rooming with Bailey Brett, she started about eight months ago. She’ll give you a tour and your schedule,” Josephine said as she stopped outside of a large wooden door. “Ok, thank you,” I said as I watched her hurry off. I shrugged and pushed open the door, looking around the small room, I had half been expecting to find Bailey inside. To my disappointment, she wasn’t. One side of the room held a bunker bed and on the other side was a small kitchenette area. One door and a large closet. I placed my bag next to the closet and looked around. The stone floors and walls made the room feel cold and I shivered. This is where the maids slept? I shuddered as I opened the only other door in the room. I was surprised to find it was a full bathroom. I went in and washed my face and hands. “I’m on the bottom,” I gasped in surprise as I left the bathroom. Bailey Brett, a small girl with long brown hair and brown eyes, stood by the bunker bed. She was smiling warmly at me and I breathed a sigh of relief. It would’ve been horrible if she had been cold. “Ok,” I said as I went to her and held out my hand. “I’m Dawn Morgan,” “Bailey Brett, nice to meet you,” she said as she quickly shook my hand. “Josephine said you would be arriving today,” “Yeah,” “Have you had breakfast yet?” she asked, and I shook my head. I had been too nervous to eat. “Well, breakfast is served at six for us and eight for the lords,” I shook my head as she described the dragons as lords. “I would’ve saved you a plate, but I did manage to take some bread rolls,” she headed over to the kitchenette area and opened the microwave. Four bread rolls on a porcelain plate. “Thank you,” I said as I looked around for a place to sit. “I don’t normally eat in the room and the kitchenette is mostly for tea and coffee, but you are more than welcome to use my bed,” Bailey said as she headed back to the door. “Unpack, get settled in, I’ll be back in about an hour,” she said before she left me alone. I quickly unpacked as I ate and then I waited. After freshening up and Bailey still hadn't returned, I figured that it would be alright for me to wander around. I wouldn’t go too far. Walking around the castle was such a pleasure. As cold as it felt, the warmth from the fine art and paintings really created a work of history. I was quite intrigued by it all and I couldn’t wait to explore some more. Uza, champion of the black, certainly stayed true to its name. The thick black runner carpet was nice to walk on, but I was pretty sure it was a b***h to clean and I hoped that it wouldn’t be my job. The heavy black drapes had been pulled aside and the natural sunlight shone through. The large hallways made me feel quite small and as I looked around, I didn’t see where I was going, and I bumped right into something. Or someone. “Oh!” a very deep male voice cried out as he caught my arm to prevent me from falling flat on my ass. I looked up and I immediately got lost in his deep chocolate brown eyes. His wavy black hair caressed his sharp features in such a way that I was rendered speechless. “Are you lost?” he asked me but as I opened and closed my mouth, I couldn’t formulate any words. “Who are you?” he asked, and I finally looked down at his hand and he quickly let me go. “Please accept my apologies,” “Dawn! There you are!” I glanced over my shoulder to see Bailey rushing towards me. However, the second she saw him, she stopped and lowered her head. “My Lord,” she whispered, and I looked back up at the male specimen before me. Lord? Could it be? “Blake Welsh,” he introduced himself and I shook my head. What on earth had I done? This was a total disaster. Blake Welsh, the new leader of Uza and I had literally bumped into him. What must he think of me? I shook my head once again and stepped back. Now that I knew who he was, I could pick up on his dragon stench. I reached up and caressed the pearl pendant and I hoped that it worked. If I could sense him, could he sense that I was a witch?  “I am so sorry,” I said softly as I looked down. I had to show him respect. “Nonsense, I am the one that came rushing out of my room,” he said with a chuckle and I glanced up at him. He was quite tall and extremely well built. I felt even smaller than usual and I nodded, accepting his explanation and earlier apology. “Who are you?” he asked me again, and I found myself blushing at him showing an interest in me. This was a good sign though and I had to remind myself that the whole point of this mission was to get close to him. “Dawn Morgan,” I said with a small smile. I was grateful that I had decided to shower and change earlier. At least I didn't look like something the cat dragged in. “She’s the new maid,” Bailey hurried to add, and I could’ve thrown her with a rock. Why was she here again? Oh, yes, because I had wandered off. “I was simply exploring my new home,” I said as an explanation as to why I had been roaming the hallways. “This place is quite…exceptional,” I finished off. “It is,” Blake said with a smug smile. “I’ll see you at lunch,” he added before he dashed off. I stood staring after him, wondering what he meant, and I realized that since Bailey had mentioned I was a maid that he expected to see me there. Oh well, I would serve him anytime. I blushed at my train of thoughts and turned around to face Bailey. “Dawn! Are you nuts?” Bailey lightly grabbed my arm and I let her drag me away, back to our room. Blake Welsh was enough to make any female nuts. Myself, included. It would seem that this mission had just gotten complicated.

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