
Queen of The Alpha’s


RunRun..RUN!!I need to get as far away as possible.Tree branches whipping against my muzzle and eye, ears pulled back flat against my head, my claws digging into the dirt as a spring further forward. Needing to escape from them. I can hear their breathing close behind me. How did they get so close, I was sure they stopped progressing after I passed the barrier of another pack. I can’t let them have me. I feeling them closing in.THUMP!I felt the weight of a huge male wolf on top of me. My shoulders digging into the ground, his claws digging into my chest, with blinding speed I attacked back. Biting anything I could, muzzle, neck, front legs, ears, and he seemed to have been going easy on me.Throwing him off, I got up to run again. To escape, but a extremely huge black wolf pounce out of no where and pushed me back on the ground.

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Prologue A week ago......... "Joyce, I'm tired of arguing with you. You will be with Alpha Killian and our packs will be aligned as one. Do you understand?" My father, Alpha Jacob stated as he searched into my hazel eyes for understanding. I hate it. I hate him...Ok, maybe I don't hate my father. But I do hate that I'm being forced into a mating. Especially a mating with a cruel beast of a man like Killian. He's most likely a murder and most definitely a psycho. I've seen the way he's been watching me during pack meetings. I've heard the stories where he locks the female pack members into a basement to never be seen again. It's all f****d up, like someone should have ended him long ago for the things he done. But no, he gets to roam free and snatch women from their beds at night. Ok, I might be exaggerating but do you blame me? See I knew you'd understand. I looked into my father's dark brown eyes to find that he's going to continue fighting me tonight. I don't like that ever since I turned twenty one, we've started arguing about a known stop. Once he found out that I was a Omega instead of an Alpha or a Beta. It's like everything went downhill. So here we are in another argument. I knew what was going to happen tonight though. So I looked at him and gave him a nod before saying. "Fine, but if he does something I don't like I get to kill him." I turned my head away and leaned back onto my computer chair. So he wouldn't see the vulnerability in my eyes. He sighed heavily before saying. "Thank you, pumpkin." Then he moved behind my chair and gripted my shoulders into a tight squeeze before bending down to press his lips to the back of my head. I felt like I was going to cry, because I knew right now would be the last time I'd see my father. So I leaned into his hold and waited until he pulled away. "I love you, pumpkin. Get some sleep, we have a big day tomorrow."he said in a sad fatherly voice before leaving me alone in my room. "I love you too, dad." I whispered before getting up out of my chair and moving towards the bedroom door. Once I'm there, I listen closely. Using my heightened senses to make sure no one was listening, so after what felt like hours but was only a couple minutes of complete silence. Did I finally get to moving? I went to my closet and grabbed a bag that would fit the items I'd need for my escape. Thirty minutes later I'm sliding the bag onto my bare shoulders as I unlock the window. Then when the window is opened I climb onto the edge of the windowsill, but before I jump I look over my shoulder at my childhood bedroom. The memories all overwhelm my vision. Some of me and my best friend Katie playing dress up, some with me and Katie getting ready for the pack celebrations. Ohh that night was perfect, I had my first kiss with Justin Brewer in the woods. I almost lost my virginity that night as well, until my father caught us and I never saw Justin again. Some people say that my dad killed him, others say that he was banished from the pack. After a full three minutes of thinking of the past did I turn back to the night. To my freedom. "I'm sorry father." I said before I jumped out of the window, shifting mid air and before my feet even hit the ground I was on the run. To freedom To a new place And hopefully to my mate.

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