Bitter Sweet Life: The Morningstar Series Book 7

Bitter Sweet Life: The Morningstar Series Book 7


Akeehla Morningstar has had a life like no other. Even for a supernatural. Being one of the daughters to the most powerful Tribrid, and one of the Devil's sons has put a target on her back.

Kidnapped at only 12 years old, she was held captive for two years. Getting herself free proved to have more difficulties than she thought. Giving her the nickname the Derranged.

Life is funny in that way. Once you are free, it almost seems better to go back to torture. No one knows the things that Akeehla has went through, or what she continues to go through.

After being rejected over and over again, her heartbreak becomes too much. Drugs take over her life. Eventually she gets clean, but no one trusts her anymore.

Akeehla tries her best to gain back the trust of everyone she loves. It doesn't go as well as she wants at first. After Atiana takes a chance on her, Akeehla gets back in the game. She survived rejections, drugs, Hunters, and so much more.

All to come face to face with another mate.

Callum. An Angel dead set on ending the Derranged's life. What will he chose now that he has found his mate? Will Akeehla be rejected yet again? Will she survive another rejection? Will anyone ever find out the truth about what happened to her?

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Chapter 1: Akeehla's P.O.V.
You ever wonder what it's like to be normal? Yeah, me neither. Not even before I was kidnapped did I ever think about being normal. My siblings all did. For them, they just wanted to be as normal as supernaturals could get. It never worked out for any of them though. Of course it wouldn't work out for Morningstar's. I always felt a little bit bad for them. They were all seeking out recogniztion that they would never recieve. My poor brothers and sisters. Completely ignorant to how others saw us. At first anyways. We all learned as we grew. I knew from the beginning though. Since I was a baby. The sounds of their thoughts swarmed my brain constantly. I didn't understand what the babbling even was at first. I was so young. It took me only a couple years to figure out that I was hearing the thoughts around me. I would voice the things that my parents, or siblings kept locked inside. At first it scared my parents. There has never been a telepath like me before. Witches are intuitive. Some to the point that you could say they are a bit telepathic. None of them are though. They can't hear things the way I do. I hear the souls of others around me. Their thoughts sometimes come in the form of words, pictures, even feelings. Sometimes, if the persons emotions are strong enough, it can be all of the above. I have found that anger is the worst emotion of all. Anger is what drives most bad decision-making and actions. It's the key root of revenge, envi, war. Outbursts of anger can resault in people getting hurt, or worse. Murder. It's by far the worst emotion to have. I've desperately tried, for my entire life, to avoid anger. I did pretty well. For a while anyways. Sometimes I would slip up though. I was about three years old when Mom started to worry about me. They hadn't pieced together my abilities yet. Mom had called Aunt Lenny over to help out. Which I just thought was silly. Mom could have just asked me, and I would have told her. The moment Aunt Lenny looked at me I could feel her curiosity. She had inspected me while her thoughts flowed to my head. Her's were different than Mom's though. While Mom was scared, Aunt Lenny was.. intrigued. You can hear me can't ya? I looked up at her blankly. Yes I can. That was the first time that I had spoken into someone's head. This wasn't like mind linking, which I couldn't even do yet. I didn't get my wolf until a year after that. Aunt Lenny didn't need any more information. In that moment, she declared that I am a telepath. Mom, Dad, and Aunt Lenny went back and fourth for hours arguing about it. Mom and Dad said that there is no way. That telepath's don't exist. I guess that means I'm the only one. I tried to interrupt their fight to tell them that I think Aunt Lenny was right. No one wanted to listen to me. They would just shew me away because I was so young. So, I took it upon myself to bring someone else into the conversation. The one person who has always listened to me. Who never thought I wasn't capable because of my age. Grandpa. I teleported to Hell in the middle of the night. Aunt Lenny's arguing with my parents was keeping me up. They didn't want to listen to me. Mom and Dad's souls were scared for me. So, I thought maybe Grandpa could help out. "And how on earth did you get down here my glowing eyed girl?" Grandpa had asked me. I was standing in the middle of his throne room as he sat on his throne made of human bones. I've always loved Grandpa's throne. I even helped him pick out some of the bones. But shh, Mom isn't supposed to ever find out. "I teleported." I admitted. None of my other siblings were able to teleport as young as me. Except for Aureaila. My oldest sibling has always been smarter, more intuitive than the rest of us. Until me. "You know how to teleport little one?" Grandpa had asked. I nodded. "Grandpa, I need your help." I said. I was trying to get to the point. I was tired, and my head hurt from the constant anxiety rolling off of Mom. I just wanted to sleep. I could feel that Grandpa was intrigued. He wanted to know more about how I was able to teleport. He also wanted to know what I needed his help with. Maybe I should tell her parents she's here.. "I need you to talk to them." I said. Grandpa had furrowed his brow at me. Talk to them? Grandpa had opened his mouth to ask the very question out loud, but I started talking before he could. "Mom and Dad." I grumbled out. Grandpa's eyebrows shot up as he stared at me. Is she reading my thoughts? I sighed heavily. The action was probably comical coming from a three year old. I know that it made Grandpa chuckle back then. "Yes Grandpa, I am reading your thoughts. Can you please come help me now?" I asked grumpily. She's starting to sound like Ares. My grandchildren are such grumps. "Alright, alright. Let's go." He said. Grandpa stood up to walk to me. He grabbed my little hand in his. I strained my neck to scowl up at my grandfather. "And I am not a grump." Bringing Grandpa back was a smart decision. At first it had only made Mom's fear grow. It seems that I am the most powerful out of my siblings so far. Mom is scared that whatever darkness is in Aunt Lenny is in me too. Mom doesn't want any of us to have the Anderson curse. Whatever that means. She says it's bad enough that we have a darkness from Dad's side. She doesn't want us to end up evil. I didn't understand at the time what any of that meant. Aunt Lenny isn't evil. Dad isn't evil. They say that Grandpa is evil, but.. I don't believe that for a second. Grandpa tortures evil souls. Doesn't that make him good? Don't the evil deserve to be punished? Sometimes I can hear the echo's of screams in Grandpa's head. He never looks bothered by it though. Is that why he's evil? Because he isn't empathetic to the evil souls he tortures? Well, if that's the case, Mom is too late. I like hearing the screams in Grandpa's head. Maybe because I know those souls are extra bad. I can see flashes of the things those souls had done while they were alive. They deserved everything Grandpa did to them. I tried my best to reassure Mom though. I don't want her to be worried about me for no reason. I wouldn't become evil. Or so I thought I wouldn't. As the years went on, Mom calmed down. All I had to do was try not to talk about my special ability. Which was fine by me. People don't really like it when you can hear their thoughts. I got my wolf the day I turned four. I shifted the same day. I was so impatient to get my wolf. To have someone else to help drown out the constant nosie. Nexi was everything I had hoped for. We connected instantly. I was the one that pushed for a shift. Nexi wasn't sure we could do it at first, but we did. I think Mom was the most shocked. I felt bad for spiking her anxiety yet again. Dad seemed proud. Same with Aunt Lenny and Grandpa. They only told me they were proud of me, but I heard their thoughts. No other wolves have shifted as young as my siblings and I had. And no one, ever, had shifted the same day they got their wolf. Not even Aureaila. I spent a lot of my time in my wolf form after that. Nexi would run deep into the forest. Far away from everyone. Away from the noise. I still remember the day that I had met Ryce. Nexi was confused as to why he was staying out here if he was looking for his mate. He had no idea that I knew he was looking for Relly. I didn't see a point in telling him that she wasn't here. At the time I was only about six. I didn't really understand how important mates were. My parents pushed the whole mate thing on us, but I was still a kid. So, I left. Leaving Ryce to wonder why he couldn't find his mate. Never saying anything to Relly, or anyone else. I thought that Ryce would have came back for her. He didn't though. So, I just kept my mouth shut like normal. Nexi and I spent every day running in the woods. I never had friends. Any time that I tried to make some.. Well, people aren't thrilled that Morningstar's exist. Before I would get my name out, I could hear their thoughts. Sense their fear. Honestly, I loved it at first. The fact that just my name struck fear in so many people. It made me proud somehow. And I hadn't even done anything yet. Still, I didn't want to upset Mom. So I just kept to myself. Even though Nexi and I really wanted to play with that fear. Maybe that's what Mom meant about being evil. Nexi and I spent most of our time deep in the forest. So deep that no one could ever find us. Just the way I preferred it. That was my first mistake. Going deep where my parents couldn't find me. My second mistake was thinking that I'm too powerful. For letting all of the fears the other supernaturals had for me boost my ego. In the end, it was that ignornace that got me kidnapped. I was too far from our territory. I bet it took Mom and Dad hours to even realize that I was taken. Which brought me to my third mistake. If I had just stayed closer, they would have found out sooner. Then the Hunter's wouldn't have gotten so far away. I was taken to a facility. Someone powerful must have been helping them. That's the only way that I couldn't have been found. Two years I was there. Two years of my parents searching for me. Two years of torture. Two years of being bred, beaten, and broken down. Two whole years. I thought that I would never get free. That I would never see my parents again. My siblings. My family. I thought that I would be spending the rest of my life in that place. Nothing I did to escpae worked. They kept me weak enough that I couldn't teleport, but cognizant enough to know what was going on. It took me about six months to realize that I needed to do something. Unfortunately for me, there was little I could do. The Hunter's kept me on a tight leash. When the leader felt me growing angry, when he knew I was close to ending it all for all of us.. He would drag something out to stop me. There was nothing I could do. Until, one day. I had had enough. After everything I endured.. I couldn't anymore. I once thought that I loved hearing the screams of people being tortured.. I was wrong, so wrong. That was the day I unleashed power I had been holding inside of me. All of my darkness had come out. My darkness from being a decendent of the Devil, and my Anderson curse. All of it came rushing out of me before I could stop it. After it was all said and done, I pulled Vessa into my lap. I sobbed as I prayed to every God out there that she would take a breath. Just take a breath.. My tears splashed on her pale face as I waited. The doors suddenly burst open. At least 30 people came rushing in. All of their thoughts hitting me like a train. My eyes connected with my parents. And then everything went black.

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