
Book 4 - The Mafia Bride

age gap
arranged marriage

When his last lover got married, he finally craved for love, he longed to settle down. He was on a mission to find his perfect one. He was dating women every chance he gets, random woman from strippers to the very reputable school teacher.

Until his father was fed up with his dates and finally play match maker for his son.


She was livid when she found out that her father had sold her off to one of the richest Russian mob family.

She had just finished college and was experiencing her new role, at her father's organization. She was the sole heir of her father's legacy.

She was a bad ass in running her father's business, but she finally had to relent when she found out that he had actually sold off more than half of their family business without her knowledge.


He was desperate to settle down.

She was loving her independence.

Will they meet in the middle? Will they even get along? Follow me and find out

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1. Act Womanly
This book is a stand-alone, but you will understand the characters better by reading the books in order: 1. The Mafia Entanglement 2. Between the Mafias 3. Romancing the Mafia 4. The Mafia Bride 5. My Possessive Mafia Alina "Alina my child, please you got to stop going out with the boys. Damn... I knew, I shouldn't be giving you those shooting lessons when you were a kid. You know, girls play with barbies, not guns." He scolded me for riding out with the boys, to one of our dangerous area of development this afternoon. "Father please, with your condition I have to step up. They need to see the next person in line, to show them that we are still functioning as a family, that our businesses are still good and growing. You know you can't put it all on Eduard and Erik, that tweedle dee and tweedle dum are nothing but a pretty face. They still can't make people respect them. And if people couldn't even do that, how could they respect you, us....as a family." I went to the bar and fix myself a drink. Father was still behind his desk, scribbling on the balance sheet and making notes here and there. Since he got shot two years ago, his health was slowly deteriorating. And he had been throwing the field work to tweedle dee and tweedle dum. But this year I had finished my college education, and I intend to help out. Since mom died, when I was five, I had always been his only one. I had latched on to his side since that day and followed him every where. His people knew me, they had relate me with father, with his discipline, his toughness, and hopefully his wisdom and greatness in leading his organization. "Father, why don't you take a break and have a glass with me. I need to talk to you about me taking over the field work, and make Eduard and Erik as my First and Second." I took his glass and wait for him, as I sat down on the sofa. "Alina, I really don't want you to get involve with the operational. You're becoming a beautiful woman, just like your mother. I need you to live your life, and I don't mean acting all crazy with your girls. I need you to settle down, and have your own family. You don't have to take care of me until I'm dead." He drank his vodka and looked at me. I stared at him seriously, tilting my head to the other side, then I laughed hard at his statement. "You've got to be kidding me father...settle down? Do you not know, your own daughter? I could clean weapons and make it shiny inside out, but I couldn't even make my own meals. My specialties are cereals and fruits...oh and also store bought yogurt. I could also make better cocktails, than a decent cup of coffee. Why do you think, we have all those instant coffee?" I took his hand, and caressed them with mine. "Seriously father, please let me do this. I'm your only kid, it's a given father. You got to let me to this. Come on you got nothing to lose." He finally sighed, making shrieked and hugged him tight. "Alina, you still have to give me grandkids you realise that right? I don't know how you will manage to do that by cleaning guns and spending your days with your crazy friends, and working for me at the same time." "They're not crazy father, they're just a bit different. We are all different. But we are all good people father, we're just a bit...ermm...Unique? Yeah that's it. So, I'm going to be a bit late tonight.... 'kay father? me and the girls are trying this new club down town..." I told him, getting up from my seat and kissed and hugged him goodnight. "Use you CAR! It's night already!" He shouted as I close the door behind him, and pretend that I didn't hear his last words. I walked out of the house, grinning wildly as I stepped into the garage and put on my jacket, get my backpack, then my helmet and took out my motorbike. ****** "My bitches! I missed you girls sooo much!" Dorothy slammed her petite body to ours. Sharon had arrived minutes earlier before me. We were at our favorite shooting range, for our weekly shooting sessions. "So, did you tell your father which club that we're supposed to go tonight? You know that he's going to check then send his men here right?" She took her place next to my bay and took out her gun case from her backpack. "Meh...I didn't, they would be here any moment now. Father gave me this new phone, I'm pretty sure it had a tracker in it." I told her and started putting bullets in my gun. "So how's the taking over thing going?" Sharon asked, as she just got back from the counter with our paper range. "I'll tell you over dinner, I really need to let out some steam..." I put on my earplugs and safety glasses, then started shooting. She knew not to bother me when I was shooting, so she just shrugged and start her own session. We finished an hour later, Eduard and Erik were already waiting on the parking lot for me. Then we continue our girls night to Silvio's and had some dinner. "He still think of me like I'm his little girl, I can take care of myself more then those two goons father instructed to look out for me. Seriously Shar, I just wanted to help out he look so tired sometimes, and those two dickheads can't even look scary enough to be a scarecrow." I told her as I felt my frustration built up. "He wanted me to settle down and have babies!!" I told them furiously, Dorothy choke on her drink, while sharon almost dropped her phone. I tugged my lip and smile to their reaction. See I'm not the only one that think it's crazy. "Al... Your father thinks too highly of you. He couldn't seriously undo all the years he'd been taking you on your little fieldtrips with him. You're father is a freaking mob, he had you trained with guns when you were eight, and gave your first twenty two caliber when you were thirteen...." She shook her head and start sipping her coffee. "Hey! Maybe we should take the weekend off, and let your frustration out Al! Come with me to my gaming conference. We could be all out, f*****g and drinking the night away! And Ooh strippers, we can do strippers, it's been too long....please please...please..." Dorothy pleaded us excitedly. Her eyes were wide, trying to hold her feelings down. We were laughing in no time. Dorothy is a computer gamer geek to the max with a big kink for motorbike. That was how the three of us met actually, at our campus parking lot. Sharon had her thing with her Harleys. Despite her being the tattoo artist riding her big Harley, she was the shy one amongst us. "Mm...I don't know Dottie, I have to move couple of appointments for this weekend. I have to check with my clients first..." But Dorothy was not taking no for an answer. We finally settled on the wild weekend excursion, with her by then end of our dinner. Father really looked tired when I check up on him and tuck him in, after I got home that night. I just hope that taking over the organization could be simple and fast. I really need to let father took a step back and relax. **************************** Welcome to another story of mine ❤️  hope you will enjoy this as much as the previous ones... Comment...and give some love to our characters And thankyouuuu for taking your time to read

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