My Four Last Hopes

My Four Last Hopes


Khloe is a 28 year old average women. She moved far away from the family that never seemed to want her anyway. Until one day, when she gets a phone call telling her that her mother has died. Khloe takes the first flight back home to take care of the funeral.

While there, Khloe finds out that things have gotten worse with her older sister's drug addiction. Her two younger siblings are busy with college, and Khloe wants them to focus on her studies. So, she handles everything on her own, for a mother who never wanted her in the first place.

The night before Khloe is to go back home, she gets kidnapped. Several men bust into her childhood home. They put a sack over her head, and stuff her in the trunk of a car. Panicked, Khloe can only wait to see what happens next.

Khloe finds herself imagining the worst scenarios. Only to find out that it's some long lost great uncle of her's that kidnapped her.

Jan is the head of a large mafia family in Poland. After the sudden death of his only son, he searched for the closest blood relative he could find. Someone to take over the family business for him.

Only, Jan thought he was kidnapping Khloe's eldest sister. Unfortunately, due to the drug addiction her eldest sister suffers from.. Khloe is chosen to take over.

Jan offers her everything she could ever need or want. A large place to stay, more money than she's ever had before, and the ability to take care of her family.

The only thing standing in her way, are her four bodyguards that have an ulterior motive. Andrzej wants to become the head. He's been Jan's right hand man for most of his adult life. He should be the one to take over for the old man. His three very best friends are loyal to him, and agree.

Andrzej hatches a plan. He will either convince this little girl to leave by showing her the life of a gangster. Or he'll kill her. Or maybe even train her to be his puppet. Regardless, Andrzej will become the next head of the Nowosielski family.

At leas that is what he thinks. Until he meets Khhloe. a women like he's never met before. Khloe isn't as scared of the gangster life as the men thought. She's strong, smart, loyal. All of the characteristics that make a great leader.

Will Andrzej change his mind? Will the others let him go through with this? Will Khloe open her heart again to any of these men? And most importantly, can they keep Khloe safe?

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Chapter 1: Your Mom Died
Khloe's P.O.V. ***************************** I sat on my bed as tears streamed down my face. I can't believe this is happening to me. Again. I'm almost 30 years old. Am I ever going to learn my lesson? "Khloe..." Ryan, my now ex, groaned. "All of these tears are breaking my heart." I scoffed. "You're dumping me. And I'm supposed to care how my tears affect you?" I said incredulously. Ryan shook his head, and sat next to me on the bed. I stared at his packed suitcases and boxes sitting all around. He's really leaving me. Over two years together, and it's all over now. What a fu.cking waste of my time. "Look, I'm sorry okay. I didn't plan for this. It just.. happened," he said. I scoffed again, but it holds little emotion. "Just happened? It just happened? On accident? You didn't mean to bring another girl here, to my home, and her in my bed." I said without looking at him. "Fu.cking just happened, my" Ryan rested his hand on my thigh. I looked down at it as he moved it towards my privates more. I rolled my eyes, and gave Ryan a hard look. "Really?" I asked Ryan shrugged. "I know we haven't had s.ex in a while. How about one more time? For old times sake," he said. I frowned at him. "Are you even actually sorry? Like honestly. Did you ever care about me at all?" I asked. "Of course I did, babe. You were the light of my life. My whole world. This really did just-" "Stop!" I said, interrupting him. "Just.. stop. For's sake. You were never a good liar." Which was true. I only ever believed the things Ryan said because I wanted to. I fooled myself. And for what? This fu.cking douchebag. Not anymore. "Take your and get out." I said. "So.." Ryan trailed off. "No to break up se.x then?" ******************************* "Oh my fu.cking god! And you actually did it! You had break up se.x with that noodle?" My best friend Claire shouted at me. I ignored her question, and took both her shot and mine. "Of course she did. She's Khloe after all." Tyler, my other close friend, chimed in. "Khloe is a nympho, remember?" He teased. I ignored him, and took his shot. "You would know. You two hook up at least once or twice a month." Clarie mumbled. "Hey, only when we're single," Tyler said. Clarie rolled her eyes before turning back to me. "Why do you do this to yourself? Is se.x with him that great? Do you feel better now?" She rushed out question after question. I sighed. "Honestly, the se.x was not that great. I have no idea why I did it. Probably because that prick hadn't fu.cked me in months. I was just so damn horny.." I whined. "And no, I do not feel better you a.sshole." Clarie gave me a pained look. "Sorry, I didn't mean it any way.." She told me. "It's fine. It's your job as my best friend," I replied. "Don't encourage her," Tyler said. I ignored the two as they bickered. Then I got up from our table, and walked to the bar. I need another drink. "Hey Al-" "Well, what's a pretty thing like you doing in a place like this?" Some rando sitting at the bar asked me. I turned my head to him. He's a middle-aged man, with a thinning hairline, and stains all over his shirt. I can smell the stale alcohol coming off of him in waves. Geez, how much has he had to drink already? The man looked me up and down as he licked his lips. I gagged. Right there. "Someone as young as you should be in a club partying it up. Not in a dive bar like this. Want me to take ya out lil' thing?" He asked, "Did my gagging give you some kind of weird confidence?" I asked him. The man laughed. "Just thought you were loosening up," he replied. "Ew." I said, disgusted. Then I turned back to the bar intent on ignoring him. Al smiled at me. He gave me a nod letting me know he was going to make our drinks and shots. Clearly, we come here a lot. "Hey, don't be like that. I might not look like much, but I pay well." The man said. I paused. Every one of my muscles tensed. I turned the angriest expression I could muster onto the man. He only smirked back at me. "You couldn't pay me a million dollars to touch your grimy, smelly, limp, mommy issues, probably wearing whitey tightys having with a ten foot fu.cking pole." I told him. Several of the people around us snickered, and the man's face turned red. I moved closer to get in his face. He frowned at me, but didn't move. "The next time you get turned down, watch what the you say. If I wasn't a regular here.. I might have fu.cking stabbed you." I said, laughing. Al set my drinks and shots on the bar-top. I happily piled them up in my arms. Thank god for my serving experience. "Oh, and take a shower. Buy a new shirt. Wear a hat. Then maybe someone will take you up on your offer. Right now, you look like you're the one who needs my money." I said, and then walked away. "Fu.cking" I sat back down at the table, and slid the drinks to my friends. "Should we cheers with our shots?" Claire asked. "Cheers for what?" I asked. "For you getting out of that shi.tty relationship, obviously," she replied. I rolled my eyes. "No seriously." Tyler agreed. "That guy was a total loser. I don't know what you even saw in him. He didn't even have a job." "He didn't have a job!?" Claire asked incredulously. I huffed, and gave Tyler a bored look. "Thanks." I said flatly. Tyler gave me an apologetic smile, and tipped back his drink. "He did when we first met." I told Clarie. "He lost his job a few months after he moved in, and didn't tell me for a while. I think he was embarrassed or something." "And after?" Claire asked. "What do you want from me, Clarie? I'm not with him anymore, so what does it matter now?" I complained. "It matters because I don't want to see you date yet another loser," she replied. "Good luck with that. Loser is Khloe's type." Tyler teased. I nodded my head as I took a drink. "He's not lying. That's why he and I have never dated." I said. "Awh, thanks boo." Tyler said happily. Clarie rolled her eyes at him. "Time to break the cycle." She told me. I shook my head. "I don't think I'm going to be in a relationship for a very, very long time now," I said. "Well, cheers to that." Claire said as she raised her shot glass. Tyler and I clinked our glasses to her. Then we all tipped them back. Claire grimced, but Tyler and I are pros at this by now. "More?" I asked. "God, please no." Claire said, making me laugh. "Hey Claire," Tyler said. "I think that guy at the bar that Khloe was yelling at is staring at you." He teased her. Claire's face turned a light shade of red. She glanced behind her, and her body went rigid. Tyler snorted at the terrified look in her eyes. "I'm going to the bathroom," Claire announced before standing up. The man at the bar glanced at us, then at Claire disappearing around the corner. Then he stood up. "Hey sloppy!" I shouted. The man froze, and slowly turned around to look at me. "You even think about laying a hand on my friend, and I'll fu.cking gut you. Mmmkay?" I said with a huge grin on my face. The man mumbled something under his breath before rushing to the exit. "You're paying his tab Khloe!" Al shouted at me. "Gladly!" I shouted back. New York is no joke. You always have to be on your toes out here. People are crazy. "Why do you insist on picking on Claire like that?" I asked Tyler. "I have no idea what you mean," he said. I gave him a bored look. "If you want to her so badly. Then just do it." I stated. " her? Who said I wanted to do that?" He rushed out. Just then Claire sat back down. "What are we talking about?" She asked. "Not much," I said with a shrug. "Just wondering why the two of you haven't fu.cked each other yet." I said casually. Claire's face burned a bright red. She averted her eyes from Tyler. Awh, I feel kind of bad. But they need this push. "A-and what did you t-tell her, Tyler?" Claire asked. Awh! My best friend is getting braver. "I-I-I, uh, well-" "He told me that he thinks you think he's too much of a wh,ore." I interrupted him. A lie, but a step in the right direction nonetheless. "Well, you are a" Claire said. "That just means I now what I'm doing baby." Tyler replied, turning on his charm. I tuned them out as Tyler started putting the moves on Claire. I looked up as a group of men walked in. Hmmm, they look about my age. One of them connected eyes with me. I smiled at him. He smiled back, and hit his friend's arm. That one turned to me too. I smiled at the both of them, and fluttered my lashes. Who the hell needs Ryan? I'm about to get my brains fu.cked out tonight. ************************************** The sound of my phone ringing woke me up. I groaned, and reached across naked bodies to find it. I sat up, and looked at the caller ID. Unknown. I sighed, and got up from my bed. The two guys I brought home last night didn't move in the slightest. I walked into the kitchen to make myself some coffee, and answered the phone. "Hello?" "Hello, is this Khloe Nowosielski?" A woman asked. "Uh, it's Now-a-shel-ski." I replied, enunciating to her. "My apologies." She said. "No problem." I mumbled. "Ms. Nowosielski, I am so sorry to tell you this over the phone, but.." The women trailed off uncomfortably. "Your mother is dead." My eyes widened, and I dropped the coffee mug in my hand. It shattered on the kitchen floor. "Uh, what?" I asked. "I'm very sorry to inform you that your mother has passed-" "N-no, I heard you, but.. Uhm, h-how? What happened?" I asked. "She was involved in a car accident. A drunk driver hit her. She died on the scene." The woman told me. I leaned on the counter to help balance myself. "Ma'am," The woman continued. "I know that you probably have a million things running through your head right now.. However, you are the next of kin, and we need-" "My older sister Ava, she's the next of kin, and she's out there." I said. "Uh, yes.. Unfortunately, we have tried for several days to get ahold of Ava. It seems that no one can find her. At this point, we need someone to come out and handle the funeral. We also need to go over...." I tuned the woman out. No one can find Ave? Of fu.cking course they can't. That means all of this is falling on me. Once again. Looks like I'm going home.

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