
From Dust To Diamonds: A journey of transformation.

second chance
blue collar

Lorraine and Gemma Sterling, find themselves on scholarship at an elite University. Lorraine's caught in a whirlwind romance with a playboy, while Gemma's heartbroken by her boyfriend's betrayal. Together, they build a fashion empire from nothing, turning their tormentors into admirers. Meanwhile, a prince from Avaloria embarks on a journey to a whole new world to explore, seeking to gain experience and proof to his father that he can rule without his help. But when past flames return for both Lorraine and Gemma, will they choose forgiveness or follow their hearts to new beginnings and will the prince rule without help?

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Shattered to begin with
INT. KEITH'S HOUSE - SITTING ROOM - DAY (Gemma sits on the sofa, reading a magazine, as Lorraine walks in and approaches her.) LORRAINE: Let's extend the olive branch, Gemma. I can't go without talking to you. I'm really sorry for what I said, but you misunderstood me. (Gemma ignores Lorraine as a knock interrupts them.) LORRAINE: Are we expecting someone? GEMMA: I don't think so. (They go to the door and open it to reveal a handsome young man.) GEMMA: Hi, Daniel. You didn't say you were coming. DANIEL: Um... yeah, it's a surprise. Gemma, I know you're a good girl. You're sweet, nice, kind, but... I can't be with you. (Gemma chuckles nervously.) GEMMA: Excuse me? What do you mean? DANIEL: I'm breaking up with you. I don't want to hurt you, so I had to do this. I'm seeing someone else. (Gemma slaps Daniel and bursts into tears.) GEMMA: How could you do this to me? What did I do wrong? LORRAINE: That's outrageous. Leave right now. You don't deserve her. DANIEL: Please forgive me, Gemma. GEMMA: Get out. I despise you with a burning rage of a thousand suns. I loathe you with the force of a hundred typhoons. DANIEL: Bye, Gemma. (Daniel exits, while hot tears stream down Gemma's cheeks.) GEMMA: It's okay. I just started the day on the wrong foot. LORRAINE: No, you didn't. He's just a jerk. Don't blame yourself. GEMMA: I'll be in my room. (Gemma leaves, and Lorraine follows her.) CUT TO: INT. GEMMA'S ROOM - DAY (Lorraine knocks and enters.) LORRAINE: Hey. GEMMA: I'm sorry too. You were right; no one will ever love me. LORRAINE: That's not true. You've changed me for the better. You're a gem, Gemma. You're more than that. (Gemma hugs Lorraine, crying and laughing.) GEMMA: Thank you for being here for me. LORRAINE: Twins stick together. GEMMA: Well, one of us still has a prince charming. LORRAINE: Oh, stop it. GEMMA: You're blushing. LORRAINE: You and Slate are annoying, but his affection for wealth surpasses yours. (They laugh.) CUT TO: INT. SCHOOL - HALLWAY - DAY (Gemma and Lorraine walk to their classes.) GEMMA: See you later, twinnie. Go find your prince charming. LORRAINE: Yeah, twinnie. (They laugh as Gemma heads to her class and Lorraine to hers.) INT. CLASS - DAY (Lorraine hears whispering as she approaches.) CHAD: Lorraine is so stupid to have fallen for you. When are you going to dump her? TREVOR: Savage. XAVIER: Guys, I... CHAD: We know you won the bet. TREVOR: And she is beneath your level. (They laugh.) LORRAINE: Congratulations on winning the bet. (Everyone turns to Lorraine in shock) XAVIER: Lorraine, I can explain. LORRAINE: I know about the bet. (Lorraine leaves angrily, and Xavier follows her.) EXT. SCHOOL GATE - DAY (Lorraine walks away as Xavier stops her.) XAVIER: Lorraine, please give me a chance to explain. LORRAINE: Spare me your explanations. (Lorraine starts crying.) LORRAINE: Xavier, I trusted you. XAVIER: Listen, Lorraine. It's partially true. I did plan to break up with you, but then I realized I love you. LORRAINE: Don't lie to me. XAVIER: I'm not lying. Please forgive me. LORRAINE: You hurt me. I trusted you, and you betrayed me. XAVIER: I didn't mean to, I promise. Please, give me another chance to make it right. LORRAINE: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me, Xavier. I won't be fooled again. Have a good day. (Lorraine exits sadly, leaving Xavier deep in thought.) INT. KEITH'S HOUSE - GEMMA'S ROOM - NOON (Gemma sits alone, lost in thought. Lorraine enters in tears, interrupting her.) GEMMA: Hey, what's wrong? Why are you crying? LORRAINE: I feel like such a fool. GEMMA: Don't talk like that. Now, tell me, what happened? LORRAINE: He's been playing with my feelings all along. It was just a game to him. GEMMA: Seriously? First me, now you? Boys can be real jerks. I'm sorry, Lorraine. He's not worth your tears. LORRAINE: I don't know what to do. GEMMA: You'll get through this. Whatever life throws at you, you've gotta stay strong. LORRAINE: We're Cinder Ellas, aren't we? GEMMA: Yeah, we are. (They hug each other, both crying.) --- TWO YEARS AGO INT. TOM'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - NOON (Lorraine enters to relax but overhears her parents arguing.) LORRAINE: Come on, guys. This is getting ridiculous. Can't you at least pretend to get along? You have to work this out. BRIE: We have. We can't keep living together. (Lorraine's heart races.) LORRAINE: What? It can't be that bad. TOM: It's beyond that, Rain. LORRAINE: So, you're just gonna split up and leave me with one parent? I can't believe this. You can't just give up. BRIE: Get your things, Lorraine. We're going to grandma's. LORRAINE: But my cousins are there. BRIE: I know. LORRAINE: I hate my cousins. I can't live in a crowded house. BRIE: You don't hate them, you just haven't gotten to know them yet. TOM: It'll be okay, Rain. LORRAINE: No, it won't. I'm really mad at you both right now. TOM: Rain... LORRAINE: Don't talk to me. (Lorraine storms off, leaving her parents behind in confusion.) TOM: Take care of her, Brie. I'll do my best to be there for her. BRIE: You better. (Brie exits to find Lorraine.) INT. KEITH'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - NOON (Everyone scrambles around, setting up the house for the incoming guests.) LOUISE: Come on, come on, light the candles. GEMMA: Relax, grandma, everything is set. LOUISE: Merci beaucoup. (Brie enters with Lorraine, who appears downcast. Louise warmly embraces them.) LOUISE: Brie, bienvenue. Comment ça va? BRIE: Ça va bien, et toi? LOUISE: Ça va très bien. Salut, Sapphire. LORRAINE: Hi grandma, how are you? LOUISE: Tu parles français? BRIE: Non. (Louise gasps in shock.) LOUISE: What? You didn't teach her? BRIE: Mom, I'm sorry, but I'll explain everything to you. Elle s'appelle Lorraine. LOUISE: I know. Dear, your name is Sapphire, you are a gem. LORRAINE: Thanks, grandma. (Louise notices Lorraine's mood.) LOUISE: You seem sad. Don't you want to be here? (Lorraine forces a smile.) LORRAINE: No, it's nice here. LOUISE: Merci. Alright, go settle in. Emerald, please. GEMMA: Salut, aunty! Comment ça va? BRIE: I'm fine, Gemma, how are you? (Louise clears her throat to gain everyone's attention.) LOUISE: It's Emerald. BRIE: Sorry, enchanté, Emerald. GEMMA: Merci. (Brie and Louise exit while Gemma turns to Lorraine.) GEMMA: Salut! Je m'appelle Gemma et Emerald. Comment tu t'appelles? (Lorraine looks at Gemma puzzled.) LORRAINE: I don't understand what you're saying. GEMMA: Forgive my manners. I should have asked you first before speaking French. I said hi, my name is Gemma and Emerald. What is your name? LORRAINE: Hi, my name is Lorraine, but you heard grandma, it's Sapphire. GEMMA: You'll understand her soon enough. She said her grandchildren are gems, so she named us after gems. Are you staying here now? LORRAINE: Yeah, I suppose. GEMMA: You don't seem happy to be here, do you? LORRAINE: It's not that. My parents are no longer together. GEMMA: What? Is aunty Brie divorced? LORRAINE: Not divorced, separated. GEMMA: I'm so sorry to hear that. Come on, I'll show you your room. (Gemma and Lorraine begin to exit when Gemma's phone rings.) LORRAINE: I'll wait here. (Lorraine moves a few feet away while Gemma answers her phone.) GEMMA: Hello? Yes, this is Gemma Emerald Sterling. What? (Gemma and Lorraine exchange shocked glances as the scene fades out.) FADE OUT

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