
Driving Me Crazy


Izra was an ordinary girl, known for her exceptional academic abilities. She lived with her uncle and aunt, along with her younger sister. The responsibility of providing for the household fell solely on Izra shoulders, as she was the only one with a job. Despite their difficult circumstances, they managed to find solace in their tight-knit family.However, Izra life took an unforeseen turn when she crossed paths with Burak , a ruthless and arrogant businessman. Handsome yet uncompromising, he wreaked havoc in Izra life by forcing her into a loveless and agonizing marriage.In this tale of love, hate, and unimaginable hardship, Izra life spiraled into a living hell. The book delves into the raw and gritty details of her journey, with mature content that is intended for readers aged 18 and above.Please note that all rights for this book are reserved.

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IZRA'S POV: I woke up early in the morning, glancing over at Shiza, my younger sister, who was still fast asleep. A soft smile formed on my face as I admired her innocence. I had made a silent promise to myself to shield her from the hardships that I had faced and ensure that she wouldn’t have to work as tirelessly as I did. After taking a quick shower, I headed out for breakfast, eager to start the day. As I prepared the food, my aunt called out, asking if I could pick up some flour and milk on my way back. I agreed with a nod, making a mental note to get them before returning home. Next, I headed to a job interview, my heart pounding in my chest. With each step, I whispered prayers to God, hoping for a successful outcome. Upon arriving at the office, I noticed three other confident-looking girls ahead of me. Doubt began to creep into my mind, making me feel like I was nothing compared to them. One by one, the other applicants left, leaving only me. It was my turn. As I entered the room, an elderly gentleman sat behind the desk. I greeted him politely, offering a professional smile. I handed him my file, and he perused it attentively. After a brief pause, he spoke. “So, you have work experience,” he noted. I nodded, replying, “Yes, sir.” His eyes seemed approving as he continued, “Your file is impressive, Miss Izra. Welcome to the office.” A surge of joy washed over me, and I couldn’t contain my happiness as I thanked him profusely. Leaving the room, I felt a weight lifted off my shoulders. I decided to reward myself with some sweets, thus stopping by a bakery on my way home. Along with the flour and milk, I purchased some delicious treats to celebrate my success. As I walked home, my mind still blissfully occupied with my new job, a speeding car suddenly raced towards me. Instinctively, I braced myself for impact, but the vehicle screeched to a halt just in time. Lying on the ground, I frustratedly looked up to see who was responsible for this close call. A man stepped out of the car and began chastising me. “Can’t you see, stupid?” he yelled. Annoyed with his reckless driving and his condescending tone, I couldn’t help but snap back. “It was you who was driving like an i***t!” He bent in front of me and held my hair, “How dare you talk to me like this?” My anger reached its peak, and without thinking, I delivered a firm slap across his face. Fuming, I collected my belongings that had scattered from the impact and continued on my way. Suddenly, I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around to find the man from the car had followed me. He held his cheek, his eyes blazing with fury. “How dare you slap me?” he snarled. My heart raced with fear as I realized I was alone on the road with a man who was clearly agitated. I tried to back away, but he grabbed my arm, jerking me towards him. “Let me go!” I shouted, struggling to break free. But his grip only tightened, and I felt tears prick my eyes as I realized how vulnerable I was in this situation. Suddenly, there was a loud shout, and the man released me to turn towards the source of the noise. It was a group of shopkeepers who had rushed out of their stores to see what was happening. They formed a protective circle around me, confronting the man. “Leave her alone!” one of them bellowed. The man looked around, his expression changing from anger to fear. He quickly backed away, muttering excuses, and got back into his car, speeding off. I stood there, trembling and grateful for the brave people who had come to my rescue. They helped me up and walked me home, making sure I was safe. Upon returning home, my sister eagerly greeted me, her eyes shining with curiosity. "How was your interview, sis?" she asked. I couldn't contain my excitement as I beamed and replied, "It went well, and guess what? I got the job!" Her face lit up, mirroring the joy in my heart, and she exclaimed, "Really?" Our uncle, who had overheard our conversation, beamed with pride and spoke, "I always knew my daughter would land the job." Grateful for their support and wanting to share my joy, I presented them with the sweets I had brought. "These are for good news," I said with a smile. My uncle's smile widened, and he insisted that I take some rest while he prepared dinner. Following his advice, I changed into comfortable clothes and lay down on my bed. As I lay in bed that night, I couldn’t help but think about how quickly life can change. One moment, I was celebrating my success, and the next, I was facing a potentially dangerous situation. But I was grateful for the lessons learned that day, and I promised myself to always be aware of my surroundings and to stand up for myself, no matter what. İ close my eyes and tears of loneliness start flowing from my eyes. İ miss my parents so much. İ was hugging myself and crying silently. İ have been alone for 16 years. İ kept everything inside my heart. İ never shared what i have been through with Shiza because i know she is young and wouldn’t understand and it is my job to look after her because i promised our parents for her safety. İ close my eyes and tried to sleep for a good morning tomorrow.

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