Lost Luna

Lost Luna


Run,run run. Don’t stop. The night was falling and like the creatures of the day I needed to hide. My heart thundering in my chest, echoing the sounds of war that rage from the burning fields that were once my loved home. That was before the coven came. Surprising us and taking my home.“CRACK” the current of my faux shots by and hits the tree to my left……At the young age 11, Katie is forced out to be a rogue. Her entire pack taken by the Conven that ruled the Northern lands. Will she find anything other than loss and sorrow and loneliness? Will she find love? Or be lost to the chaos and pain that is within herself..

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Chapter One: Running
Run, Run, RUN. Don’t stop. The night was falling and like the creatures of the day, I needed to hide. My heart is thundering in my chest, echoing the sounds of the war that rage from the fields of my once loved home. That was before the coven came. Surprising us, and taking my home and pack. The attack happened so quickly that no one was ready. We had no warning and after hours of waiting I was found. I had to run. Don’t stop running. “CRACK” the current of magic shoots by and hits the tree to my left, my bare feet crunching the earth hard and fast. My small heart fluttering faster than a hummingbirds wings, my once sparkling beautiful dress is no more. It’s tattered, dirty, and torn. The edges burnt to a crisp and coated in blood from bodies of the battle field that I raced away from. “Come here little wolfie,” a harsh raspy voice calls out cutting through the trees I hide quickly behind a tree to take cover to breathe, “ I just want a little chat!” He calls sing-song like, taunting me. He wants to find me to kill me. Ducking further behind my tree I hold my breathe, my young body shaking with so much force my bones ache. Holding my breathe and closing my eyes hoping for safety that surely won’t come. At only 11 years of age, I can’t fight this grown warlock.. he will surely kill me like he did my parents.. “Wolfie princess, where are you?” He mimics the rythym of a child’s tune, as if I’d listen. Closing my eyes tighter I don’t want to die. I’m to young. My mind is racing and my hearts bound to explode, I’m sweating with the effort of fleeing. My long ashen hair now a mess of sweat and dirt. My body is on overdrive from all these events. I’m thrown into pure instinct my body over come with panic and pain, then more pain comes. My bones start to break along with my heart, they crack and snap in odd ways that seem only unnatural for a moment. Fur sprouts from my body as I take a new form, unleashing the very beast inside me, my screaming turns to a howl. My small fragile frame turning to a grey wolf with blue eyes. “Crack” another shot barely missed. My newfound paws move fast against the earth. Though I am merely a pup, I have this new sense of power that melts my fear. I let go of my senses to my wolf allowing pure instinct to take over. I watch from her eyes as she bolts around the tree dodging the bark that break off with the force of the warlocks lightening strike. She growls and bares her teeth lunging forward clumsy in our new form. My wolf, Gypsy, grabbing sinking her teeth into his neck. His scream gurgles with the blood in his throat, the taste of it making me want to gag. Suddenly he raises up his hand in a last effort to get us off him, he shoots fire from his hard toward our face. My wolf wiggles and writhes, refusing to let go til we hear the snap of his neck. The smell of burning fur and flesh seep into my nose making my wolfs fur stand up straight. It puffs out in mere seconds, but the damage is there. Dropping his body my small wolf let’s out a howl so broken and soulful it’s make grown men drop to their knees in tears. We grieve and hurt together until we heal slightly and the pain resides enough to turn and trot off into the woods. My wolf taking the reigns and my pain and carrying us into the night. As she trots my mind starts to wonder, I say a prayer to Selene the Moon Goddess. May she protect me as I know the road ahead will be long. “2 years later” 13 years old Keep running.. as a rouge wolf I can’t stop. No one has accepted me. I’m a stray, a damaged goods mutt. Villages for miles do not want me and just run me off their land. The wolves that are interested only started coming when my heats did. My entire life spent running.. just don’t stop running.. “3 years later” 16 years I walk down the cobblestone path of a small village. On my way to meet Helen, she has been a wonderful women since I found the small village a few years ago. She own a shop in a town outside the Red River pack. She’s been kind enough to help me find lumber for a cabin as a home as I refuse to be a part of a pack at this time. And she’s kind enough to save items she knows I would use. She’s supplied me food and a sense of hope. She is like a grandmother to me, taking care of me when she sees me and making sure I have enough to survive. She’s offered me to stay with her before but my heart is still far to broken to welcome a home that doesn’t belong.

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