
The Alphas and the Elemental

another world

book 2 and 3 of the Hidden Elementals series.

18 years have past since Star and her triplet Alphas defeated the evil Miller brothers and reclaimed Thalia's pack, Now Star and her Alphas pass the torch to their children.

Future Alpha twins, Archer and Asher, can't wait to turn 18, not only will they finally be able to shift into their wolves and come into their elemental powers, but they will also be able to sense their mate.

The twins, while looking identical, have completely different personalities, while Archer sees no reason to wait for their mate, spends his time bedding as many she-wolves as he can. Asher on the other hand has kept himself pure, saving everything for their mate.

The thing that they both agree on, even if they don't know it, is their love for their family friend Starlight, or Astrofengiá, (Astro for short)

Astro, has lived in the Spirit Moon pack on Paxos Island in Greece since she was a tiny pup, Her mother had been kidnapped and raped by the Miller brothers, and saved by her aunt Star, whom she is named after.

Aunt Star had made her daddy Aiden and her mummy Jessica the Alpha and Luna of the ancient pack, allowing them a completely fresh start, but the families visit each other regularly.

Astro has loved Archer and Asher her whole life, and finding out they are mated makes her so happy, but her heart is broken when she see's Archer with a she-wolf.

Can Archer regain her trust? Or will he lose his title as Alpha? and how will they deal with the mysteries that are sill hidden in the Spirit Moon.

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Shared Dreams
ARCHER The huge never ending waves crash against the side of the grounded ship, someone is screaming in the distance, but I can't hear what they are saying. I used all my strength to pull myself up the side of the ship by the rigging. Slipping on the sodden rope, I feel my shoulder dislocate, "Archer. You have to get to them. They are stuck in the galley, if we don't get to them, they will die." my wolf, Hawk, is panicking in my head. "I know, Hawk, I am fu.cking trying." My entire body is shaking from pain and adrenalin. I dig deep and, using every ounce of energy I have, I pull myself over the rail, Crawling, I made it to the hatch that leads to below decks. "Asher?, Starlight? Where are you?" I fell down the steps, landing in the flooded corridor. Sh.it the water is waist deep already. The battered ship shifts on the sand bank that is keeping it from sinking, more water floods the corridor. I shouted for my brother again and again, as I moved floating debris out of the way. Finally, I heard my brother's voice, "Archer! We are in here quickly. I can't wake Astro up. There is blood everywhere." I heard the panic in his voice. At the door to the galley, I looked through the round window, and into the room, Starlight was lying on a floating table, blood pouring from a gash on her head. Asher is hanging on to her for dear life. Pushing with all my strength, I tried to open the door, but it was stuck. I looked up to tell Asher to pull from the other side, but the sight out of the port hole turned my blood to ice. A monumental wave is heading straight for us. I scream for Asher to help me, already knowing that it is no use, there is no way out. The wave hits the side of the ship, the sound of wood splintering fills my ears, before......... I woke with a start, sweat dripping from me. I try to sit up, but the sheets are wrapped tightly around me. When I finally free myself, I sit on the edge of the bed, and put my head in my hands. Hawk is cowering in the back of my mind, "Arch, what the fu.ck was that?" I shake my head, "I have no idea, buddy, did you see it too? It was so fu.cking real." "Real? I can still smell the fu.cking salt." Glancing at the clock I groaned: 4am, there is no way I am going back to sleep now, also my bed is drenched. "Let's go for a run, bud, try and work off some of this tension." Hawk does a happy dance in my head, making me chuckle, "dude, you are such a geek." I pull on a pair of shorts, a t-shirt and my running shoes, and leave my room. We can't shift yet, but we both love to run, and even with my human legs, I am fast. As I passed my brother's room, I couldn't help checking on him, pushing the door open. I sigh in relief when I see him fast asleep, cuddling his pillow. Closing the door, I headed downstairs, and was about to open the front door, when a soft voice called to me, "Archer baby, are you okay?" I turned to look at my beautiful mother, "what are you doing up mama? It's so early, the dad's will worry." I pulled her in for a hug. She sighed, leaning into me. "eeewww, you stink, and your all sweaty." I laugh as she pulls away from me, "Why are you up so early baby?" To be honest, I need to talk about it, and there is no one else on this planet that can listen like my mum. I pulled her to the kitchen and pulled out a seat for her, before filling the kettle, grabbing two mugs and a teapot, I made us both ginger and lemongrass tea. Setting the cup in front of her, I took a seat next to her, resting my elbows on the table. "I had a nightmare, it felt so real, that it unsettled me, so I thought I would go for a run." She strokes my hair, "Do you want to talk about it? It could help to clear your mind." Sighing, I talk through my dream, I feel her stiffen a couple of times, and when I am finished, she is silent. I looked over at her, she is normally full of advice for us, but she is looking at me with a frown, and is that worry I see in her eyes. "Sweetie, I had the exact same dream, I think we need to wake your dads and Asher, and I think I need to call Aunt Lewenna, she is really good at working out dreams." Her eyes clouded over, as she linked my dads, and I linked Asher, "bro, I am really sorry, but mum and I need you to come down stairs." I heard him mumble over the link, "uummbruuu, Arch? whhhtimsit?" I smirk, "its nearly 5am, dude" there is silence for a about a minute, then, "kk, i'll be there in a minute, make coffee." I get up and put a pot of coffee going, it beeps to say it's ready as my triplet fathers walk into the kitchen. Now, to save confusion, my brother and I decided when we were little to give them different names. Just shouting for dad would have all three running. So the eldest, Ace, is known as Pops, Alexei, is Papa and Ashton, is Dad. Dad turned on the oven and pulled dough out of the fridge, he twists, rolls and folds the dough into different shapes, adding different fillings to each, before putting the trays in the oven, Mum drops the sausages into a pan, and before long the smell of breakfast fills the kitchen. I have always loved watching mum and dad cook together. It's like they read each others minds, and everytime they pass each other they touch or kiss, The love that my parents have for each other is amazing, and they have set an amazing example to myself and all my siblings, especially the multiples. I have nine siblings at the moment, but I am sure I heard mum being sick the other morning, so watch this space. My twin Asher and I are the eldest. We will be eighteen in two days. Then the triplets, Arabella, (Bella), Ayla and Aurellia (Elli). They are seventeen, Then Adam, he was fifteen, Then Austin will be 10 next month. And last but not least, are twins, Alfie and Aster, who are six. Papa, puts his arm around my shoulders and kisses my head, "you okay Number 1? You zoned out on us, breakfast is ready and number 2 has finally got out of his pit." Chuckling, I lean into his strength. After the birth of the triplets, papa decided that there were too many names, so he decided to start calling us by our order of birth. As the eldest, I am number 1, Ashton number 2, Bella is number 3 and so on. Goddess, I love my family, we are always their to support and love each other. We take a seat and tuck in to our food, and mum and I tell them about our shared dream. Once we had finished, Pops leans back in his chair and pushes his fingers through his hair. "Tink I think we need to talk to Lewenna, if she can't help then she may know someone who can." Mum nodded, the worry evident on her face. Dad leaned over and cupped her chin, "Angel, it will be okay, but I think we need to talk to Aiden, Jess and Astro as well. I know they will be here in two days, but as Astro was in the dream, I think they should know about it." The thought of Astro does something to my stomach. I have had a thing for her for longer than I can remember, and I can't wait to see her on our birthday, but knowing she was hurt in my dream gives me a feeling of dread.

Dreame-Editor's pick


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