
Fake Dating The Billionaire

arranged marriage
kickass heroine

Ariana Larson urgently needed money to fund her through her last year in college after her father suddenly passed away. She sought help from her only uncle, but he ended up being a creep. Ariana wouldn’t accept help from her friends and preferred to work for herself, but no job was paying her what she needed – until she got introduced to an app, which would change her life forever in the form of a popular billionaire. Brian Malone, the heir to his father’s empire, was a hot mess on social media, always involved in a different scandal with thousands of women every day. His father threatened to give his inheritance to his younger brother if he fails to clean up his mess and portray a different image on social media. He’d end up downloading an app in hopes of finding someone who wasn’t in the limelight, to get into a fake dating arrangement with her for a couple of months, in hopes of cleaning up his mess and proving to his father that he has already turned a new leaf. Love sometimes comes like a thief in the night, catching people when they least expect it and making their hearts seek out each other’s, and when troubles and conflicts as deep as an ocean threaten to pull the both of them underneath, they were either going to swim safely to the shore together or sink heavily to the very bottom.

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Chapter 1
###Chapter 1 One CHAPTER ONE On a Thursday evening, Ariana pressed the gas pedal as she sped through the city's surprisingly not so busy streets. She was going to see her uncle who lived nearby; he was her father's only brother and had told her at the funeral that if she needed anything, she should see him right away. Burial? Yes. Ariana's father died in a horrifying vehicle accident; he was burnt to ashes and there was no one left alive. Mr Larson, in particular, did not deserve such a death. Ariana's father had been responsible for her well-being since her mother left him. They were both too young when they had Ariana and her father took the sole responsibility of bringing her up while her mother left. Ariana, a hardworking lady, was looking forward to finishing college and finding a decent paying job to help her father. As some believe, fate has a unique path for each of us. She turned onto a street and proceeded down the lane, she stopped at the eighth home. That was her uncle's house, a typical small home for a single man in his late forties without children. Milan, her uncle's one-eyed cat, greeted her as she approached the entrance. “Damn…. you've put on some weight." Ariana stated this as she knelt to carry the cat, who purred appreciatively. "Way to go, girl.” Ariana said and caressed the cat's fur and rang the doorbell. The door opened after a few minutes, showing an obese tall man with a striking green eye that contrasted with his red hair. “Ari!” He called out, grinned, and drew her into a bear hug, squeezing the cat in between them. “Uncle. It's good to see you again." Ariana said as she walked into the house. Her uncle's hair had been dyed purple the last time she saw him, which was at the burial. A concerted effort to conceal his greying hair. He and Adriana's father shared the same distinctive green eyes, which Adriana did not inherit; instead, she inherited her mother's brown eyes, which she appreciated. Nothing had changed since her last visit, which had been roughly 8 years ago. The pink flowery wall covering remained affixed to the wall. She had asked her father if Uncle Liam's girlfriend had picked out the wallpaper for him. She laughed stiffly as she remembered her father's expression when she posed that question. "No, Ari, it was Liam who chose it. Your uncle is a big fan of flashy items. That also explains the fake jewelries and the colorful china plates on the dining table." her father had said. She almost missed the mannequin in the sitting room beside the bookcase. Her uncle had a shelf full of books which he had purchased from bookstores but had never read. Who is it that does that? Uncle Liam, for sure, who went to great lengths to impress others. What is that mannequin, though? She had planned to inquire, but first things first. She had to explain why she had come. She sank into a plush sofa as her uncle dashed around in his attempt to get her something to eat. "Don't worry about it, uncle.” I ate before coming, I stopped at a café and had a couple of doughnut bites." She lied. Her reasons for coming were compelling enough without adding offering her food. "What do you mean you've eaten a few doughnuts? Wait until you try one of my biscuits. I baked it this afternoon, so you're lucky. Jane Berger, the new renter at the Biggs’s house, gave me the recipe. She's a gorgeous person." While setting out the biscuits, he said and hummed a song. "That's strawberry flavored ice-cream.” Adriana said. “Yes, your favorite. I still remember. Please come over here." He remarked as he poured the ice cream out. Adriana grinned and she took a seat in one of the dining room seats. She dove into the biscuits, and the ice cream added a nice touch. "This is fantastic. Thank you very much." Adriana muttered, her mouth full. She ate while her Uncle continued to rave about how wonderful Jane was. Jane Berger was a writer who lived in New York City. He continued to chat about excellent miss Jane Berger, a very busy woman, while she ate. "What is the purpose of that mannequin?" He was interrupted by her. "Oh, that. It was purchased from a dealer. It's an extremely rare artifact." He responded and went back to talking about Miss Berger. Adriana shook her head, knowing full well that the item, or whatever her uncle called it, was nothing more than a mannequin. He insisted on packing the dish after she finished eating, which he did. Adriana readied herself for the next exchange, which would certainly reveal her true motivation for visiting. He finally sat down at the table with her. “Uncle, I came to visit you about something important." She got up and walked over to a couch to have a seat. "And what might it be?" He inquired. "I'm in need of cash. I appreciate your assistance in ensuring that Father received a proper burial. I attempted to recover my father's savings after his burial, but discovered that he was in debt at the time of his death. Because I was not on a scholarship, he was responsible for my education expenses. I paid off all of his debts, but now I'm left with nothing. I looked for several payment options but couldn't find anything. I would be grateful for any help you might provide." She explained and hoped she had passed her message across successfully without seeming entitled. The stillness that followed her explanation didn't make her feel any better, so she shifted in her seat and waited with bated breath. He got up from his chair and moved over to her seat, where he sat next to her and cleared his throat. “Why did he take a seat near her when he could find a seat among the other chairs? It's either he helped her or not.” She reasoned, tried to remain calm. He approached her and stroked her hair. "You were so small with those round glasses on your nose the last time I saw you." He murmured while gently rubbing her nose. Ariana's heart raced, but she attempted to ignore it. Uncle Liam was everything but a p*****t, and he never molests. Or has he? Damn! For the love of God, that was her father's brother. "You've matured so much in such a little time. When I was called to come over because my brother had died, I wasn't sure I'd recognize you. He's always been so proud of you; it's a shame I couldn't make the time to visit more often when he was alive." He whispered ashe rubbed her bare arm. Ariana was becoming increasingly suspicious; perhaps she didn't know who uncle Liam was after all. "Ari, you're welcome to live with me. I'll provide whatever you need; just tell me what my brother gave you on a daily basis, and I'll give you twice as much. Imagine how wonderful it will be. Something akin to a small family get-together, except ours will last forever. You should have whatever you need because you are such a wonderful and stunning woman. Is it money for college? That's simply the tip of the iceberg in terms of what I'll provide you.” He gazed at her breast, which was practically bursting out of the tight short sleeved shirt as he moved her skirt up. “I want to sleep with you so badly." He whispered and his fleshy palm reached out to grab the center of her being. With the power with which she jolted up, it was like waking from a trance. What in the name of God was going on? Her only uncle making s****l moves towards her? "What the hell is the matter with you?! Are you serious about having s*x with me? Is that what your fat-filled mind thinks I should do in order for you to offer your help? For the love of God, I'm your niece!" She yelled and backed away from him. “Ari…” He continued, but was cut off by her relentless screaming. "Since when have you been harboring these ridiculous fantasies of having s*x with me? This is unbelievable; it's not going to happen." She screamed even louder and dashed towards the door. He moved off the couch and reached for her. She was faster than he was, and his weight slowed him down considerably. Ariana dashed out the door and into her car, speeding away from the street. Due to high traffic, a 45-minute commute became a 1hr 15-minute journey, the polar opposite of the previously free road. She arrived at her flat, which had previously been her father's. She sat in the car, trying to keep her hands from shaking. She got down after a few minutes and entered the apartment complex. She entered an elevator and was joined by a young man. He was part of the electrician crew that serviced the complex. He had done a handful of jobs in her father's apartment, so she recognized him. "Hello, Miss Ari.” He said as the elevator doors closed. “How are you tonight?" The man inquired. She looked at her wristwatch and saw that it was 15 minutes after 8 p.m. "Good day, Brad. I'm in good shape." She replied in her most heartfelt tone. "It's good to know that. You can always call if you need assistance at your home." He said that with a smile on his face. Following her father's death, Ariana had become accustomed to people giving her sad expressions. She forced a grin and was relieved when the elevator chimed, signaling the arrival at Ariana's apartment on the 4th floor. She rushed out the door without even saying goodbye to the man. She strolled over to the front door and rummaged through her bag for her keys. She eventually saw them and opened the door. She got it, took off her shoes, tossed her purse on a couch, and sat down on the tiled floor. She had kept her calm until she reached home, when a flood of emotions erupted. Her eyes welled up with tears, and she struggled not to scream. She thought she heard the sound of a functional television coming from her floor neighbor's unit. As she wallowed in her grief, she didn't want any attention. Uncle Liam had urged her to have s*x with him, what was he thinking when he drooled all over her? For the love of God, she was his niece! The more she considered the terrible scenario, the more despondent she became and the more she cried. Ariana never expected her senior year of college to be so messed up; she was a young, lively girl who was looking forward to becoming a certified microbiologist.She never went out much in college because she was a nerdy type. She was usually busy with school books, multiple projects, volunteering for non-profit organizations, and being a member of various campus societies. Her best friends, Bree Treger and Yolande Grande, had decided that their final year in college would be spent catching up on lost fun times. They'd go dancing, have a lot of picnics, and take some trips when they had the time, drink themselves to stupor and take a lot of pictures merely to enjoy their college days. How was she meant to do all of that if she couldn't even afford to pay the next month's rent, let alone her final year college tuition? How would she be able to afford the vacations? How could she enjoy the days ahead if she was constantly worried about how to generate money? When her father was living, she never gave all of these expenses a second thought. How did he put enough food on the table while still sending her stipends? She ultimately ran out of energy to shed any more tears. She dragged herself into the kitchen, where she sipped a cup of water. She walked into her room and threw herself on the bed. She closed her eyes and couldn't recall if she had locked the door or not. That would have to wait till the next day, she reasoned. Her tummy grumbled, and she was sickened by the biscuits and ice cream she had eaten at her uncle's house. The tiredness was a trigger for sleeping quickly, so she swallowed hard and fell asleep quickly. ###Chapter 2 Two The alarm went off, and the song Needed Me by Rihanna filled the room. It's not a typical alarm song, but Ariana had always been a Riri fan. She snoozed the alarm after opening her eyes. She yawned quietly as she slowly rolled in bed, and rrcalled the events of the day before. She stood up and realized she hadn't changed her clothe; she removed her dress and replaced them with silky pajamas. She approached the front door, ready to accept the early morning delivery. She saw a bottle of milk and a fresh morning newspaper. Her neighbor came out with his dog just as she was going to close the door. He was most likely out for his morning walk with his dog.

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