Sour Souls: The Morningstar Series Book 6

Sour Souls: The Morningstar Series Book 6


Emilia is a Werewolf that has been beaten most of her life. Her mother died very young after giving birth to her little brother Noah, the rightful heir to the Beta position in the Blue Water pack.

Noah's father Dave is Emilia's step father. Dave demanded that Emilia raise his son. After losing his mate, he could not go on anymore.

Not only is Emilia raising a newborn baby at the age of 10 years old, but she recieves almost daily beatings from her step father. No one wants a bastard child in the pack, so no one helps her. No one cares.

When Emilia is only 16, Dave decided to go after her little brother. Fear and panic took over, awakening a power inside of Emilia. She screamed, and killed the Beta of Blue Water Pack.

After Dave's murder, Emilia was thrown into the pack dungeon. She spent five years there as the Alpha tried to awaken her powers over and over again. Emilia went through years of beatings, torture, and attempted rapes.

Emilia tried for years, but could never figure out how to control the white flame inside of her. She got her wolf while in the dungeon. And was never let outside again.

After five years, the Alpha found himself under investigation by the BOC. The Lycan King requested the team find out if the Alpha has anything to do with the s*x trafficking that has been happening in the supernatural world.

During the investigation, Ares Morningstar found something he wasn't expecting at all. His mate. Emilia.

Thankfully, Ares is able to rescue his mate, but there are so many unanswered questions.

Where are the kids that were trafficked? Who is behind all of this? Will they save the supernaturals?

While trying to find the kids, Emilia finds our what she is. She was kidnapped by the same kind of creatures as her. Banchee's.

Can she trust them though? What are Darian's real plans?

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Chapter One: Emilia's P.O.V.
"Mommy, where are we going now? I don't want to move again." I whined from the backseat. Mommy is moving me again. She always does this. We never stay in a place for more than six months. I hate it. I want to go to school. I want to make friends. Mommy never gives me the chance. "I know baby, but we can't stay here anymore." Mommy said "Why?" I asked with my face scrunched. Mommy sighed the way she does when she's sleepy, or annoyed. "We got kicked out of our apartment honey." Mommy said. "Why?" I asked. Mommy sighed again as she stared straight ahead at the road. "Don't worry about that Emi. Just try to get some sleep. We have a long drive." Mommy told me. I rolled my eyes. Mommy never tells me anything. She always says 'you're too young'. I'm six now though. I know things. Mommy thinks I don't, but I do. I know that Mommy has a lot of male visitors. I know that they take Mommy out to fancy places. I know that they come home late, even when they think I'm sleeping. I know that Mommy drinks stuff that smells nasty, and makes her act funny. Mommy thinks that I don't see, but I do. She never gives me the chance to help. I could be helpful. I am sometimes. I even do the dishes, and clean her up when she falls asleep on the couch. I wish Mommy would just give me a chance to help her. ********************************************* "Emi, do you want something to eat?" Mommy asked me. "Can I have a strawberry milkshake?" I asked. Mommy smiled at me. "Only one." "Yay!" I shouted. Mommy giggled before walking away. We've been in our new home for almost two weeks. I've been counting. Mommy got a job as a waitress in a resturaunt. They have good chicken tenders, and milkshakes. Mommy says that if things go well by the time school starts, that I can finally go to school. So, I've been making sure to be a really good girl. I even started practicing my reading every night. I make sure to be quiet, and polite while Mommy brings me to work. Maybe if I'm an extra good girl we won't have to move again. I like it here too. Mommy's boss is a really nice older lady. She always smells like cigarettes, but that's okay. She always sneaks me a piece of pie if Mommy stays late. "Here is your shake baby." "Thanks Mommy." I sipped on my shake as I watched Mommy work. Mommy is so pretty. I wonder why I don't look like her. I came out of her, she made me, shouldn't I look like her? Mommy has straight black hair, and bright blue eyes. She has pale skin, I guess that I do too. Her smile is my favorite. Not the fake one she gives everyone. The real ones, that she has with me. Mommy is so beautiful. Am I beautiful too? Even though I don't look like Mommy? I have her pale skin, but mine is covered in freckles. My hair is red, and super curly. Mommy says it's wild like Merida from Brave. That's my favorite movie. I also have hazel eyes. Mommy says she likes my eyes because of the gold flecks in them. I guess that I am beautiful if Mommy likes me. "What are you thinking about little one?" I looked up to see Mommy's boss smiling down at me. "Hi Mrs. Lisa." I said with a bright smile. Mrs. Lisa chuckled at me. "I told you to just call me Lisa, kiddo." She said as she sat down in the booth across from me. "Mommy said that isn't polite. I have to be a good girl if I want to go to school." I said. "Well, how can I agrue with that?" Mrs. Lisa asked. I shrugged. I'm not sure why adults ask silly questions like that. "So, little lady bug, you gonna tell me what's on your mind? A kid as young as you shouldn't have such a serious look on her face." Mrs. Lisa said. I shrugged, and went back to my coloring. "Come on kid, tell me." Mrs. Lisa pushed. I sighed like Mommy does, and rolled my eyes. Mrs. Lisa laughed. "I thought we were friends Emi. Friends tell each other things." She said. I looked up at her smiling face. Then I looked to Mommy. Mommy is busy talking to her customers. So, I looked back at Mrs. Lisa. "Do you think that even though I don't look like Mommy, I'm still beautiful like her?" I asked. Mrs. Lisa's eyes went wide as she stared back at me. "Oh Emi, of course you are beautiful. You don't have to look like your mommy to be beautiful honey. Besides, you do look like her. You have her nose, her smile." "I do?" I asked excitedly. I didn't know I have Mommy's smile. Mrs. Lisa smiled, and nodded. "Yes you do. The both of you light up the room when you smile." She said. "Eek!" I squealed. "Do you think my wolf will look like Mommy's?" I asked. Oops.. Mrs. Lisa gave me a strange look. "Your wolf? Do you guys have a dog?" She asked. Uht, oh. I was supposed to keep that a secret. Mommy says humans can't know about what we are. Mommy and I are Werewolves. Sometimes, when Mommy isn't feeling too tired, she takes me for runs on her back. Mommy's wolf is so beautiful, just like Mommy. Her name is Ella. Ella is a black like Mommy's hair. She's a big wolf. And she loves me just as much as Mommy does. Mommy says that I'll have a wolf too. She told me that I'll hear the voice of my wolf when I'm a teenager, and then I'll shift a couple years after that. Mommy says we can go on runs together after that too. I can't wait to meet my wolf. Mommy says your wolf is your best friend that never leaves you. That means, that even when Mommy is gone at night, I'll never be alone again. I hate being alone. "What are you guys talking about?" Mommy asked us. I looked at Mrs. Lisa terrified. "Emi was telling me about your dog. I didn't know you had any pets." Mrs. Lisa said. Oh no. Mommy glared down at me. "I'm sorry Mommy." I said. Mommy sighed, and looked at Mrs. Lisa. "We don't have a dog. Emi wants one, and we talked about getting one, but I don't know. Emi has to be a good girl for that to happen." Mommy said. Mrs. Lisa waved her hand. "Oh, come on. Let the girl have a friend." She said to Mommy. Mommy's body tensed. "It's alright Mrs. Lisa. I'll make lots of friends at school. Besides, dogs drool, and that's gross." I said. Mrs. Lisa chuckled. "Well, I guess you're right about that." Then Mrs. Lia slammed a hand on the table, and stood up. "Finish up with the customers you have, then you are free to go for the day." Mrs. Lisa said. ********************************************* "I told you that we cannot tell humans about us Emilia. Why would you tell Mrs. Lisa that we have a dog?" Mommy asked when we got home. "I didn't mean to. She told me that I look like you, and I just asked if my wolf would look like yours too. I'm sorry Mommy. Please don't be mad at me." I said as tears filled my eyes. Mommy covered her face with her hand, and sighed. "It's fine Emi. Go to your room. I'm going out tonight, but the neighbor's daughter is coming over to watch you." Mommy said. I stomped my foot. "But I hate her. She just plays on her phone, and talks to her boyfriend all night." I complained. "Emilia." Mommy scolded. "No! It's not fair. Why can't you just stay home with me? Why do you have to go?" I asked. "Emilia Every Moore! Do not take that tone with me. I am going out because I deserve to have fun." Mommy yelled. I crossed my arms, and stomped my way to my bedroom. Mommy never stays home with me. If she does stay home, she drinks that smelly stuff, and falls asleep. Mommy doesn't even play with me. A little while later, I heard the voice of the stupid neighbor girl. Mommy walked back to my room. She opened my door, and I turned my face away from her. "I'm leaving. I'll be back soon." Mommy kissed my head, and then left me. Alone again. ********************************************* A crash sounding in the house woke me. I sat up in my bed, and rubbed my eyes. It's still dark out. Is Mommy home? I got out of bed, and walked through the house. Mommy is on the couch mumbling under her breath. There is a pile of cans of that stuff Mommy likes to drink, in front of her, and around the couch. That must have been what I heard. I walked around the couch to look at Mommy. She has a hand over her face. Mommy smells nasty again. "Mommy?" I asked. All Mommy did was groan. I'd carry Mommy to her bed, but I'm not strong enough. So, I just helped to lay her down. Mommy kept groaning, and grumbling, but I don't understand what she's saying. After I got Mommy to lay down, I pulled her legs onto the couch. Then I went to Mommy's room to get her favorite blankey. I covered Mommy up, and then got her a glass of water. I set the water on the table next to the cans. "I got you some water Mommy." I said. Mommy just snored. I kissed Mommy's head, and then went back to my bed. I wish Mommy would stop acting like that. I hate when she's that way. It's like I don't even exist to her. Will Mommy ever stop? ********************************************* "Emi, I'm already running late. Come on." Mommy said from the front door. I had to run back to my bedroom to grab my coloring book, and crayons. When I came running back out, Mommy is waiting at the front door. "Sorry Mommy." I said. "Just come on." Mommy grabbed my arm, and yanked me out the door. Another reason I hate when Mommy acts the way she did last night. She's always so mean the next day. Usually, after a few hours Mommy goes back to normal, but before that she's always yelling at me. Am I a bother to Mommy? Maybe I should try to be better. Mommy shoved me into the car. She told me to buckle myself in my seat, so I did. Then Mommy got in the front seat, and we drove to the diner. "Kara, you're here." One of Mommy's co-workers said. "Finally." Another grumbled. I narrowed my eyes at her. "Sorry, Emi was being difficult this morning." Mommy said. "Sorry I caused Mommy to be late." I told them. "That's alright sweetie." The nicer one said. "Let's get you in a booth while you mommy starts her work." The nice worker got me a plate of strawberry waffles. My favorite. She got me a glass of chocolate milk before leaving. I spent a lot of time coloring in my book. Mommy worked her butt off, and I wish that I could be more helpful. Maybe I can ask Mrs. Lisa if I can help customers too. Then Mommy wouldn't have to worry about money so much. I looked up to watch Mommy work. The door the the diner opened with a ding. Mommy's body stiffened. I frowned. Is Mommy okay? A large man with golden hair grabbed Mommy's arm. I jumped up in my booth. The man pulled Mommy against him, and they stared at each other. "Mate." The man said to her. Mommy just stared at him. "Hey! You let go of my mommy!" I shouted as I marched over to them. I started to punch the man's leg, but he didn't move. Maybe if I keep hitting I'll wear him down. So, I kept punching. "Mommy?" The man said confused. "Emi, stop." Mommy said. "You let go of my mommy, and I'll stop." I said as I kept throwing punches. Suddenly, I was lifted in the air. I let out a loud squeal, and started thrashing around. "Mommy! Mommy!" I shouted. "You let go of me! Stranger Danger!" I screamed. "Shhh, kid, shut it." Another man who has me said. "I don't know you!" I shouted. "Emi, calm down." Mommy said. I stopped thrashing to look at Mommy. She's staring at me with angry eyes. Why is she mad at me? I thought that I was doing good? "Mommy.." I said. "What the hell is going on out here?" Mrs. Lisa came out of the back with Cook right behind her. "Mrs. Lisa! This man grabbed Mommy!" I told her. "And this oger grabbed me." I said with my best growl. Everyone turned their eyes to Mommy. I waited for Mommy to tell them all to drop me, and go away. Mommy wouldn't let these big strangers get us. "It's alright Lisa. I'm sorry. These are some old friends of mine. They met Emi when she was a baby, she just doesn't remember them." Mommy said. My jaw dropped. "Mommy." I whined. Mommy turned to me with a glare that had me shutting right up. "Well, it's nice your friends came, but you are working right now. I'll try to get you a break as soon as I ca-" Mrs. Lisa said, but the big man that has Mommy interrupted her. "No need. She won't be working here anymore." He said. Mommy smiled up at him. I've never seen Mommy look at anyone like that. Not even me.. "Excuse me?" Mrs. Lisa said. "We're leaving." The man told Mommy. Mommy turned around, and walked for the door. "Kara! Wait!" Mrs. Lisa shouted. The man holding me threw me over his shoulder, and started to walk out too. "Wait! My coloring book!" I shouted. "Forget about it kid." The man holding me said. "Mrs. Lisa!" I called out as tears fell down my cheeks. I don't want to go. I want to stay here. I want to go to school. I don't want to leave. "Emi stop thrashing around. We are going with them." Mommy said. "But Mommy, my coloring book!" I said. "I'll get you another one." Mommy said. The man set me down on my feet. We're outside in the parking lot next to a big black car. The back door is open, and I can see two more guys in the front seats. "Get in." The man behind me ordered. I crossed my arms, and looked up at Mommy. "Mommy, we don't know these people." I argued. "Emilia. Get in the car." Mommy said. I stomped my foot. "No! Not until someone tells me what's going on!" I shouted. "Stubborn kid." The man who was holding me said. Mommy sighed. "Emi-" "Let me." The man who grabbed Mommy said. He bent down to look me in the eyes, and I glared at him. "I'm Dave. It's very nice to meet you Emilia." He said. I just glared at him. "I'm your Mommy's mate." He told me. I kept my glare. "I don't know what that means." I said. Dave looked up at Mommy. "You never explained what a mate is to your daughter?" He asked. Mommy shrugged. "Thought I would just tell her when she got older. I... never thought I would meet you." She said. Dave gave her one nod before turning back to me. "All Werewolves have a mate." He said. I gasped. "You know about Werewolves?" I asked. Dave smiled. "Yeah, I'm a Werewolf myself. I'm the Beta of my pack." He said. "You're a Beta?" Mommy asked surprised. Dave turned a smile to her, and nodded. "A mate, is your other half, a soul mate. The person who completes you." Dave told me. "Does that mean.. You're nice like Mommy?" I asked. Dave nodded. "I sure am." "And where are you taking us?" I asked. Dave chuckled. "You're a smart cookie aren't you?" He asked. I just stared at him. "Alright.." Dave cleared his throat. "We are going back to my pack. Where you, and your mommy will live with me." He said. "For how long?" I asked. "Forever." Dave said with a smile. My eyes went wide. "Forever.." I whispered. Dave nodded. "Will... Will I get to go to school?" I asked. Dave nodded. "We have a school right on the pack grounds. And lots of other kids your age." He told me. "Really?" I asked excitedly. Dave nodded. "That's right. So, will you get in the car now?" He asked. I looked up at Mommy. "Please Emi, you've made enough of a scene for the day." Mommy said. I grumbled, and climbed into the big car. "What about my booster seat?" I asked. "You'll be fine for now kid." The man who carried me out here said. I frowned at him. "I'm not talking to you." I stated. The man chuckled. "Fine by me. It'll be a quiet trip." I settled into my seat, and waited for Mommy to get in too. Then the car started before Mommy got in. When we started to drive away I panicked. "Wait! My mommy!" I said. "They are in the car behind us." The man in the driver's seat told me. "I thought you were going to be quiet." The man next to me said. Mommy... isn't riding with me? She left me with these strangers? Is she really even coming? "Why don't you just relax kiddo. It's about a three hour drive." The man in the passenger seat told me. I nodded, and rested my head in the door. Things are about to change. I can feel it.

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