
The Alpha’s Secret Miracle

supernature earth

Charlie Dawn Black is the daughter of Alpha Luther Black. At seventeen years of age she has spent her entire life sheltered by her father who doesn’t allow Charlie to date or socialize with any pack members other then his closest Elite. Charlie’s mother died giving birth to her and as a result her father kept her close not wanting to risk ever losing Charlie. But instead of protecting her he ended up smothering her instead. Charlie cannot wait for her eighteenth birthday which is quickly approaching. She cannot wait to finally meet her wolf and is hoping she will find her destined mate and he will take her away to his pack so she can finally be free of her fathers smothering. Little does she know that her wolf, and mates won’t be the only gifts she receives for her eighteenth birthday. Charlie’s life will soon be changed from a boring life stuck in her pack house over guarded to a life of power, lust and adventure. Which Alpha will be chosen to mate with Luther’s precious miracle?

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Chapter One- Burning Moon Pack
Charlie Dawn Black is seventeen years old and the daughter of the Alpha of the Burning Moon Pack. As she neared adulthood, she grew into a stunningly beautiful young woman. Her long curly black hair and piercing blue eyes caught the eyes of any male she crossed paths with. She was stunning to all who laid eyes on her, but no one was allowed to look at her for very long... Instead of feeling beautiful or special as she was destined to be, Charlie had always felt like something was wrong with her... She grew up as her Daddy’s Little Princess, her relationship with her father was unwavering.. or so she thought.. She had spent her entire life training with her father, Luther, the Alpha of the Burning Moon Pack. Alpha Luther never allowed his daughter to be anything but perfection.. She was his everything, and he expected the world out of her. Charlie grew up living a life of privilege, she wanted for nothing and was given everything she could possibly ask for without having to work for it... Little did anyone know, that what Charlie wanted more than any possession, was the ability to work and be a part of her pack like everyone else. Some pack members felt Charlie was spoiled. She had incidentally eavesdropped on some Omega's and a few of her guards whispering about her behind her back over the years.. They felt that Charlie had a life that anyone would dream of, and that she did not appreciate the wonderful opportunity she was handed.. While they were stuck waiting on her hand and foot.. Being judged by the only pack members she was allowed to interact with, broke Charlie's heart. They had not given her a chance to show them what she was capable of.. She wanted nothing more than to live a normal life... However, her father had forbade her to have that experience. Charlie had grown up, shielded from the rest of her community. Her father has had guards on her at all times since she was a young pup. The only time she is without guards is when she is in her room or with the Alpha. He will do whatever it takes to protect his precious flower. Including having Charlie homeschooled instead of allowing her to go to the high school in the town nearby like the rest of her pack members. Charlie often found herself watching the young pack members she should have had the chance to grow up with, from the safety of her bedroom balcony.. Yearning for the chance to experience life in their shoes. Dreaming of what their lives must be like, and how exciting and dramatic high school must be.. She wanted nothing more than to have such a simple experience for most, but that meant the entire world to her. Charlie’s mother, Alpha Luther's fated mate, had died while giving birth to her. Ever since that immense loss that had almost killed her father, he had done everything in his power to keep Charlie safe. Alpha Luther knew that his already shattered heart could never survive the loss of his daughter as well.. Some say when he lost his mate that day, he lost a bit of his sanity as well. No one agreed with Alpha Luther in the way he had chosen to raise his daughter, but none of them had the guts to admit it to his face. When it came to Charlie, his word was final and there was no persuading otherwise. Alpha Luther knew when his Luna chose their pups' life over her own that he had to do whatever it took to keep Charlie safe, and to keep her from ever feeling the pain and heartbreak that he felt the day he lost his mate. Charlie’s eighteenth birthday is quickly approaching, and will be taking place in three months. She cannot wait to finally meet her wolf, Charlie knew that her eighteenth birthday would be one of her only chances for freedom. She loved her father more than anything, but she longed for a life filled with adventure.. Filled with opportunies and love.. Most of all love.. Growing up without her mother and with a father who is so busy protecting her that he won’t be honest with her.. Charlie had always felt like there was something missing in her life. Everyone in the pack had always been very nice to her, to her face, but it never really felt genuine. No one hated Charlie by any means, but no one was honest with her for fear of hurting her feelings and receiving backlash from the Alpha. Charlie’s only friend, ‘Rebecca’, was the closest thing she had to a normal life. Rebecca is the daughter of Beta Jackson. She was also stunningly beautiful with her long blonde hair and dark brown eyes. She grew up similar to Charlie, being the Beta's daughter and being homeschooled like Charlie, she was just as oblivious to what was really going on in the world. Both girls were constantly craving attention from someone other than their parents. Rebecca’s mom was still alive, Beta Charlotte, so Rebecca had a bit more freedom than Charlie. Her mom was always trying to convince Beta Jackson and Alpha Luther to loosen up their protection orders on the girls, but unfortunately, due to Alpha Luther's fear, he was not willing to change. Of course, Jackson and Charlotte, being Alpha Luthers Beta's, were forced to follow his rules regardless of how they really felt. So Charlie and Rebecca grew up side by side, more sisters than friends. They were taught to fight and were some of the strongest warriors in the pack. Even though they were constantly training, and were stronger than most, they were never allowed to actually go to war or even on patrol around the pack lands. The girls were raised to stay in the pack house, only allowed to leave to go to the training grounds with either the Alpha, Beta or Gamma Martin. It was a life of isolation that they desperately desired to break free from. Gamma Martin was the father of two sons.. Chad, who was a year older than the girls, and now had his wolf since he was well over eighteen.. As well as Chris, who was the same age as the girls and would be turning eighteen the same day as Rebecca in two months. Rebecca was a month older than Charlie and would be meeting her wolf sooner then Charlie would be able to. However, Rebecca’s birthday takes place before the full moon, and she would not be able to shift into her wolf until the day of Charlie’s eighteenth birthday, which landed exactly on the night of the full moon. Since both the Alpha and Beta were gifted with daughters instead of sons, Alpha Luther and Beta Jackson had been grooming Chad and Chris into what their expectations of leadership would be. Alpha Luther had chosen the boys at a young age to be his successors as Alpha and Beta. Chad would be taking over as Alpha, and Chris as Beta when Alpha Luther and Beta Chris felt they were ready to take over, as well as if they themselves were ready to retire. Chad was very tall and god-like. He had short dark hair and piercing blue eyes similar to Charlie. He always had well groomed facial hair and every she-wolf in the pack wanted to be Chad’s destined mate. He was by far the strongest warrior next to Alpha Luther, and had grown into a wise and respectful young Alpha. He was fair and honorable, and Alpha Luther knew he had made the right choice when he chose Chad to take over. Charlie had always been in love with Chad. However, due to her overprotective father, Chad made sure to keep his distance. Chad had dated many girls over the years, but nothing was ever serious. He still had not met his destined mate, who would be the future Luna of the Burning Moon. He had been too focused on training and becoming the best future Alpha he could be, which made Alpha Luther respect him that much more. Chris was also very attractive, he had similar features to his brother, but his hair was lighter and he was a bit shorter than Chad. Both men took their positions in the pack very seriously, ensuring that the pack would follow them when the time came to take over from Alpha Luther and Beta Jackson. Charlie “My father is driving me crazy, Rebecca! I want to be able to go and fight and flirt and just be normal. Why does he treat me like I am going to break? He has the pack members so scared of approaching me even when I smile at a guy he runs the other way. Am I disgusting?!” Charlie started to vent to Rebecca after she tried flirting with one of her guards in the kitchen and he abruptly found a reason to leave. This had not been Charlie's first attempt at luring the opposite s*x, but every trial seemed to end the same way.. In failure. “Seriously Rebecca, do I look like a troll or something? Am I a freak? Have I trained so much over the years that now I have too many muscles for a she-wolf?” Charlie started pulling on her long, curly hair and screeching in frustration as she laid on her bed. Charlie's greatest fear, aside from never having the opportunity to truly live her life, was the fear of living this wretched way of life alone for eternity. “No, Char, stop panicking, you’re sexy and I’m sure Jesse wants you. He just wants his head more I guess.” Rebecca chuckled as she tossed a pillow at her best friend playfully, trying to make her feel better about the guard who ran away from her. Charlie was absolutely stunning, with her long black curly hair and her perfectly toned olive-skinned body. Her blue eyes were hypnotizing and impossible to look away from. She had an hourglass figure, she was very muscular but still had curves in all the right places... She had always tried hard to look nice and dress sexy in the hopes of gaining some guys' attention. Unfortunately, it never worked out in her favour. The Burning Moon pack members were very obedient and respectful towards their Alpha, and she had never met someone outside of their pack before. Last week she even went as far as wearing a very skimpy black bikini that left nothing to the imagination. She had her wavy hair up in a high ponytail and was perfectly waxed from head to toe. Charlie is naturally stunningly beautiful, but she will still wear a bit of makeup to accentuate her eyes and make her full lips look that much more luscious. She went outside in this skimpy outfit with Rebecca wearing her own red skimpy bikini and they decided to tan in the middle of the training field... Normally, she wouldn’t stoop to such a level. After all, she did want her pack to respect her. But after living her entire life without a guy even taking a second glance at her, she needed to test out whether or not she looked like a toad. She felt these measures were necessary for research purposes. Surely, if a man wanted her enough, he would talk to her even with the fear of meeting the wrath of her father. However, thus far she has not met anyone strong enough to go against his will. The girls tanned for half an hour exposed to the pack and no one even attempted to talk to them. She had noticed a few warrior wolves who looked like they might be giving her a side glance with their peripherals. But no one did anything more than that. The only attention they did receive was the glares from the she-wolves in the pack, who were not impressed with the girls revealing themselves to their mates. As soon as Chad and Chris were done training, they walked out of the training gym and saw the girls tanning in the middle of the field. They stopped dead in their tracks and were frozen in shock at first, but then realization quickly dawned on them and they jumped into action. “Does the Alpha know about this?” Chad quickly asked one of Charlie’s guards. “No sir. The girls never do anything wrong... We felt we should cut them some slack just this once. After all, it is a beautiful day out today...” Jesse answered Chad’s question while his eyes were glued to Charlie’s exposed body. Chad's wolf growled in response to Jesse's obvious gawking. At the sound of Chad growling, Charlie jumped up from her blanket startled, she must have fallen asleep... Chad made the girls stand up and go back to the pack house and get some clothes on. Due to the fact that Charlie is the Alphas' daughter, Chad was in no position to command her because of her higher rank... But after one threat that they would inform the Alpha and Beta of what the girls had been doing, the girls were quick to pack up their things and go back to the pack house, followed closely by Chad and Chris. “I’m starting to feel desperate. I know my worth and I’d never give it up easily. But I just want someone to touch me, smile at me, at this point, anything and I would be happy. I feel like a social pariah... Like I am living in an impenetrable bubble and I am destined to spend my life alone.” Charlie was in a downward spiral. This happens every so often.. She would end up having a day where she vents about all her frustrations, but she would gain the courage to tell her father how she’s really feeling. “I know exactly how you feel girl... After we watched The Notebook the other night, I had a s*x dream and Chris was in it.. Now, every time I see him, my face goes red and I’m instantly wet. I was so worried he might smell my arousal that I ran away.” Rebecca told Charlie with her face in her hands. Both girls laughed until they were ready to pee their pants. “Don’t worry Rebecca, Chris hasn’t gotten his wolf yet, so his senses aren’t as heightened. However, every other pack member in the house could probably smell you.” Charlie teased Rebecca as she tried to contain her hysterical laughter. Rebecca threw a pillow at her face to shut her up.. “At least your birthday is quickly approaching and we finally get to attend a party for the first time. I cannot wait to go dress shopping this weekend.” The girls had always had birthday parties, but only the elite pack members were invited. The Alpha didn’t want to risk anyone getting too close to his daughter, and he trusted very few of his pack members with his little girl... So, for the girls' birthdays, the guest list usually consisted of the Beta’s family, the Gamma’s family and a few of the guards and staff who had watched the girls since they were young pups. The girls' eighteenth birthdays will be the first time they actually get to attend a party with the entire pack. The Alpha did not like this idea, but it was tradition and he could not break it... Since Rebecca is the daughter of a Beta, her birthday party will just consist of pack members. Where as on Charlie’s eighteenth birthday, due to her Alpha blood, and coming of age, it is tradition to invite all of the Alpha’s from nearby packs to come and celebrate her birthday. Alpha Luther liked this least of all. He feared that Charlie would meet her mate and be taken away from him. But unfortunately, he could not hide his daughter any longer. No other pack has ever met Charlie since Alpha Luther kept her hidden away all these years... So, of course, as soon as every Alpha received their invitation, they were at first shocked, and then immediately accepted. Everyone couldn’t wait to see the secret Alpha Luther had been keeping to himself all these years.

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