
The Untitled Luna

escape while being pregnant

Claire Ethridge's life took a dark turn when her father, the beta of their pack, was accused of being a traitor. Her parents were killed, and she was left alone to survive as a rogue. With the determination to prove her father's innocence, she struggled to survive on her own until she met Killian Morgan, the alpha of the biggest pack in the city. For a moment, she thought she had found happiness, but it was short-lived when Killian discovered her connection to his mother's death.

Rejected and pregnant, Claire fled and settled far away, where she met another alpha named Bryce, who led a small rogue pack. Despite her initial skepticism, Claire learned to trust Bryce and his pack.

Years passed, and her son started to ask about his father. Claire is forced to confront her past and decide whether to seek out the man who left her all those years ago.

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CLAIRE Growing up without a pack has taught me a lot of things. I learned to survive on my own, living among humans and getting by each day without much direction in my life. Werewolves always move in packs. We were stronger in numbers, as my elders taught me. But after being kicked out of my pack, I learned that not everyone is blessed by the Goddess of the Moon. Not everyone is lucky to have a family. “Claire! What are you spacing about on a Friday night? Do you want to lose your job?” I flinched but quickly went ahead to do my job. I’ve been doing several jobs to survive, and now I’m waiting tables in a local diner. The pay isn’t really good, but it’s enough to get me by since I also work another day job. If there’s something good about being a werewolf, it will be having better physical strength and endurance than humans. I could go days without proper sleep. It’s taking a toll on my body, but I had to do it if I wanted to survive. “What’s up with you? Why are you spacing out earlier?” Michelle, a coworker, asked me. I’ve never been close to anyone, but she’s been kind to me since we met. She’s one of the rare humans with no hidden intentions. I smiled, “I was just thinking of my bills due.” My excuse quickly earned a nod. “Do you need some money? I could lend you some. I have an extra-” I quickly cut her off, “No. I’m all good. I can still pay off this month’s bills.” Unlike me, who only has to support myself, Michelle is the provider for her family. She has it more complicated than I do. “You’re trying to pay off your tuition without student loans. Do you even sleep?” She removed her hair tie after we finished wrapping up for tonight. I glanced outside, and the moon was almost full. The full moon strengthens us, but I’ll feel shitty afterward because I barely have any rest. The full moon is like my last boost for the month. “I do... every now and then.” I always try to sleep whenever I have free periods, but I barely sleep for two hours at most. I only have a semester to bear. Then I could finally have my degree. She frowned at my response, “That’s not how sleeping works, Claire. I know you’re young, but the human body has its limits. You might end up in a hospital.” Her scolding made me smile. If only she knew that I wasn’t human at all. “I’m fine. Besides, I’m already lucky that I still have a job.” It would have been a stretch to push myself to graduate, but it was the only way I had to survive in the human world. They say that rogues, or werewolves who don’t have a pack, cannot survive. I was determined to show them that they were wrong. After my parents were accused of being traitors to the pack, they were both killed, but they pleaded to spare me. The alpha did but threw me out immediately. I know that my parents were wrongfully accused by the alpha only because my father, the pack’s beta, was being trusted more than him. I know there’s no way I can prove it anymore, but I’m not losing hope just yet. That is why I have to live, no matter what. When the time has come, I will prove their innocence and reclaim my family’s honor. But for now, I must survive until this month’s end. I heaved a sigh and patiently waited for the bus. “I still have to review for my exams…” I mumbled and checked the time. It’s already 10:30 p.m. I have to go to class at 7 a.m. I guess I won’t be sleeping again tonight. The bus finally arrived, and I didn’t waste any time and got in, but I suddenly felt odd. “Miss, are you okay?” One of the passengers asked me when I stumbled. I simply nodded and sat down on the nearest seat available. I grasped my chest, which started aching. My heart is thumping so hard. I definitely saw a man staring at me from outside. Whoever he was, he was a werewolf and my mate. “That can’t be…” I mumbled and shook my head. It’s impossible. Why would someone like me be given a mate? I must be imagining things because of my tiredness. -- I couldn’t sleep at all, not because I needed to study but because of that man. I didn’t fully see his face, but his eyes... I think I could recognize that anywhere. I shuddered at the thought. He was my mate, and yet I felt afraid of his presence. It should have been a good feeling to meet my mate. But instead, I feel fear that it will change something in my life. His gaze was enough to make me feel weak and intimidated. Is it possible that he’s an alpha? But why would I be mated to an alpha? “This is making me crazy…” I mumbled and couldn’t help but heave a sigh. The full moon being near wasn’t helping at all. Everything in me is heightened; confusion, fear, even hunger. I could have eaten earlier, but I’m low on stock and have to save up. “I know that my class is hard, but you can drop out anytime.” My eyes widened after realizing that I was still in class and that I was speaking my thoughts out loud. My professor was looking at me and clearly expecting me to speak up. I swallowed the lump in my throat and promptly apologized. Everyone’s eyes were directed at me, and I felt like trash. I lowered my head and wished that they would stop looking at me. Classes were finally over, and I should be happy that I could eventually go home. I always ensure that I don’t have any work on the day of the full moon so I can rest a bit. It was the only time I got a break, but I felt no joy or comfort. “Why do I have to meet that man?” I can’t help but ask. This is not what I wanted, but I can’t stop myself from thinking about those eyes. I know I shouldn’t yearn for more, but it was all I could think about. At this point, I don’t think I can blame the full moon anymore. I halted in my tracks and loudly gasped when I suddenly felt his presence nearby. Why is he here?

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