
Ravens way home


raven never really thought about having a mate or even being in love and after she lost the most important person in her life she never wants to feel that pain ever again. but destiny has a plan for her and it includes the warm hearted Tucker that she sees as family. after finding out she has a destiny like no other as the true luna shes put into a world of cunfusing rules. she meets new people and find a love that is worth fighting for even if that person has changed into someone she doesn't reconize after a 3 year war. she finds that keeping her sisters dream alive is what she is meant to do, no matter what.

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saying goodbye is hard
It may have been easy for some to live a life waiting for their mate to sniff them out and mark them when they turn twenty, But for me, it was just another burden of being a wolf. I'm Raven Johnson, I'm 17, and I live in a small wolf community up in the mountains of Utah hidden from humans by a magical force the council created when the town was first founded. I'm the third daughter of the town's beta and have two older siblings. Eric is my eldest brother and Tera is my sister. They are both twenty-one this year as they are twins after all and have both found their mates already. I'm saying goodbye to tera today and to say it's hard is an understatement. She's moving to a different town 50 miles away, which means seeing her often will be unlikely. It's a miracle she even met Tucker in the first place, but he was visiting his close family and sniffed her out on his way through town. Tucker is the alpha of the North wind pack and is highly known for his great leadership, and I know she will be a great Luna. But it's hard to say goodbye to someone you have seen every day in your life since birth. Are you sure you have to go? I said tearfully. "Rav, you would be fine without me," Tera said. But you're the only one that truly cares for me! I said sarcastically. " Now you know that is not true, you are erics favorite and dad loves you more than any one of us can deny" she says laughingly. Just promise me you will stay safe and come home for all the holidays, especially my coming of age ceremony in a year! "I promise I will come, Rav. I wouldn't miss it for the world," Tera says tearfully. "Baby, we gotta go!" tucker shouts from the car. "I love you all! Goodbye! I wave goodbye to her as she gets in the car and watch as I see my big sister leave me behind as her new life begins. 9 months later She was supposed to be here by now, right? I said to my father "Yes, but I'm sure she will be here any moment, sweetheart," my dad said. I'm worried that we are going to have to start without her, but I really need her here for this dad. "I know, I know, but the moon's position is going to change, and your ceremony won't be complete. You need to go now honey." Fine, but the second she gets here I'm going to kill her! But I didn't have to, because just as I was walking to the field where the town and the council were waiting for me to enter, I heard yelling and gasps from behind me. I turned around to see a blood-soaked tucker limping with tera limp in his arms. No... no… no..... I kept saying until it came out as a screech and the whole world went blank. 6 months later I haven't spoken a word for 6 months, not even a peep to my family, but they understood why. After seeing my sister's body blue and limp, I broke down and screamed until my voice didn't come out anymore. Then I passed out and later woke up in the hospital. The doctor said that because it was my coming of age ceremony and such a shock happened to my body, it went into overdrive and that my vocal cords were damaged so much that talking was out of the question for at least a year. I was ok with not talking because that meant I didn't have to answer anyone about if I was doing ok or if I needed any help with what I was doing. Then one day, when I remembered, Tera told me how lovely my voice was and that it should never be silenced. I broke down. Tera didn't get to live a long, happy life, so I wanted to live for her and not just for me. I started training my voice, so it would heal faster, so I could bring it back into the world my sister was no longer in, so her wish could come true. Tucker became a regular appearance and really became part of the family. He said that he needed to be where she was. I understood, so it didn't bother me and I welcomed him. But after my ninetieth birthday, he started following me and doing everything for me before I could do it myself. He started keeping track of when I'd be home and when I was on duty at the boarder. My brother was the first to bring it up to me and my father. "So dad, are we going to talk about how tucker has been acting towards raven?" eric said flatly. "I think he's just looking out for her," dad said with a smile. "Don't you agree? Raven? I nodded and then looked at Eric, who was looking at my dad like he was wondering if he had lost his mind. I still can't talk in full words but grunts and one-worded answers, and it's enough for me and my family right now. Tucker has been helping with my voice lessons, so I won't say that I don't like the help, but sometimes he's just a bit too much. "Raven, how are you doing? OK, your voice feeling ok today? I found a good tea that should help soothe it if it's sore?" i...im o...ok tu...ck…er but...tha...nks. I smiled at him. "How about a run? You haven't gone on one for a while." I stood and nodded, I'll go get......ready." I said hoarsely. "I'll see you on the porch then." Running with tera was one of my favorite things to do when I was younger and having someone else with me used to be weird, but tucker kinda just started filling that void that was left. We had a conversation once after a run, and he told me how tera made him promise to protect me and make me happy no matter what. That made me understand him more, even if I didn't always like him being around, he was doing this for my sister to keep her dreams alive, just like me. Turning twenty was something I didn't want to happen for as long as possible, but because we can't stop aging, it was going to happen. Tucker left two months ago due to a war going on near his boarders and had to go help his people. I weirdly miss his overprotectiveness. Our goodbye was short but enough even though he said, it's see you later, not goodbye. The letters he has sent have stated that he's ok and planning on ending the war very soon, but I feel like he just wants us to stay hopeful. My ceremony is going on without a hitch, and the council has accepted that I chose to add my sister's name to mine to bring her with me to my new life. After the ceremony, I will be leaving our pack for what the council calls the call to the wild, so I can find my place in the world and possibly find my mate. We all know I'm not looking forward to that. I feel the moon on my skin and my wolf reacting to the change in the air and when i look around, I'm in my wolf form, but it feels different, and I realize my fur is now pure white with a low glow emanating from it. The council bows and the alpha steps forward. "Everyone, please welcome Raven Tera Johnson, the true Luna to the pack!"

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