
Our Kind of Love

one-night stand
escape while being pregnant
second chance
kickass heroine
dare to love and hate
slow burn

R18+ (Mature Content)

[Part 1 Completed and Part 2 Completed]

Care-free, open-minded, bubbly, and sometimes an old soul, these describe Charlene’s personality. At twenty-three, life is constant and fair until the night she decides to try something different.

A way out of the ordinary that will chase her heart and future.

A notorious womanizer, Maximus’s reputation is uncanny. He would wine, dine, charm his women. Make them feel lovely and desirable, owning them to bed before leaving them broken and helpless.

Breaking women’s hearts is his forte, a fault that will hunt his present and happiness.

Their past brought them together. Their future tested them apart.

Charlene tries to hold on to their love but Max abandons Charlene when she needs him most.

Max believes Charlene's betrayal and leaves her. Then the truth comes out and shatters him.

Hatred, vengeance, greed, and deceit will challenge the life they are building together.

Will the twosome survive the ups and downs of their own kind of love?

[Disclaimer] This is a slow-burn romance. You may check the Book Beyond Love and Lies first albeit this is a stand-alone book.

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Chapter 1- Get laid
“Argh! Boss Damien!” Charlene irritatedly said, fuming in annoyance. “I'm sorry, Charlene, I'll see you tomorrow. You know our flight time. Don't be late," Damien apologized. He was supposed to meet his secretary, but the lady next to him couldn’t wait to roll in the hay, “Let’s go…my bunny….” Charlene heard a flirty voice from the lady on the other side of the line. “Okay…okay… I’ll see you tomorrow! Bye…" Charlene yielded, "oh…Don’t forget to use a condom!” She reminded, understanding her boss’s antics in bed. Chuckling, “Of course, of course,” Damien bade, “Bye.” She hung up the phone and scratched her curly blonde hair out of foiling. “Just my luck working with a manwh*re,” she mumbled before getting back inside the posh restaurant she reserved for them. Her friend and big boss Damien just ditched her at the restaurant they were supposed to meet for dinner. She was his secretary for almost two years now, and it was her first business trip outside the country with him. Damien was one year older than her, and she treated him as a brother. She had her own one, but Diego had been staying in Thailand with his wife for two years now. She started working at Damien Davidson group companies right after graduating with her associate’s degree about two years ago at the age of twenty-one. She found her boss a freaking hot, handsome, and smart guy, but she wasn’t the kind of lady who flirts or blends lust in business. Her and Damien’s relationship was purely business and friendship. Going back to her table, the waiter served her the food. There, she enjoyed her dinner alone while silently cursing Damien in her head. After having her French cuisine dinner, she then went to the restaurant's outside garden to smoke. She rarely smoked. Just when she felt anxious and stressed. Bringing a glass of wine with her, she lit the stick as she watched over the bright lights of Paris. It was her third and last night in the city as they finished the deal with another business Damien was trying to close. Puffing the smoke, “What a great night for a lonely freaking lady like me,” Charlene huffed. Being single for nearly a year, she couldn’t help but feel miserable. Although she enjoyed her solitary moments, there were times she felt sad. Her closest safety net, aside from Damien, left her for an acceptable reason. Now, her solitude was slowly taking a toll on her. Charlene finished one stick and then decided to go back to her hotel suite and rest. Damien promised her that he would tour her around after dinner, but that promise was broken since he decided to get laid first. “Arrrgh! How I wish to get laid soon too!” she huffed, rolling her eyes. She was about to dial her driver’s number when her phone rang suddenly. Frowning, she saw the caller’s id. It was her sister-in-law Adeline. Pressing the green button, “Sawasdee Ka, b*tch” she greeted Adeline as she sat down on the outside bench. Giggling, “Bonjour, harlot, how is it going?” Adeline asked her on the phone, “Are you enjoying my country?” she added. “Oh, Oui! Oui! Super! I am!” Charlene sarcastically answered, rolling her eyes, “It's already midnight there. Why did you call? Is Diego home?” she asked. Charlene and her sister-in-law were good friends. Adeline was a French lady who moved to Jersey shore not long ago, where she met her brother. Adeline and her brother hooked up quickly and decided to go backpacking in Asia. They fell in love in the country and decided to stay there to work, leaving her alone in the states, which she didn’t mind. She and her brother grew up under their grandparents' care when their parents died in an accident when they were young. Their childhood was fine. She and her brother had enough and didn’t lack needs. Their parents left something for them that they used for themselves. “Well, I called to check if our plans, you getting-laid, are still on. Your brother is still out. That’s why I'm still awake,” Adeline answered all, Chuckling, “NO! My boss ditched me! we were supposed to have dinner and go clubbing and find our own partners, but the bastard found his partner before dinner, so here I am, freaking alone and lonely in your love city!” Charlene complained in one go. Chuckling as well, “Did you shave?” Adeline suddenly asked, “Yes! I shaved, no, I waxed!” she added before huffing. “Then go to the club by yourself!” “Nope!” “Yes, harlot! Find a French man or any man who will conquer your cave,” Adeline teased. “Bithc!” Laughing, “Come on, Charlene! I know a place in the city that you will enjoy!” she shared, “It's still early,” Charlene said, checking her wristwatch. "It's only eight in the evening here," “Well, enjoy yourself some cocktail and feel the vibe…The night is still young to waste your time,” Pondering, “You’re maybe right…I shouldn’t waste my last night here. I should enjoy myself and maybe, yes, find someone who will conquer my cave.” Charlene huffed. “That’s my girl! I can't believe that even after having two boyfriends, you are still a virgin,” Adeline mocked. “Oh, come on, don’t hold it against me. The two jackasses didn’t even know how to turn me on,” Charlene huffed for the nth time. “Well, find someone that will turn you on, big time. The guy that will make you drip and wet just by ogling him,” “They only exist in books and movies,” Charlene countered, “plus I don’t speak French, so if I ever find a native one here, chance wise, no luck,” “They do exist, harlot. French people are the best lovers in the world!” “Says who?” “Your brother,” Adeline answered, giggling. “Yeah, wild woman!” “Your brother knows best!” “Oh, I f*****g know! When heaven decided to pour down kinkiness and carnal needs. You and my brother are first in line to catch them, that showering wasn’t enough. You even brought buckets to fill!” Cracking up, “I really love your loud mouth!” Adeline said as she caught her breath from laughing, “Thank you!” Charlene said before chortling, “I don’t think I will get laid and give my innocence tonight. How I wish I brought my Vibe…” she lowly said, her only friend when she felt lonely and h*rny Snorting, “Don’t lose hope, just one night, come on! But make sure you don’t get yourself pregnant,” Adeline pushed, “Oh, god, please, no!” “What are you wearing?” “The one I showed you this morning,” Charlene answered. They had spoken earlier, and Adeline suggested her to wear a skimpy party dress, “Oh, that freaking nun’s dress?” “No, the other one. The open back, black body con, long sleeves,” Charlene replied, fiddling her bracelet. She was wearing the little skimpy dress that stopped on her flawless thighs, partnering it with three inches heeled shoes, giving her five foot four inches height a boost. “Fair enough,” Adeline said, “Now, go and get yourself a Frenchman,” Puffing, “I will!” Charlene yielded, “Wish me luck!” “Au revoir, harlot,” “Bye, b***h,” Hanging up the phone, Charlene couldn’t help but shake her head. As if she really had plans to get laid. The hook-up culture wasn’t her thing, not saving herself for marriage but saving for a semi-perfect person. She had a fair share of relationships with two guys before. Phil was a very Christian type of man who wanted to wait until marriage and the other one, Mark, was good enough for her that she got bored. Such a tedious relationship, to say the least. Walking towards the driver who was waiting for her, “Hey G! Could you please send me to the nicest bar or club in town,” she told Guido, the driver. “Oui, madame,” Guido approved, opening the car’s door for her. “Merci, Guido,” Charlene thanked, getting in the car. Getting out of the car, Charlene looked around at the building of the high-end club Guido had brought her. "Mr. Davidson said I should stay with you," Charlene heard Guido, the driver say, standing next to her. "Yes, please." Charlene smirked, "Thank you, G!" she added as she walked away from him. She was about to enter when she felt her phone vibrate inside her pouch. Checking it, it was Adeline again. Reading the message, "Get-laid soon! Harlot," the text said, "B*tch" Charlene chucklingly mumbled as she entered the bar.

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