
The Affair Revenge

second chance
dare to love and hate

Eve had a normal married life with her husband (Mark Samford) .All was peachy until she found out Mark was having a secret life with another women. When Eve found out about the affair she decided to team up with mistress (Cammi Bennet) and seek revenge on their lover. Both hoping to make lover seeks his karma for his lies. But karma back fires when Marks jealousy takes over after finding out about wife’s (Eve Samford) new guy friend.

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Chapter 1
Eve Everything seems so dense. My vision seems to be foggy now. I can only hear a muffle in my ears now. I feel this feeling all through my body, it just tingling everywhere. I can tell from this moment on, everything will change. Nothing is the same anymore, my life may not go back to normal. No one would have thought any of this would happen to us. It all just happened so fast. I’m sorry. My conscience has been yelling in my ear. She screams and yelps the whole time. But I couldn’t hear her, not with all the other noises in the room. Not over the adrenaline running in my vines. This was not a fight or flight state, only a fight. All I hear is footsteps walking back and forth. Pacing in a panic way. Walking right in front of me, she was only a blurry-vision figure. Just a odd shape of a blob, she was waving her arms around her. She seemed worried and hurt. What happen? What's going on? With a very severe thriving ache of pain in my whole pain. I finally decided to look down at my hands. “Ohh god my hands, they are stained.” I said to myself. Red, red, just everywhere and it is warm and fresh. That I can tell right away, when I squeezed my palms and the blood seemed to ooze right off, yet sticky at the same time. Eve! Eve! Eve! Get up, get up!! I’m sorry! I still couldn’t hear her talk. Looking underneath my hands, near me.There seemed to be a lifeless body between me and this woman. His face was on the floor with blood that seemed to be coming from his head and down to his feet. The stream of blood was growing every second. Could all of this be just from his head? There had to be more to it, right? The blood was staining the floor. I just stare at this man's body and watch as his blood flows. It got darker and darker, while the smell grew to an odd odor in the air. I feel a hand touch my face and the blurry figure seem to be clearing up now. She seemed to be talking but I couldn’t make out the words. What was she trying to say? What is going on? Eve! Eve! Eve! Get up, get up Eve!!! A minute or two seems to go by now and the muffing starts to go away as all I hear her voice coming clear to me. It knocked me right back to my senses now. Maybe I will get to see what happened to me and him. Or to her and him. What happened to us? What did we do? Why are we all here right now? What's going on? Thank god for bringing me out my mind. I thought for a minute about it all. There had to be something that happened to me. There was no other answer to it. Taking a deep breath in and out, I relaxed my body. Sensing all my pain and feeling like I had been hit by a truck. Nothing seems to really happen to me too badly. I was in pain but I don’t think I was badly hurt. Not like this guy on the floor. Look up Eve! Look up! I looked up at her face and her lips moving so fast I couldn’t keep up with what she was saying. She was just ranting on and on. “What?” I shook my head, trying to clear my head all the way.“ Are you okay?” the women asked me. I looked blankly at her, my hands shaking.“ Yeah, i’m fine.” I felt fine, I basically looked fine, right? I know that there is blood on me and everything. But who’s blood? Was it mine? Was it his? She stood up and waved her hands to gesture to me to do the same. Get up Eve! You need to get up! Now! Which I did. I put my hand on my knee to have control over my weight. I didn’t want to lose balance and fall. “Aahh f*** everything hurts!” Just f***ing get up Eve!!! Putting one hand on the wall next to me and pushing all my weight up so I can stand upright against the wall. *Deep inhale and exhale* And everyone is confused as to what in the world has just happened. I need to explain everything to you first. I’ll have to start from the beginning though. So bare with me as I take you to the time where my life was just normal as anyone else. A simple married life to a perfect loving husband. As I thought he was. My name is Eve Samford and I was just a normal everyday housewife. You know the one. Wake up, cook, clean, pleased husband ..etc. I did everything to keep this house in tack inside and out. Everything falls in my hands. The only thing I don’t really control, is bringing in the money that was my husband Mark’s job. And my husband, Mark Samford, always wakes up after me and spends most of his day at work. He is the best husband, (at least I thought he was) he does everything he can to make me so happy. Mmhh okay sure! We meet so young that sometimes I forget we’re not 17 anymore. I know what you think. Couples that usually get together at that age, don’t seem to stay together. But we did, (for awhile at least). We’re like best friends. No scratch that we are best friends. We have been through everything together. And i’m so grateful to have found him super early in life. We did everything together back then. We can’t spend one day without one and another. Just one kiss, one hug, one touch, one glare. That was all we needed to satisfy our needs. Ugh I love him! Gross, no. You see, we didn’t have many classes together, so when school was over we made time to hang out and spend the rest of the day, just enjoying ourselves. That's when everything was the best. That's when life was simple and everything was great. 5:00am and I needed to get my day started. Woke up and took a quick shower, like always. After drying up, I went ahead and blew my hair dry and put on a light face of make up. I hated wearing so much make-up, it felt so gross and heavy. I don’t know how some of you girls go all day with all that make-up on. I went ahead to my walking closet and picked out my classic outfit. Just a nice long boho dress, today is not such a hot day out so I decided to just do a half updo style.I hurried down the stairs to the kitchen and make Mark’s same thing as always. Two sunnyside eyes with toast on the side and an Oj. By the time I finished setting up his food, he came out in the corner with a big smile on his face. God, this must be the most handsomest man in the world. I just melt when I see him. Tall, dark and handsome. A good set of hair on him too, big brown eyes and a smile from one side to the other. Rock hard body that will make any girl stop and look. Which is his Sunday routine, where he jog early in the morning shirtless. Looks good with a shirt off too. I went ahead and packed his lunch for work and he gave me a big smile. “Goodbye sweetie,” Mark says with a grin on his face “Will I see you later today for dinner?” I asked. I was so happy to see him tonight. I feel like I don’t get to spend as much time with him like we use too. It gets off so late now. He would always calls me, letting me know that he be late. So I go off to bed without him, only to find myself waking up next to his warm body. Ohh did I mention that it’s our 10-year anniversary. I can’t wait to see what he has in store to surprise me. “Ohh sweetie, I got my meeting today.” He said, looking all sad. D***, I thought he pushed that meeting.“ I’ll see you in 3 days sweetheart.” Mark lend in to kiss me very fast and left right out the door. I wanted to say something but didn’t. You should just tell him, speak up. No, no. I’m sure he remembers today. He just pretending. He been so stress girl. I’m sure he forgot, otherwise he would have said something. I roll my eyes and ignore my conscience. She always has something to say about everything. Okay, so this isn’t the first time he has done this to me. Lately he seems like he’s in the rush to leave the house. He barely makes time to enjoy our mornings together anymore. He seemed to just want to grab his coffee and lunch. Give me a kiss, tell me sweet words and leave. I really wish he didn’t have to be in a rush. But that's my hard-working man. But here's the thing, he has been acting so odd these days. I been trying to keep track of all of his excuses and stuff and nothing adds up. Yes I know yall thinking, why don’t you just get some balls and confront him about it. I told you! Just speak the f*** up! Will you just ssshh, I’m talking!! Look, I have, a few weeks back and all I got was a run-down excuses that made my head hurt. So, of course, I just smiled at that cute face of his and nodded “ Yes dear of course, I love you too.” Just a bunch of horse s***!! Most of the time I don’t want to talk because he always has a bad day at work. And it happens oddly enough, when I wanted to talk to him about something important. Very odd, right, I know me too. He hiding something! That's the only reason why he shits us up every time we want to talk. Ignoring her once again. She was just being negative. The same thing happens in the end too. Where, after we talk, he notices my face isn’t pleasing to his responds. So he does all these cute things to make me cave in and, just ohh please my body and all. It's just so hard not to be angry with him at times. Like I want to sit down and talk and he doesn’t. Mark would ease me down and pepper kiss my neck and then we have s**. I forget all my train of thoughts and ignore them until another time. Mark is just trying to trick you into forgetting it anyways. He doesn’t want us finding out, whatever he is hiding. And what can he be hiding, that he can’t tell his wife! Huh? D*** I don’t know! I’m not him! But he is hiding something, I just know it. Sure you do. Mark is a great husband, he has no reason to be hiding anything. He just has you so wrap around his fingers. You can’t see it when he’s lying right to your face. Ohh shut up! You know i’m telling you the truth. No! You are just annoying. Late at night, stuff wonder though my head. Sometimes I wonder what he is really doing at those meetings. They seem to happen more often now and last longer. Again, he is hardly even here with me now. Mark has been traveling a lot more for his business. It's like our home is just a hotel for him. I hate this s*** the most. “I wish Mark didn’t have to leave all the time.” I said to myself. You know what f*** this, this s*** has been happening for way too long and i’m not having it any more. I’m gonna find something out. What,you're going to grow some balls and get some answers out of him? Yes! I am going to find out why everything has suddenly changed so much lately. He needs to start making some changes. I need my husband with me. Not out all the d*** time. Good for you, finally you do something! Still you shut the f*** up! I don’t want to hear anything else from you!

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