
The Invasion

kickass heroine
non-hunman lead
alien contact


Her mission? Bring back one lowly human creature back to her planet for experiments. Her time frame? Not given. Her reason? To make her father proud. To fill up the hole that has been made by the absence of her mother.

     Korma's journey to Earth turned out to be a revenge plot along the way. Her loved ones, her losses and her pride, she will avenge it all. Well, she wasn't the only one who wanted to avenge a loved one. Leah, a proud inhabitant of Earth has learnt about her secret. She owe the death of her younger brother and the infinite stupidity of her older brother to Korma's supernatural abilities.

   Korma found that Leah would be her destined enemy. It also doesn't help matters that Leah had a smart daughter, Mara, who always thought outside the box. Will they be able to protect Earth from a possible alien invasion OR Will Korma fulfill her mission to her father?

Must Earth be conquered or is there another way?

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Chapter One - Her mission
Planet Zeug. Year 2000. On a round table meeting, the fate of planets were being discussed. Lord Zin of the sixth valley raises his hands to ask a question. “Do you mean whoever can abduct a human and bring and bring here will be given the honorary position of the head of valley science?”. No one answers. “If we can get a human here” Lord Ka says. “Humans have long been taking outer space creatures for their understudy. They’re too intelligent. It’s almost impossible to get one here”. All nods in agreement including Lord Zin. “Well, can’t a woman seduce their men. This year 2000 corresponds with Earth’s time too. It’s a rare opportunity. We must take action”. Everyone turns to Lord Zin. Lord Ka shouted “What are you insinuating old man? Whose daughter would sacrifice her future and go to a strange planet!”. While walking slowly out of the meeting room, Lord Zin ponders on so many things. His ambition is to be the head of valley science. For thirty years, he had worked under Doctor Zubin but now he’s greed would drive him to usurp the seat. And he’s ready to sacrifice anything. If he’s able to bring a human specie from Earth and uncover the secret behind their rapid development, then he earns a name in his world and a position as top medical scientist of valley science. Lord Zin smiled at his thoughts but a frown crept up slowly when he discovered he couldn’t achieve it just yet. How would a human be lured out of Earth. “Dad, you’re done?”. Lord Zin turns absentmindedly to face his daughter, Korma. “Hmm…The meeting is done” he responded and began his slow strides to his Zorb. (P.S: “Zorb”, a means of digital transportation in Zeug owned by elite men and it’s a substitute for “cars” and “aero planes” in the human world. Only exception being that it’s like a driverless car with no wheels but floats defying gravity. It’s shaped like a sphere) “Dad!” Korma called out. Since they came home from the meeting, her father had been so quiet. “What’s on your mind?” Lord Zin speaks up “You’ll go to Earth and get a human for me”. The glass on Korma's hands fall to the ground. “You’re twenty now. By past twenty, you’ll adopt a real Zeuga's body structure and color and you will be easily identified as an alien” he looks at her. “Now, you can go to Earth. Your body would automatically stop growing on Earth till you come back here. So… steal, kill, seduce, anyhow but bring back a human, alive to Zeug” Lord Zin inhales. Planet Earth. Year 2000. Sounds of crying and sobs can be heard from far off. Michael, in his anger, punches a tree continuously till blood oozes out of it. He turns back sharply, his younger siblings stares at him in fear. Michael picks up a stone and throw it at his father’s cemented grave. “Why didn’t you wait for me?” he cried. He threw more stones till he finally stops, tired, he falls to the ground near his father’s grave. His sister, Leah, tries helping him up but he shoved her hand aside and begins shouting, “Why didn’t anyone tell me dad was dying? Why was he so weak yet kept telling me to be strong? Why was…? Why?!” Tears dropped off Leah’s eyes, she tried to speak but words couldn’t come out. “Why?” Michael continued. “Why did I work so hard to join the FBI? Why did I stress myself if he would die? I wanted to show him – show him I could do it. Why? Why did he have to die, die like a coward. Why didn’t he keep his promise? Why!!” At that point, Leah legs failed her but before she could fall to the ground, her younger brother, Max, caught her. Michael quickly wiped his tears and helped Max take Leah to the car. As Max drove off, Michael took one last look on his father's grave before walking deeper into the graveyard to look for his mother’s. “Hello, mom” he bowed. He waved an envelope at her. It was his appointment letter. “I’m now a FBI agent. It was your dream for me, right?”. He tried choking back his tears and squatted, touching his mother’s stone. Leaves rustling and voice muffling made him rise up. Moving steadily but slowly towards it, Michael wondered what – or who? – could be hiding in a countryside graveyard. “A criminal perhaps” he thought. He hasn’t been given his ID yet so he couldn’t make a legal arrest. “Who’s there?” he said with a low tone. The noise stopped and someone appeared before him. “What the…” Michael trailed off. It wasn’t an animal as he thought. It was rather a young girl, fair complexioned, very pretty, maybe in her late teens or early twenties. Dressed in a very short dress with bare feet. She had long legs and hands. She held her head high like a princess. Her hair was shiny gold. Her eyes, her lips – perfect. Michael found himself staring. “Hello, human” she spoke. “Human? Aren’t you human?” Michael frowned. The girl turned to his mother’s grave and bowed. Afterwards she smiled at him, “I came here to pay my respects to dead humans”. Michael looked at her and then at the sky and then at his watch, “What are you?” The girl in turn looked at him, the sky and then at his mother’s grave and asked “What are you doing here?” Michael found it humorous but he didn’t show it. He looked cautiously at her. She looked human in all physical components, though her components were more beautiful than normal. He looked at his watch again. It was almost late evening. Should he report her to the police? But she did nothing exactly. Also the nearest police station is a three hour drive. “What would I do?” he exhaled. “Take me with you” she said “I am called Korma”. Michael narrowed his eyes at her. “Korma, right?”. She nodded. He advanced towards her. “So Korma, where’s your parents? Where do you live? What in the world are you?” Michael asked simultaneously.

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