
Rogue Eight

kickass heroine

M was the leader of a rogue group of she-wolves, known as the Rogue 8. Only no one knew that their heroes were heroines. Shrouded in secrecy, anonymity, and cloaked identity, they chose to value life instead of just monetary gain and for that, they were respected and given the freedom to exist on their terms...until their value was recognized by an Alpha who had bigger plans.

In a werewolf dominated world, they were the exception that no one knew existed...and they didn't want to fit into the mold that was expected of them. The problem was, time and their luck was running out. Fate had other plans. The Alpha had other plans. Most of all, the Moon Goddess had other plans, plans that had been waiting for them until the moment was right--a moment that had now arrived.

Their world was changing and as M would soon find, only a few weren't ready for at least a little change.

All of them orphaned and left abandoned in a field, she raised her pack, now full of strong, independent girls growing into women, each of them different, yet in a way, the same as their unit formed into a family. A family that was about to face challenges, danger, and inner turmoil like they have never known. A family--and a leader--who was about to fall apart at the seams if M couldn't find a way to allow herself to hold it all together...and not defy the Moon Goddess' gift along the way.

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Fate Begins
Chapter One:  Fate Begins MADELINE   I looked up at the sky, appreciating the orange, purple, and deep blue hues of dusk.  There was red as well, but that was not a color that brought me any ounce of joy.  No, red was a color that stained my existence from a very early age—a dark time I have spent years trying to overcome—the color that represented blood.  And yet while I have spent all this time trying to overcome my past, blood was how I survived…how WE survived, my pack and I.  It was the only way for us to live our lives on our terms without having to answer to anyone…male werewolves in particular.  I chuckled slightly under my breath as I thought about what all the Alphas of countless packs that had hired us over the years to do their more unsavory dirty work would think if they actually knew it was a pack of she-wolves decisively and efficiently completing their missions.   Right on cue, I was pulled from my thoughts by the slightest rustling of leaves below me.  Moments of silence and contemplation were a rarity for me, especially considering the women in my pack.  Not that I didn’t love them.  I was grateful for their presence in my life.  We were family…misfits brought together by loss, but a family nonetheless.  However, a house full of girls could get quite daunting, especially when you are their designated leader and at times, their mediator.  Another quiet chuckle exuded from my lips before I pushed aside my thoughts to concentrate on the matter at hand.   I pushed a stray soft brown lock of hair behind my ear as I looked down from my hidden perch atop a large hyperion tree to find a wolf slowly and methodically making his way to our payment spot at the bottom of a knotted oak tree not far from my current position.  We had recently rescued the young daughter of the Beta from the Soaring Wind pack.  They were a small group of wolves that resided on the outskirts of a human town about 500 miles away.  She had been taken by a pack of rogues for ransom, an unfortunate regular occurrence, especially with those similar to the Soaring Winds being easier targets.  Our work typically found us helping these smaller packs who did not have enough manpower to face challenges and threats alone.  While they made alliances with larger packs to assist them in times of trouble, sometimes time was of the essence and they would find themselves desperate for immediate help.  That is where we came in—the Rogue 8.  We had made easy work of finding the child and disseminating the six rogues who had taken her.    Taking in the large dark grey wolf below me, my eyes quickly narrowed.  “That’s not a Soaring Wind wolf” Vivian’s alarmed voice rang in my head through our mind link, voicing my own realization.    “No, it is not.  Which leaves the question…who the hell is this?”    Vivian quickly returned “Maybe the alliance pack showed up after we brought the girl back.  The Alpha did say in his note that they had contacted someone for help, but there was a delay for some reason. Although we don’t know who exactly.  Maybe it just felt safer sending one of them to make the payment.”     Vivian was my second in command—my Beta if we were to put it in pack terms I suppose.   We never used pack terms, however, unless we were joking around.  The girls and I worked as a unit, each knowing our role and mastering it effectively.  I was the oldest at 24 and had raised and taken care of them since I was 10—the day we all found ourselves together in a large field with no memory of our pack, our family, or our lives before that day, other than the shared memory of an explosion and fire surrounding us—so in turn, they all looked to me as their leader.  Vivian was a year younger than me, as was Raven.  They were my best friends, closest confidants, and most of all…they kept me focused and helped us to build a reputation of integrity in our dealings.  We weren’t for hire to just anyone—it had to be the right situation and more importantly, for the right reasons.       My eyes focused hard on the wolf below trying to discern if this was going to be a problem or merely an inconvenience.  The agreement had been for the Gamma of Soaring Wind to deliver our payment and this most certainly was not him.  That was immediately clear to me.  As he cautiously made his way through the clearing, I took in his large muscular frame and unfamiliar scent.  Every muscle was defined, even in the slightest movement.  It was obvious from his movements that he had been well trained which meant he had access to better resources—resources found in a large pack.  Not that a smaller pack couldn’t have a few wolves of his caliber, but I had seen enough to notice the differences.  It wasn’t unusual for there to be nervousness when making payments to us, as we had built a reputation of an intimidating pack, but I could see this wolf was doing more recon and assessing his surroundings in a more arduous manner than I would typically see, showing no signs whatsoever of being nervous.    As he neared the designated tree, his silky grey fur bristled sharply just as my eyes popped wide at the strong scent of trouble quickly heading our way.  “M!” Vivian’s panicked voice shouted in my mind, “What are they—”    I instantly cut her off, “Viv, get Tink NOW!”    “What about the others?” Vivian urgently asked.    My voice filled with the same urgency as I replied, “Raven, Jade, and Remi are too far away.  Constance and Charlotte are injured.  Just get Tink!  With her, we can handle this!”   Just then the wolf below was surrounded by six burly brown wolves angrily snapping as they burst through the clearing.  “What the hell are the Blood Horizons doing here?” I angrily thought to myself.  The Blood Horizon pack was well known to everyone.  They were one of the largest packs amongst several regions and feared by almost all.   Their Alpha, Roman, was calculated, deadly, and worst of all, power hungry.  Sheer brute force and deadly measures was his forte.  He ruled with an iron fist and had taken over most of the small packs within his region.  The packs that did not agree to join him soon found themselves tortured and/or dead unless he had genuine use for them.  He was also notorious for rogue hunting as we called it.  They would even cross prohibited unauthorized borders searching for new recruits as Roman amassed his army.  That was part of the reason we moved from the northern border of our region…and the reason I knew their scent all too well.  I knew back then that leaving our first home and placing us well out of his reach was the only way to keep the girls safe.  From what I had heard and seen over our years there, Roman would stop at nothing to get who and what he wanted.    At least he did until The Founders Council, the governing body, managed to get enough evidence against him to issue a warning to stop or face the consequence of losing everything, including the dismantlement of his pack and loss of the entire northern region that they currently had claim in.  That’s what made their appearance here today even more disturbing.       The Blood Horizons were forbidden on this land, deemed so by the Alpha of the Crescent Moon Pack who had claim here.  The Crescent Moons were the largest and oldest pack in existence and fortunately for us, their rule was completely the opposite of the Blood Horizon.  Their Alpha, Nicholas, was smart, compassionate, and fair.  He was also one of the leaders of The Founders Council after his father’s passing.  I was particularly grateful for that, although that did not stop my cautious approach to our dealings or my avoidance of ever encountering them.    I knew Alpha Nicholas was aware of the Rogue 8, but he seemed to accept us and let us be, so long as we were deemed a help and not a threat.  In fact, we had been told on several occasions through notes on our payments that we could join the Crescent Moons, but I knew upon learning the Rogue 8 were she-wolves, Alpha Nicholas would have much different ideas of our roles in his pack.  At least because of his tolerance, The Founders Council had left us alone as well.  That didn’t mean I wasn’t worried they may try to end our endeavors one day…but I would do everything necessary to protect my family…always.  Even if that meant sacrificing myself.   I worriedly watched, hoping that the whatever events were going to play out would not unfold too quickly.  I needed enough time for Tink to get here. If we were forced to assist the outnumbered wolf, I needed my warrior.  Moving my eyes from the invaders to our grey stranger, I found myself surprised when he not only didn’t cower at all, but firmly held himself in place, taking a battling stance, seemingly ready to take them all on.      “Well, well,” a deep menacing voice drawled out from behind the trees, “If it isn’t Gavin.  This is quite a surprise!  Is your Alpha so incapable of handling a simple kidnapping that he had to hire filthy rogues to do his job?”   Shock flowed through my veins as I took the words in, realizing that none other than the Crescent Moon’s Beta, Gavin, was the one delivering our payment which instantly made things even more complicated.  Especially since I knew that voice.  It was the Blood Horizon Beta, Kristoff.  It was obvious that Gavin recognized him as well as he instantly shifted back into his human form.    “Show yourself, Kristoff!” Gavin angrily shouted out, “And tell your men to stand down and shift as well!”   “Maybe now is a good time to retreat” Vivian’s cautious advice filtered through my mind.    “No.” I adamantly returned, “We need to know why they are here. Just stay still.  Our cloak will last at least an hour. And tell Tink to be careful!”.   “Already done.  Made sure she’s cloaked as well.  Thank God for Raven.” Vivian nervously replied, “I still think she could make it.  She’s been working on—”    I broke in before she could finish, “No, besides we both know if anything were to go wrong, she would be the easiest and most enticing one to take!”   During our short conversation, Kristoff had arrogantly sauntered out into the clearing as his men shifted back as requested.  He was just as I had remembered.  Tall and slender, yet with a solid muscular frame and long wavy black hair contained within the confines of a ponytail.  There was a wide and wicked condescending smile across Kristoff’s chiseled dark features as he addressed Gavin with his arms outstretched, “Better?”   “Not really,” Gavin furiously retorted, darkness filling his already deep brown eyes, “Why are you here?  You know you are forbidden on this land!”   “I am here the same as you, I suppose,” Kristoff knowingly stated, “To get eyes on the Rogue 8…and extend an invitation.”   Gavin’s expression turned from fury to a humored grin as he shook his head in disbelief, “So you crossed over forbidden boundaries taking the chance of facing severe charges from The Council to offer the Rogue 8 a place in your pack?  They don’t really seem to fit your mold, Kristoff.  I’m afraid you and your Alpha have made a grave error in judgement.”   “Ah,” Kristoff sighed out, “Why don’t you let my Alpha determine if they will fit or not?  They are after all…very talented.  Something your Alpha must not appreciate if he has not attempted to have them join your pack until now.”      “So,” Gavin accused, “You admit that you and your Alpha have committed a crime?”   Fury crossed over him as Kristoff advanced forward a few steps, narrowing his eyes as the tone of his voice hardened and rose in volume, “Your Alpha has allowed the Rogue 8 too much freedom for way too long!  Quite careless if I were to give my honest opinion. I believe blood has been spilled on many occasions thanks to them.   My Alpha feels the same and will bring this argument to the Council if the Crescent Moons feel it necessary to file charges of trespassing.  We are merely investigating a potential threat not only to ourselves, but to the safety of all packs!  And seeing that I have witnesses to our encounter today…well, let’s just say your word won’t amount to much.”   “My Alpha feels that if they wanted to join our pack, they would come forward and request it,” Gavin firmly stated, his voice now rising to shout, “We don’t believe in trying to force anyone to join us, unlike the Blood Horizons.  The Rogue 8 have posed no threat whatsoever!  In fact, they have been an asset to our region saving countless smaller packs from the very threats that you claim them to be! The blood spilled has been only of other rogues who are the threats of all packs!  If your Alpha wishes to bring this to The Council, we will gladly show proof and witnesses of their benefit to all the packs.  Just as he has done before.  Alpha Nicholas has made it very clear through our channels that we would welcome them.  And if given the opportunity, welcome them we shall!”   “Hmmph! Like they would want she-wolves in their ranks.” Tink snorted through our link.  “Thanks for inviting me to the show ladies!  It’s not often we get to take in so much testosterone.  Boy, they are going at it!”      “Tink!” I replied back, “Lay low for now, okay? I want to see how this plays out.”   “As long as we get our money,” Tink huffed, “Mama needs some brownies!”    I swear…all this girl thinks about is food!  She does make a wonderful warrior for us, however.   While Viv and I are quick and cunning in battle, Tink is a large wall and more flexible and quick than first glance would make her appear.    “Already have my plan in place,” Tink confidently linked, “All you have to do is say GO!”.    “Three against seven or eight?  I don’t think so!  This is a trap, M, I can feel it.” Vivian argued.    “Easy peasy, Vivvy! You worry too much! M knows I can handle these mongrels!” Tink chuckled back.    “ENOUGH, both of YOU!” I admonished, “Stop bickering and pay attention!  We need to know if there is a threat!”  Thankfully, there was silence in my head once more and I could fully concentrate on the conversation below.    I just hoped that the conversation wouldn’t end as I feared…  

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